Thursday, August 20, 2009

An ex-Vogue model Liskula Cohen, 36 "whoring skank" landmark case against Google

Skank Vile ex-Vogue model is unmasked as blogger

An ex-Vogue model Liskula Cohen, 36 "whoring skank" landmark case against Google

An ex-Vogue model has won a landmark case against Google to unmask a blogger calling her a "whoring skank".

Liskula Cohen, 36, took the internet giant to New York's Supreme Court when bosses cited "privacy concerns" in refusing to tell her who left five hate messages.

After a judge ruled the writer be identified, the Canadian found she was a female acquaintance.

Cohen, whose career ended when she was glassed in the face two years ago, said: "I couldn't ignore it.

"I'm just thankful she's irrelevant in my life."

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