Erin Andrews Video | Search Term | Andrews | V.C. Andrews | Star Search
The web doesn't care too much about the status of Barack Obama's health care bill, the 'New Moon' website, or even the Taco Bell dog dying. No, what web users seem to be searching for most is the Erin Andrews peephole (now just "peep") video (or tape). The
newest search term web users are trying out is "watch Erin Andrews video peep", after so many other searches for the elusive voyeuristic footage have failed.
Perhaps Erin Andrews should respond to this madness with a joke; maybe we could really "watch Erin Andrews video peep" where she peeps like a baby chick on YouTube, or perhaps a search for "watch Erin Andrews video peep" could lead to a video of one of the neon-colored, sugary Easter candies with a blonde wig giving us a sportscast. These might as well be the results that come up for those typing in "Erin Andrews video peep", because the search for this unfortunate footage obviously is not going well.
I have never seen such madness surrounding what is probably a grainy video, and I've never seen search terms evolve like they have in a desperate effort to uncover this voyeuristic, disrespectful footage. On Jane Velez Mitchell's show tonight she showcased the technology that could be behind this frenzy to "watch Erin Andrews video peep", a kind of special "reverse peephole" technology that allows someone to record through the tiny hotel viewing glasses, which are supposed to only allow one-way viewing. So celebrities in hotels beware; now that enterprising voyeurs out there know what was used to create the Erin Andrews peephole video, you may come under their watch, as well.
This "video peep" has become a video roar, dominating Google Trends for the last few days, but it's hard to even think about how someone could watch this video without feeling horrible about themselves. Erin Andrews never asked to be the star of a nude or semi-nude voyeuristic video, and her privacy has been invaded; her image as a strong woman making it in a man's profession tarnished; and it's likely that she doesn't feel too safe at this point, with millions of obsessive fans trying to "watch Erin Andrews video peep".
Erin Andrews Peephole Video: What You're Not Seeing
Erin Andrews Peephole Video | Erin Andrews Peephole | Peephole
The Erin Andrews Peephole Video is Just a Professional Distraction
Erin Andrews may now be the most sought after woman in sports -- and all because of an elusive peephole video that has been uploaded to the internet. The Erin Andrews peephole video has gone viral -- or at least articles and ads purporting to have the Erin Andrews peephole video have
Erin Andrews Peephole Video: What You're Not Seeing
Date: July 19, 2009
gone viral -- and the internet has been ablaze for the past couple days with traffic either accessing or attempting to access the comely sports announcer's naked form via a video filmed without her knowledge. For her part, she has issued a legal statement through her lawyers that once the perpetrator or perpetrators are found, they will be prosecuted.
And rightly so...
Erin Andrews, for those who still have no idea who she is, works for ESPN as a sports reporter. Apart from being extremely attractive and popular, she is very good at her job. And although the more cynical will say that Erin Andrews has made it as far as she has primarily because of her looks, it must be noted that, if true, it isn't because she has calculatingly used her beauty to become a popular ESPN sports reporter. You won't find half a dozen swimsuit calendars with Erin Andrews posed provocatively atop the months of the year. And you won't find any nude photos or Playboy spreads (although she has been voted Playboy's Sexiest Sports Announcer).
And no sex tape. There is no Erin Andrews sex tape.
But you can find her in hundreds of photos on the web. For some, she wears far too many clothes, but clothed she is. And her photos (and videos) rarely show her in anything overly provocative, although she doesn't steer away from the forming fitting pair of slacks or an accentuating sweater. (There is nothing wrong with dressing for success or simply looking presentable. Male sports announcers are not seen running the sidelines in sweats or a ragged t-shirt and jeans.)
Still, Erin Andrews seems to have taken great pains over the years to be taken as a serious sports reporter, announcer, and journalist.
Carrie Prejean Sex Tape Stream: 1 Amazingly Controversial Sex Tape Stream for Free
Prejean | Carrie Prejean | Stream | Carrie | Tape
Carrie Prejean Sex Tape Stream is HOT HOT HOT
The Carrie Prejean sex tape stream is hot. The Carrie Prejean sex tape stream is free. Want to see a free Carrie Prejean sex tape stream? You're not alone. Ever since Wednesday, everyone and their brother (and sister) has been frantically searching for a free download of the Carrie
Carrie Prejean Sex Tape Stream: 1 Amazingly Controversial Sex Tape Stream for Free
Prejean sex tape stream.
Why do we want to see the sex tape stream so bad? It's not like many individuals haven't seen people performing the very act that Carrie Prejean performs in her solo stream debut. The Carrie Prejean sex tape stream has reached the same level of controversy as the Erin Andrews peephole video.
Intially, Carrie Prejean claimed that the sex tape video stream was taken when she was 17, according to CBS. She had a long distance boyfriend, and sent him the steamy video. Such actions amount to "sexting" today. "Sexting" is a relatively new term, and it's a crime that has landed teenagers in serious trouble - even making them in to registered sex offenders!
If Carrie Prejean was 17 when the sex tape video stream was made, it is child pornography. Viewing the sex tape could land you in a significant amount of trouble. Furthermore, spammers have used the Carrie Prejean sex tape video stream scandal to send viruses, spyware, and spam out in to computers around the world. To me, viewing the sex tape stream isn't worth it.
The "boyfriend" that Carrie Prejean made the sex tape video for debunks Ms. Prejean's claims that the tape was made when she was underage. According to Newser, Prejean's boyfriend received 15-20 racy videos during their relationship, and that she was over 18. She also asked him to lie about the age when the video was sent.
This report can explain some of the reason that Carrie Prejean walked out of the Miss California lawsuit after viewing a snippet of the sex tape video. Chances are, lawyers for Miss California got in touch with Carrie Prejean's ex-boyfriend. Maybe he's got some dirt on her that she really doesn't want getting out.
Beauty queens gone wild: Anya Ayoung-Chee's threesome sex tape
Anya Ayoung-Chee-bikiniWhy do sex tapes of former beauty queens continue to hit the news? Do pageant winners have a fetish for being photographed and videotaped? Or, do fading celebrities make sex tapes at the same frequency as the rest of us–it's just that audiences actually want to see these professionally beautiful people performing sex acts?
It seems the Miss California 2009, Carrie Prejean, solo sex tape scandal has been trumped by a threesome sex tape involving Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2008 (Anya Ayoung-Chee), her boyfriend/videographer Wyatt Gallery, and another woman originally thought to be Miss Japan 2008 (Hiroko Mima).
Wyatt Gallery, who has professional experience behind the camera as a fine arts photographer, told TMZ the footage was stolen from his computer and leaked to ruin Ayoung-Chee's career.
The Miss Universe Pageant is trying to distance itself from this latest scandal, washing its hands of the video which emerged only now that Ayoung no longer holds a title. The problem for the Pageant is that Gallery claims the video was shot in 2007, when Ayoung was part of the organization.
With each new beauty queen sex tape scandal, it becomes increasingly difficult for The Miss Universe Pageant to bill itself as a classy, formal affair. Still, I wouldn't be surprised if, like the celebrities involved in these scandals, the Pageant benefits from this "negative" attention. More viewers will start following these pageants, placing bets on which contestant will be caught in the next nude scandal. If the sex obsessed media dig's hard enough, they're bound to find "risque" images of these professional models wearing less than is required for the bathing suit competition.
Miss Universe Threesome Sex Tape Video Re-Introduces Miss Trinidad and Tobago to the World
Trinidad and Tobago | Miss Universe
Miss Universe Pageant Seems to Be Full of Contestants Who Like to Tape Themselves Having Sex
The Carrie Prejean solo effort sex tape video scandal might have to move aside for awhile, because the Miss Universe Pageant seems to have produced a threesome sex tape video involving Miss Trinidad and Tobago, her boyfriend, and another unknown female.
Miss Universe Threesome Sex Tape Video Re-Introduces Miss Trinidad and Tobago to the World
Date: November 18, 2009
A sex tape video recently surfaced where Miss Trinidad and Tobago was engaged in a threesome and it was first thought that the second female in the video was Miss Japan, but Anya Ayoung-Chee's boyfriend, Wyatt Gallery, has stepped forward to attest that the third person in the threesome sex tape video was not Miss Japan. Gallery, a fine arts photographer, is also claiming that the Miss Universe sex tape video footage was stolen from his laptop.
TMZ reported Wednesday that the Miss Universe Pageant had produced yet another sex tape scandal (the Carrie Prejean sex tape video scandal also involves the Miss Universe Pageant, the parent organization of Miss USA). And this sex tape scandal reportedly was not only of a threesome, but a hardcore sexual romp that involved two Miss Universe contestants, Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2008, Anya Ayoung-Chee, her boyfriend (the photographer) and Hiroko Mima, Miss Japan 2008.
But Wyatt Gallery, the man in the middle of the Miss Universe sex tape video threesome, told TMZ that the third woman was not Miss Japan, Hiroko Mima. The now unidentified female was just a very close friend. Gallery states that the sex tape video was stolen and "leaked" to sabotage his long-time girlfriend's career. He also noted that he was unsure where or when the sex tape video footage was stolen but he believed it was taken from his laptop when he took it in for repair. He said that he should have been more cautious and erased the files.
Although Miss Japan is not involved, it still remains a Miss Universe scandal, or so it would seem. But the Miss Universe organization has attempted to put distance between it and the Miss Trinidad and Tobago sex tape video and issued the statement
Carrie Prejean's brother: I would 'probably' watch her sex tapes
Carrie Prejean's brother, Billy Arnone, says he hasn't seen her sister's sex tapes but would 'probably' watch them if they were put in front of him.
Carrie Prejean's brother, Billy Arnone, says he hasn't seen her sister's sex tapes but would 'probably' watch them if they were put in front of him. Photo Credit: Video Grab
November 20, 2009, (Sawf News) - Carrie Prejean's brother, Billy Arnone, says he hasn't seen her sister's sex tapes but would 'probably' watch them if they were put in front of him.
In an interview with RadarOnline , Arnone defended his sister, but didn't do a very good job of it.
Like Carrie, he contended she was underage when the tapes were made, and like Carrie he wasn't convincing.
"She was 19-year-old...or 17-year-old....whatever. She was a teenager. A lot of young girls do stuff like that. I just think people should move on."
"It was from the cell phone and it was supposed to be something totally confidential," he added.
(Carrie's lawyers have also not been categorical in asserting that she was 17-year-old when the tapes were made. They have just alluded to the possibility. Her boyfriend has categorically stated the tapes were lensed in 2007, when Carrie was 19-year-old.)
Arnone says he knows for a fact that Carrie's boyfriend met her many times (At least 15), not once as is being claimed by the boyfriend. He then readily concedes that he and his family have not met the boyfriend, leaving you wondering how he is sure they met 15 times.
Most amazing was his response to the question whether he will watch his sister's sex tape.
"If they were put in front of me I'd probably watch it," he said.
Tila Tequila Says Naked Rant Was Caused By Abuse Flashbacks
Tila blaming Shawne Merriman for everything...
Tila Tequila, who released a strange nude video rant online the other day, is now saying the video was recorded during a personal meltdown caused by flashbacks from alleged abuse by NFL player Shawne Merriman and the ongoing legal case.
Tila said she "just kind of flipped out a little bit."
That court case could wind up costing Merriman $1.5 million.
Tila Tequila: "I Kinda Flipped Out a Little Bit" with Nude Rant
"Anxiety" not tequila to blame for meltdown
Tila Tequila loves the social networking sites, but admits she "kinda flipped out" on Ustream.
Tila says it was "flashbacks" not tequila that caused her to strip naked and dance around before an army of online fans for hours while ranting against the world – and she has a problem with Rihanna too.
The bisexual "Shot at Love with Tila Tequila" star acknowledged late Thursday that she had "kinda flipped out a little bit" on her Ustream webcast, TMZ reported.
Tequila, whose real name is Tila Nguyen, attributed the meltdown to "anxiety" rekindled by recently filing a $1.5 million suit against ex-boyfriend and San Diego Chargers lineman, Shawne Merriman. Tequila has accused the NFL star of choking and imprisoning her last September.
Merriman has maintained that he was just trying to keep Tequila from driving home drunk after a night partying. Tequila sued Merriman after San Diego prosecutors declined to file charges in the case.
On Wednesday, the reality star reportedly called Merriman a "woman beater" while referring to herself as "an angel" in the steamy streaming video, which has since been taken down.
"People call me an attention whore .. or whatever ... but excuse me I'm a grown ass woman and I'm confident in myself ...I think a woman's body is a beautiful thing ... that's why I'm a lesbian ... I was born naked ... anybody who is against that is gay and in denial," she said, TMZ reported.
When a cameraman from the gossip site caught up with Tequila the next morning, the petite model and musician said she was feeling much better.
"You know, I couldn't sleep and uh, I started getting anxiety," she said. "I'm doing ok. I hope that everybody just gives me a second change and supports me. They didn't even give me a fair chance last time."
In fact, Tequila had a theory for why, she said, many didn't believe her initial account of what went down that night with Merriman – It's all Rihanna's fault.
"You don't see Rihanna going and telling about her and Chris Brown," Tequila said she's been told.
"No offense to Rihanna [but] because of what she did, it sends out a message to everyone that when you get beat or abused -- keep your mouth shut."
Megan Fox nude photos 'sort of' hit the web: A preview of what is to come?
Megan Fox comical photos may spell new career path!
Megan Fox comical photos may spell new career path!
So, maybe these aren't actually naked photos of TRANSFORMERs starlet Megan Fox, but like many before have agreed – this may be a preview of things to come!
Though the actress, 23, has denied ever considering nudity outside of a film role, critics of the actress predict a rocky future for the sort-of-talent, after the lad's mag favorite walked a bad publicity path and potentially damaging her career.
Publically comparing Michael Bay to Hitler outraged millions of movie fans, not to mention victims of war and families affected by the Holocaust, with one angry citizen claiming, 'How dare she compare a film set to the suffering and slaughter of millions of people. Whether the comment was intended to be witty or not, she failed miserably and offended many a person. I'm yet to hear an apology from this 'actress'," Megan Fox singlehandedly toyed with her Hollywood potential by one (or sixty) instances of verbal diorreah.
There was claiming she was fiercely insecure about her appearance in the same month she claimed to be 'all knowing' of the impact her beauty has on men – Confusing, right? – before claiming all men are 'boys' and that she is in fact a bi-sexual; Having sought out an affair at 18 with a Russian stripper named Nikita, something Fox's mother Darlene strongly denies.
Then there was a New York Times interview, where Fox claimed girls think she is a slut because she is attractive, and not for her sexual promiscuity. The starlet said, "Girls .... Will attack the jugular."
Apparently Fox is the jugular?
Fox also claimed that everything she said in an interview was pretend, because she creates and hides beneath alter-egos as to protect her true self from the media. Interestingly so, the statement was barely believable.
But Megan Fox isn't as stupid as you think. Despite a lack of great theatrical talent, the 23-year-old possesses profound beauty (whether it's god given or not is a different story) and has quite a knack of garnering headlines, as well as keeping her male following's attention. And in a world of Paris Hilton celebutards, these two powers are all one needs.
Her latest flick Jennifer's Body was a box office bomb, something Fox blames on the ignorance of Middle America.
Jordan threatens to quit I'm A Celebrity
Glamour model Katie Price warned she may quit I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out Of Here! on Friday after she was nominated by viewers to take part in another gruesome trial.
Price -- who is also known as Jordan -- said "I cannot do it. I've had enough," after being chosen for the Bushtucker Trial for the fourth time, last night.
"Why do they keep picking me?", she added.
Viewers have already seen Jordan struggling to drink a glassful of crushed beetles, and crawl through confined spaces and doused in water.
Price -- who is making a return to the show where she famously met and fell in love with her now ex-husband Peter Andre -- believes voters are willfully giving her a "bad time".
"I think the public want to give me a bad time. You can't take it personally even though it's hard not to. They've seen me battered for the last three or four days. Let someone else have a go," she said.
Carmen Electra's lesbian sex tape 'leaked' online
CARMEN Electra's become the latest sexy star to have an intimate home video 'leaked' online.
The raunchy footage shows the Playboy pin-up cavorting with a scantily-clad brunette while sipping a bottle champagne.
Wearing nothing but high heels, stockings, pants, a red bra and diamond-studded choker, the pair stimulate lesbian sex and play-up to the cameraman.
Fellow Playboy cover girls Pamela Anderson and Kim Kardashian have appeared in X-rated home videos leaked online, as has Paris Hilton, whose was famously named One Night In Paris.
However, unlike the above three, Carmen's version does not feature her having sex. There is also speculation that the leak is a publicity stunt to promote a new movie or TV show.
Carrie Prejean: 8 sex tapes, one ex under a rock, and a red flag
Regardless of one's feelings about Carrie Prejean, the fact that her ex released a sex tape made in private is chilling. But then again, look at Jennifer Lopez, whose ex tried to release a honeymoon video.
Now RadarOnline claims there are more steamy videos and photos. Exclusive: 30-nude-photos-8-sex-tapes-carrie-prejean-surface
In the Carrie Prejean story, the ex boyfriend's name has not surfaced. Presumably he will one day crawl out from under the rock where he is hiding and make some money selling his side of the story while claiming to feel an obligation to set the record straight. Carrie Prejean, naughty nudie, dissed by blabbing ex-boyfriend
This ex-boyfriend is sounding more and more like another disgruntled ex-boyfriend cashing in at someone's expense. Perhaps he knows Levi Johnston. Levi Johnston flunks condoms, tries Vanity Fair (video)
A warning to young sexters -- watch what you do "for love'
If there is any good coming out of this seamy affair with Carrie Prejean, it may be the red flag to young people "sexting" boyfriends and girlfriends without thinking about consequences.
Let the release of the Prejean tape serve as a warning. In this age of sensationalism, sex tapes and sexting have a way of finding a wider audience. Prejean admits to making the tape for her boyfriend when she was a teen -- although the ex claims she was 20 and was asked to lie about her age. According to EDGE, Boston: Prejean's Boyfriend: Plenty More Tapes & She Asked Me to Lie
Right now sexting and sex tapes are running the Internet gamut with teens. "Sexting" Shockingly Common Among Teens - CBS News. And as reported in the Huffington Post last week, "Sexting alone just by itself will land a kid in jail," Pittman said. "They are not aware of the implications, the consequences. It's their future that we're trying to save." 'Sexting' Targeted In Oklahoma Hearing
Miley Cyrus Says Co-Star Liam Hemsworth Is Her Best Friend
'I've never gotten along with someone so well,' she tells Seventeen of 'The Last Song' star.
Miley Cyrus isn't exactly denying rumors that she's dating Liam Hemsworth, her Australian co-star in "The Last Song" (and the guy who may or may not have encouraged her to quit Twitter), but the soon-to-be 17-year-old singer/actress says that they're definitely BFFs.
"It sucks when your personal life becomes public," she said in the December/January issue of Seventeen magazine. "So I'm finding ways to make my personal and private life more of my life — which is one of the reasons why I deleted my Twitter. We've decided that any type of relationship that we have, we will always just keep it very DL. First and foremost, we are best friends, so that's what I tell people all the time."
Whether or not they are dating, she did say that Hemsworth has the ability to just make her feel really good about herself. "All you want is for one person to say, 'You did a really good job today.' Or 'You look really beautiful,' or 'I was really moved by that.' You just want one person to make you feel good about something you're doing," she explained. "Liam has been a big part of that."
Cyrus said that Liam's support on the set of "Last Song," which opens in April 2010, helped her take on a more mature role than her "Hannah Montana" body of work.
"I've never gotten along with someone so well," she said. "I was a little anxious about making this movie; I wanted everything to be perfect. To go on set and feel insecure was a totally new element for me. But he felt the same way. He admitted his insecurities, and it was really nice to have someone who understands me for once."
This nurturing work relationship almost never happened, Cyrus revealed. When she heard a rumor that he didn't really want the role, she was ready to believe the worst of him at their first audition. "I'm thinking, 'Here's this guy, he's amazingly good-looking, super-confident, and he doesn't realize how blessed he is to be in this room, because I know how blessed I am,' " she recalled. "Then I started talking with him, and he was just the most genuinely precious, sweet person. And the second audition comes around, and the chemistry was instant. From the time he walked in that door and we saw each other again, we [both] lit up, and we were excited to get to work and learn together."
For Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus, New Moon is not that cool
The Disney Channel's Selena Gomez has something in common with Miley Cyrus: the decision not to watch The Twilight Saga: New Moon.
Even though one would think she is familiar with Twilight, considering she is close with the film's star werewolf, Taylor Lautner, it turns out that Selena Gomez is not interested in watching the hit movies.
According to Us Magazine, Wizards of Waverly Place's Selena Gomez spoke about The Twilight Saga with Bonnie Hunt during a pre-taped interview for The Bonnie Hunt Show, and said, "I don't watch them," adding, "Sorry, I feel bad ... even though I am a teenager."
As it turns out, and even though they seem to be very different teenage girls (take the fact that Cyrus was voted "Worst Celebrity Influence" and Gomez "Best Celebrity Influence" as an example of their differences), The Disney Channel stars Selena Gomez and Miley Cyrus do have something in common: both of them are not interested in The Twilight Saga or New Moon.
In a recent interview with Cleveland radio station Q92, Hannah Montana's Miley Cyrus also spoke about The Twilight Saga, saying, "I've never seen it and nor will I ever." She also said, "I don't believe in it. I don't like vampires. ... I don't want anything to do with it. I don't like the shirts. I don't like any of it."
Certainly, Miley Cyrus' words were much harsher than Selena Gomez's. But both of their points of view oppose the opinion of thousands of girls their age, crazy about Twilight, New Moon, and stars Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, and Taylor Lautner.
What do you think?
Share your opinion about Selena Gomez, Miley Cyrus, Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, New Moon, and The Twilight Saga in the comments section! And don't forget to subscribe to the West Palm Beach Television Examiner for everything TV. Also, check out our TV Stars section.
Miley Cyrus Hasn't Seen or Read Twilight, But Like Totally Knocks it Anyway
There is, in fact, a real live teen girl who hasn't read or seen Twilight: Miley Cyrus.
There is, in fact, a real-live teen girl who hasn't read or seen Twilight: Miley Cyrus.
"I've never seen it and nor will I ever," said the 16-year-old 'tween queen in a recent radio interview, apparently not averse to at least linking her name with the Twilight brand in the pursuit of publicity.
And according to Cyrus, there's more (though not much more) to her anti-Twi stance than the franchise's threat to her corner on the teeny-bopper market.
"I don't believe in it," said Cyrus, making the honest mistake of confusing Twi-hard-dom as a religion. "I don't like vampires. ... I don't like the wolf that pops out of the screen when I'm watching my TV at night. I don't like it."
Cyrus, goes on: "I don't want anything to do with it. I don't like the shirts. I don't like any of it."
As people who rip into the Twilight craze on basically a thrice-daily basis, it pains us to say this, Miley, but don't knock the sparkly vampire romance 'til you've tried it.
In any case, the Disney star did cop to feeling a little left out being the sole teenager in the L.A. area who didn't lose their mind-grapes over Monday's New Moon premiere.
"I feel really lame because everyone's, like, so excited," she said. "I'm like, 'Don't even talk about it.'"
Miley Cyrus dresses up as prostitute for her birthday party
Miley Cyrus raised eyebrows when she got dressed up as a prostitute for her 17th birthday party.
Miley Cyrus raised eyebrows when she got dressed up as a prostitute for her 17th birthday party. Photo Credit: Splash News
November 20, 2009, (Splash News) - Miley Cyrus raised eyebrows when she got dressed up as a prostitute for her 17th birthday party.
The Hannah Montana star turned up at the bash at New York's Canal Room as Julia Roberts' character from the film Pretty Woman.
The Disney starlet celebrated with a performance from Constantine Maroulis and the cast of Broadway musical Rock of Ages, the New York Post reports.
A source said: "Miley had seen the show two weeks ago and loved it, so her mom Tish brought the cast in to surprise her. But I'm not sure who was more into Constantine - Miley or her mother. Between songs from the musical, Miley grabbed Constantine and danced with him at the front of the stage and then Tish joined in."
A representative for Miley was unavailable for comment.
Miley Cyrus dressed as prostitute for party
MILEY Cyrus has dressed as Julia Roberts' prostitute character from the film Pretty Woman for her 17th birthday party.
The Hannah Montana star dressed as Julia's prostitute character Vivian Ward at an 80s-themed celebration at New York's Canal Room on Wednesday.
The singer-and-actress – who celebrates her birthday on Monday – was particularly delighted with the evening's entertainment, a performance from Constantine Maroulis and the cast of Broadway musical Rock of Ages.
A source told America's New York Post newspaper: "Miley had seen the show two weeks ago and loved it, so her mom Tish brought the cast in to surprise her.
"But I'm not sure who was more into Constantine - Miley or her mother.
"Between songs from the musical, Miley grabbed Constantine and danced with him at the front of the stage and then Tish joined in."
Sarah Palin Newsweek Cover: Runner's World pans photo use
Newsweek's in hot water with the editors of Runner's World Magazine, which did not approve of or like the use of their 'Sarah Palin' photo on Newsweek's cover. A photo that sparked a lot of complaints, including mine:
Runner's World wrote:
On the cover of this week's issue of Newsweek is a photo that was shot exclusively for the August 2009 issue of Runner's World, in which Sarah Palin was featured on the monthly "I'm a Runner" back page. The photos from that shoot are still under a one-year embargo, and Runner's World did not provide Newsweek with its cover image. It was provided to Newsweek by the photographer's stock agency, without Runner;s World's knowledge or permission.
And now that photo's all over the place and Newsweek, not Runner's World, is benefiting from it. OK, and so are a lot of publications and bloggers and vloggers. But, as I told my good friend Lars, Newsweek started it. That written, and regardless of the benefit to bloggers and vloggers, Newsweek was wrong and its not out of bounds for me to use their work to make a point against their actions. Why? Because it's so widely used now.
Let's face it: it helped get my message out.
What will Runner's World do? Well, I think they've already done it. The question is what will Governor Palin do?
Stay tuned.
Carrie Prejean Storms Off Own Sex Tape; Calls Vibrator's Behavior 'Inappropriate'
Andy Borowitz, Borowitz Report, Carrie Prejean, Carrie Prejean Sex Tape, Carrie Prejean Tape, Cnn, Larry King, Miss California, Prejean Sex Tape, Sex, Sex Tape, Vibrators, Comedy News
One day after clashing with CNN host Larry King, former Miss California Carrie Prejean showed another flash of anger today, storming off the set of her own sex tape.
While it is unclear what precisely set Ms. Prejean off, she seems to have been riled by the behavior of her vibrator, which appeared in the tape with her.
"I'm sorry, but you are being inappropriate," she snapped at the vibrator before leaving.
The vibrator, which was left to complete the remainder of the sex tape on its own, could not be reached for comment.
Carrie Prejean warns women: Don't make sex tapes because you may get famous
Carrie Prejean stopped by "The View" on Tuesday to explain why she sold a tape of herself masturbating and to go into more depth on her new book: "Still Standing."
Prejean explained that the solo sex tape she made at at age 17 was the "biggest mistake" of her life.
She offered this advice to other young girls thinking of following in her handprints.
"In my book, I talk about how young women all the time are doing this and nothing is private any more -- nothing is private. And you know when you're young and you think: I'll never be famous, I'll never be a celebrity -- think you will."
Prejean then praised her personal decision to go public about the self-pleasuring video. "It's embarrassing even talking about this right now," said the former topless model/Fox News poster child. "I've been on national TV discussing the worst mistake of my life. I mean, how many people are comfortable doing that?"
When Barbara Walters reminded her that she also had monetary reasons -- "But you did it also because you have a book out" -- Prejean admitted that was true but then got back on topic with claims of religious discrimination for her gay-marriage views.
What do you think of Carrie Prejean now? Has your opinion of this young woman changed since the sex-tape news? Can we believe anything she says?
Michael Barrett, Erin Andrews Peeping Tom, Stalked Her at Hotels Across U.S.
Tags: Erin Andrews, Michael David Barrett, Stalking
Michael David Barrett, the man who allegedly secretly filmed ESPN reporter Erin Andrews nude in various hotel rooms, stalked her around the U.S. to do so.
That's according to federal investigators building their case against him.
The feds claim that Michael Barrett called seven hotels in Columbus, Ohio from January 28-29, 2008, trying to find out where the reporter would be staying.
After striking gold with a Columbus Hotel, the peephole perv got a room next to hers, altered the door of her room and secretly shot the Erin Andrews tape.
Barrett then got on the Internet to send the Erin Andrews nude video to his email account. Bada bing, you've got yourself some authorized, creepy footage.
Michael David Barrett PictureErin Pic
Michael Barrett is Erin Andrews' alleged peeping tom.
Fast forward to July. He called 14 hotels in Milwaukee, Wisc., and found where she was staying. Again, he checked in, altered the peephole and shot video.
In September, Barrett called a hotel, located Andrews' reservation, requested a room next door and the next day, altered the peephole and filmed her nude.
The email he sent the video to: Eww. He also posted the tape on Google video account, calling it "Erin Andrews Naked Butt."
Classy guy, that Michael Barrett.
Two questions: 1. Does this guy have a job? 2. Why would multiple hotels possibly reveal that a semi-famous guest is staying there, and in what room?!
A statement from Barrett's lawyer reads: "Mr. Barrett would like to express deep regret for the circumstances that caused the issuance of the charges against him today. It is his hope that this matter can be resolved as soon as possible."
Former Miss California Carrie Prejean made 7 other sex tapes, dozens of nude pics - report
Didn't you mean biggest mistakes, plural, of your life when you apologized for that sex tape, Carrie Prejean? Seven more have been uncovered, says a report.
Didn't you mean biggest mistakes, plural, of your life when you apologized for that sex tape, Carrie Prejean? Seven more have been uncovered, says a report.
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* Former Miss California Carrie Prejean confesses to sex tape: 'It was the biggest mistake of my life'
* Carrie Prejean throws temper tantrum on 'Larry King Live'; calls host 'inappropriate'
It looks like Carrie Prejean spoke too soon when she called her recent sex tape the "biggest mistake" of her life.
Either the seven other sex tapes that have just surfaced aren't actually salacious, or else the former Miss California has a little more to atone for.
RadarOnline has just learned that the dethroned beauty queen has no less than eight sex tapes and 30 naked photos to her name. As in her previous sex tape, she performs solo on each video.
Some of the new sexy photographs that have been unearthed Prejean allegedly took herself, of own reflection in a mirror, alternately topless and completely naked.
Prejean created a national controversy earlier this year when she spoke out against gay marriage during the Miss USA pageant. Her stance put her at odds with the pageant committee, which she later sued for libel, claiming she had been discriminated against for her religious views.
Prejean settled out of court on November 3 after her first sex tape surfaced. On Wednesday she threatened to walk off Larry King Live when the host questioned her about the deal.
Perhaps she can chalk up the moment as another error to add to her growing list.
Carrie Prejean's Biblical Boobs Are A-OK!
It is time to get off Carrie Prejean's back about her chest. The woman is correct. The Bible absolutely, positively does not say, "You shouldn't get breast implants." In those exact words.
We have reached this conclusion after seeking counsel and revving up the search engine at BibleGateway .
We are sorry we didn't take Prejean's word from the get-go. It just sounded like a rationalization from a beauty queen turned inspirational memoirist. But a little bit of faith would've saved us time, not to mention the embarrassment of having to ask students of the Bible for their thoughts on—how should we say?—pageant helpers.
Our findings—and, yes, our defense of Ms. Prejean—are as follows:
• A literal search of Prejean's quote to Christianity Today ("you shouldn't get breast implants") yields no results. Even in the kinda-hip-sounding New International Version. Bottom line: Prejean's right!
• The Bible not only doesn't doesn't say "you shouldn't get breast implants," it doesn't say anything about breast implants. (We know. We searched that more general phrase, too.) Bottom line: Prejean's right!
"Obviously, breast implants were not possible in Bible times, so the Bible nowhere addresses the decision of whether or not to get breast implants," MeLissa Houdmann, editor for Got Questions Ministries, confirmed in an email.
And no, in case you were wondering, we did not run "sex tape" through the handy-dandy Bible search engine. (OK, we did. And we're sorry. And anyway, we found no results. So, literally speaking, it would seem Prejean's in the biblical clear on that count, too.)
• By getting breast implants, Prejean arguably was living the message, or one of the messages, of the Bible. At least that's what we took away from our exchange with Ronald Ecker, author of And Adam Knew Eve: A Dictionary of Sex in the Bible.
"Breasts are associated in the Bible with sexual satisfaction, and breast size is important according to a couple of passages in the Song of Solomon," Ecker said via email.
As Ecker pointed out, one passage, Song of Solomon 8:8, even speaks woefully about the young, undeveloped woman who "hath no breasts."
"If such a thing [breast implants] were known back then," Ecker said, "I doubt that it would be forbidden."
Holy mackerel, Prejean's still right!
Now, please observe the above use of the word "arguably." Since the Bible isn't explicit on the subject of silicone and whatnot, we are left with interpretations. And interpretations vary.
"Ultimately, my conviction is that breast implants are wrong if the sole purpose is vanity [or] pride," Houdmann said.
Tom Gruber, author of What the Bible "Really" Says About Sex, meanwhile, has no problem with the procedure: "I don't see it as a moral question at all," he told us. "What's wrong with looking good?"
In the end, if we can accept that reasonable people can reach reasonable, but divergent, conclusions, then can't we accept that Prejean is entitled to her own opinion, if not her own pageant helpers?
Or, to put it another way, if there are no right answers, then Prejean can't be wrong.
Carrie Prejean ex comes forward with new photos of former Miss California
* Articles
* Former Miss California Carrie Prejean: The Bible doesn't prohibit breast implants
* Carrie Prejean made 7 other sex tapes, dozens of nude pics - report
* Carrie Prejean throws temper tantrum on 'Larry King Live'; calls host 'inappropriate'
* Former Miss California Carrie Prejean confesses to sex tape: 'It was the biggest mistake of my life'
* Hardcore Carrie Prejean sex tape spurred her to settle suit: report
Yet another ex-boyfriend has come forward to say beauty queen Carrie Prejean likes to flaunt what she's got.
Unfortunately for Jeremy Lattin, the photos she gave him were nowhere near as saucy as the explicit home videos Prejean sent to another ex-beau.
Lattin, who dated Prejean more than two years ago in San Diego, told eonline that "she sent me sexy pictures of herself in a bikini and stuff, but nothing worse than the stuff you find now by just Googling her name."
One reason could be that the relationship between Lattin and Prejean - the former Miss California who has been embroiled in scandal and controversy since she spoke against gay marriage at this year's Miss USA pageant - wasn't all that deep and meaningful.
"We went to church a couple of times," said Lattin. "She played basketball. I had never dated a girl who played basketball before, so that was really cool."
Prejean, 22, has been roundly criticized in recent weeks for being hypocritical. After stating that her faith prevents her from accepting same-sex marriage, topless photos and raunchy videos in which she reportedly pleasures herself began to surface, leading to her being stripped of her Miss California crown.
This month, Prejean stormed off "The Larry King Show" after she accused the CNN host of asking an "inappropriate" question about the sex-tape scandal.
Lattin told eonline that Prejean's public tribulations are hardly a shock. "(Prejean) was always loud and outspoken and all this stuff going on doesn't surprise me coming from her," he said.
Vivid Buys Carrie Prejean Sex Tape, Beauty Queen Dating Kyle Boller
Vivid Buys Carrie Prejean Sex Tape, Beauty Queen Dating Kyle Boller: There's no question that the power of the media is a pretty incredible thing in this country, very powerful indeed. Don't believe me? Just ask United States President Barack Obama and/or former Miss California, Carrie Prejean.
These are without question two of the most recent, vivid, and contrasting examples in which the media can either take one side (if they agree with it) and glorify it, versus opposing the other and shredding it to pieces.
Not only has Prejean's world changed ever since exercising what she thought was her First Amendment right, but saying she's had a tough time battling the media-machine would be a mammoth understatement.
Since we can't have enough of this beauty queen, she's making headlines once again… and you guessed it, for all the wrong reasons.
As if getting fired as Miss California, writing a book, admitting to a sex tape and falling in love with NFL player Kyle Boller weren't enough, there's more. According to various reports, Vivid Entertainment, one of the country's largest porn companies, has allegedly purchased the rights to Carrie Prejean Sex Tape.
According to other sites, the Carrie Prejean Sex Tape consists of a solo performance. The Carrie Prejean Sex Tape allegedly contains, "erotic footage that Carrie Prejean, former Miss California, produced for her boyfriend following their four (4) day rendezvous in February 2007." Carrie Prejean called the homemade video "the biggest mistake of my life."
Carrie Prejean's Brother Would Watch Her Sex Tapes
Tagged: Billy Arnone, carrie prejean brother, carrie prejean nude photos, carrie prejean sex tape video, carrie prejean sextape torrent, carrie prejean sextape video free, carrie prejean sextape video torrent, carrie prejean's brother
In what has got to be the grossest quote yet to come out of the whole Carrie Prejean sex tape scandal, her own brother, Billy Arnone, said he'd watch his sister in action if the tapes get published!
What the hell is wrong with this family? I mean, we get it, men like porn and they'll watch just about anything with a naked woman in it. But admitting you'd watch your own sister in a sex tape is disgusting enough to make me throw up a little in my mouth. Yet, that's exactly what he did, saying, "If they were put in front of me I'd probably watch it."
Billy Arnone offered up this nasty bit of information in an interview with RadarOnline . Not only does he express his interest in incestuous porn viewing, he also pretty much throws his sister under the bus.
When asked if Carrie Prejean was indeed of legal age when she made the sex tapes and nude photos - as she has adamantly stated - he at first says she was "19 years old" before backtracking. "Or 17 years old," he corrects himself. "Whatever, she was a teenager." He admitted, however, he doesn't see how Prejean can prove she was indeed a minor when she shot the videos.
If I were Carrie Prejean, I'd be disowning this weirdo pronto - and keeping the hell away from this pervert permanently.
Carrie Prejean Has 30 Naked Pictures And 8 Sex Tapes
Carrie Prejean naked
After lying and denying it was her, Carrie Prejean has now finally admitted that she once made a tape of herself masturbating. Well apparently that isn't the whole truth either.
Reports are now coming out that there are 8 sex tape of Carrie Prejean, all of them solo performances, just like the one sex tape that the religious beauty queen has admitted to. On one tape Carrie is wearing just a flowing white blouse as she touches her own body in an alluring manner. Carrie can be heard moaning on a few of the tapes.
There are also at least 30 photos of Carrie, most topless, some showing everything, and most taken by Carrie using her reflection in a mirror.
As soon as these leak to the Internet we will be posting them… well maybe not right away, we may have to "review" them for a few hours first. I thank Allah that my penis doesn't have ears, so I don't care how stupid this chick is.
Carrie Prejean Sex Tape: And The Tits Just Keep On Coming
Carrie Prejean, Carrie Prejean naked, Carrie Prejean sex tape, Carrie Prejean photosThe momentum of this Carrie Prejean sex tape scandal is breathtaking – it's just like a Hollywood movie.
Alright, maybe not a Hollywood movie. A movie from somewhere that makes crap porn. But a movie nonetheless. It seems as if every day the stakes in the Carrie Prejean sex tape saga get raised just that little bit higher. Now it's emerged that Carrie Prejean didn't simply make one sex tape – she made eight, and took around 30 naughty photos of herself, too.
It just keeps getting better and better, doesn't it? Maybe tomorrow we'll hear that Carrie Prejean isn't an unremittingly dreadful person after all, allowing someone somewhere to get marginally aroused by any of this.
As far as Carrie Prejean is concerned, all bets are now off. Originally we just thought that Carrie Prejean was just a God-fearing beauty queen with skin the colour of manky carrot pulp and a confusing sideline in belittling homosexuals. But then it turned out that she'd made a sex tape.
But then it turned out that the Carrie Prejean sex tape was literally just footage of Carrie being unspeakable all by herself. But then it turned out that she was a teenager when she made it. But then it turned out that actually she was probably 20. And now it's turned out that Carrie Prejean more or less can't stop recording footage of herself thwapping away at her groin like she's trying to put it out while she simultaneously makes coldly disinterested vowel sounds with her mouth. She's made hundreds of these tapes. Well maybe not hundreds. Eight. Carrie Prejean has made eight sex tapes. RadarOnline reports:
[Carrie] called the sex tape the biggest mistake of her life. Now a RadarOnline investigation has uncovered that there are SEVEN more "biggest mistakes" of her life – all of them solo performances. And there are 30 photos of Carrie, most topless, some showing everything, and most taken by Carrie using her reflection in a mirror… Carrie can be heard moaning on a few of the tapes.
Where is this going to end? Sure, it's only eight sex tapes and 30 photos today, but tomorrow? We've heard rumours that Carrie Prejean has actually made over ten million sex tapes and taken more than four hundred trillion racy photographs of herself. And that around 15% of the videos feature Carrie trying to push a mop handle up the rectum of a startled monkey in a fez. And that a disproportionate number of the photographs show Carrie stark naked and standing at the top of a stepladder, manfully trying to masturbate a cloud to full ejaculation.
It can only be a matter of time before these Carrie Prejean sex tapes see the light of day now, especially since Vivid Entertainment – the company behind the Kim Kardashian sex tape, among others – seems convinced that Carrie will make millions of dollars if she allows it to distribute the tapes.
At the moment, Prejean's response is said to be "no, at any price" but we can't see what the fuss is all about. People will end up watching the tapes anyway, so she may as well profit from them. And it's not like selling homemade diddle tapes of herself is going to stop Carrie Prejean from going to heaven, is it? Because painting herself orange and behaving like a massive arsehole at every possible opportunity will have done that ages ago.
Keeley Hazell nude for PETA 'Be comfortable in your own skin: Don't wear fur' campaign
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Keely Hazell's new "Be comfortable in your own skin" campaign for PETA
PETA's "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" campaign is taking it a step further this week with its first completely NSFW shots, courtesy of model Keeley Hazell and photographer Dean Freeman.
The new "Be comfortable in your own skin: Don't wear fur" campaign features two new posters: The (moderately) SFW image at right, and a second frontal topless shot PETA is asking for age verification for. Crass grab for attention? Sure. But wearing fur in this day and age is even crasser, and I continue to love PETA's sexy campaigns.
Here's more, via PETA (click through for the racier of the two ads):
Sexy pin-up model Keeley Hazell has quickly become an international hit with her beautiful figure and racy photo shoots. Now, the Brit is out to steal our hearts with her gorgeous anti-fur ads for PETA!
Keeley is a strong believer that fur belongs on the backs of animals and that we should all feel comfortable in our own skin and let animals keep theirs. "Once you learn how the fur trade treats animals, it's impossible to think of wearing fur as sexy or glamorous," she says. "I believe that killing animals for vanity is wrong."
Former Miss California Carrie Prejean: The Bible doesn't prohibit breast implants
Carrie Prejean says there is nothing wrong with getting breast implants as a Christian.
Carrie Prejean says there is nothing wrong with getting breast implants as a Christian.
Pageant officials paid for Prejean's breast implants weeks before she competed in Miss USA.
Pageant officials paid for Prejean's breast implants weeks before she competed in Miss USA.
Related News
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* Porn company wants to release Carrie Prejean sex tape
* Carrie Prejean made 7 other sex tapes, dozens of nude pics - report
* Carrie Prejean throws temper tantrum on 'Larry King Live'; calls host 'inappropriate'
* Former Miss California Carrie Prejean confesses to sex tape: 'It was the biggest mistake of my life'
* Hardcore Carrie Prejean sex tape spurred her to settle suit: report
Does God approve of breast implants?
Carrie Prejean has no doubt.
The former Miss California told Christianity Today that the Bible makes no judgment about boob jobs.
"I don't think there's anything wrong with getting breast implants as a Christian," she told the magazine. "I think it's a personal decision. I don't see anywhere in the Bible where it says you shouldn't get breast implants."
Prejean reportedly requested to have breast enhancement surgery "to be more competitive" at the April 2009 Miss USA pageant and verbally agreed to repay pageant organizer K2 Productions for a loan.
However, the deposed beauty queen found herself in hot water -- again -- last month after K2 filed a lawsuit against her, claiming she had not repaid the $5,200 it lent her for the procedure.
The lawsuit was eventually dropped, with both parties signing a private settlement agreement that releases Prejean of any financial obligations.
The 22-year-old model, who first became a lightning rod for critics after she answered a pageant question stating she opposed same-sex marriage, was stripped of her crown June 10 for alleged contract violations.
She filed suit against pageant officials claiming religious discrimination. However, she dropped the case recently after pageant lawyers were presented with a hard-core sex tape featuring the dethroned beauty queen.
According to RadarOnline , Prejean has no less than eight sex tapes and 30 nude photos to her name, each showing the model performing solo sex acts.
Porn production company Vivid Entertainment has reportedly received one of Prejean's tapes and is said to be eager to release it to the public, TMZ reports.
"It was the biggest mistake of my life," Prejean told Sean Hannity when she appeared on his Fox News Channel show. "I was all by myself. I was sending a boyfriend at the time, who I loved and cared about, a video of me."
She added, "Never did I think it would ever come out. But it was bad judgment and it's embarrassing."
Suspect videotaped ESPN's Erin Andrews in Columbus hotel
Nude videos posted online resulted in federal stalking charge
A man arrested for stalking ESPN television reporter Erin Andrews first shot secret video of her while she was nude in a Columbus hotel room, according to details of the case filed yesterday.
Michael David Barrett, 48, of Westmont, Illinois, was arrested Oct. 2 and charged with one count of felony interstate stalking after videos of Andrews were circulated on the Internet. Federal authorities provided more specific information on the case in a document filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles.
Barrett called seven Columbus hotels in January 2008 to learn where Andrews would be staying, then made a reservation at the same hotel, federal officials said. The specific hotel was not identified.
According to the charges, Barrett stayed in the hotel room next to Andrews on Feb. 4 and 5, 2008, and "altered the peephole device in the door of the room" Andrews occupied. He then shot video of Andrews naked in her room.
Andrews was in Columbus to cover Ohio State's men's basketball game against Michigan on Feb. 5, according to WBNS-TV.
Barrett is charged with using the same method to capture video of Andrews in hotels in Milwaukee in July and Nashville in September.
Barrett earlier this year attempted to sell the videos to celebrity Web site TMZ and then posted the videos online, according to prosecutors.
Barrett is scheduled to make his initial appearance in federal court in Los Angeles on Friday.
Carrie Prejean Sex Tape Always A Big Controversy: Will Carrie Prejean Ever Live the Sex Tape(s) Down?
The Carrie Prejean sex tape(s) are still a big controversy for Carrie Prejean. Will the sex tape hype ever die down? Although the excitement surrounding the tapes has died down somewhat, people are still curious about the tape. After all, isn't there a little bit of a voyeur in all of us?
I don't think Carrie Prejean will ever live the sex tapes and racy photos down. After all, Erin Andrews peephole video is months old and people are still searching for it. Carrie Prejean was more exposed than Miss Andrews in her video, so chances are the hype will remain even hotter.
Adding to the hype is the fact that Carrie Prejean lied about the tapes and tried to deflect blame. She was allegedly "only 17" when she made the tapes (which she also claimed were the "biggest mistake" of her life…). She also allegedly only made one tape. However, an ex-boyfriend surfaced and confirmed that Carrie Prejean was over 18 when the tapes were made, and there were several tapes made.
Rumor has it that there are 8 sex tapes available. That is 7 additional tapes and the original leaked tape last week. We know that the first sex tape includes Carrie Prejean making a "solo performance." Details of the other 7 tapes have yet to be leaked.
Will Carrie Prejean ever live the sex tapes down? Probably not. After all, she did lie about them. Furthermore, sex sells and everyone's buying – so as long as the tapes are out there, people will hunt for them. In addition, lying about the tapes and throwing a fit on Larry King Live was enough to make many people who otherwise wouldn't have cared very curious, and therefore make them hunt for the pictures.
Miss Universe S3X Tape Video: A Sex Tape Video Featuring Miss Universe Contestant
The Miss Universe S3X Tape Video Could Become Hotter Than the Carrie Prejean Tapes
The Miss Universe s3x tape video is the new Carrie Prejean sex tape. While last week the buzz was on one former Miss Universe contestant, one other former contestant is featured in a steamy hardcore sex tape. The
Miss Universe S3X Tape Video: A Sex Tape Video Featuring Miss Universe Contestant
Miss Universe 3 some (hence the name "s3x") features the former Miss Trinidad and Tobago. Other participants include her boyfriend and an unidentified third woman. Originally, it was thought that the unidentified female was Miss Japan. Her boyfriend has refuted the claims.
Wyatt Gallery is the photographer that had the hardcore s3x tape on his computer. He took his computer in for repair, and contends that the footage was stolen while in the shop. Skeptics think that the Miss Universe s3x tape video is yet another sex tape that has an "accidental-on-purpose" leak. It's awfully strange that the Miss Universe tape has surfaced and gained popularity right around the time that Vivid Entertainment offered to make Carrie Prejean "millions" off her steamy sex tape videos.
Luckily, no Miss Universe employees were involved in the creation of the s3x tape video. Miss Trinidad and Tobago was not reigning at the time the video was made.
Vivid Entertainment is likely salivating, thinking of all the money they can make out of the steamy s3x video. If they could obtain rights to the Miss Universe threesome video and the Carrie Prejean sex tapes, they could add them to the footage they already own of Kelly McCarty to make a "Miss-Universe-Contestant-Gone-Wild" video.
Vivid Entertainment may not have much luck obtaining the rights to Carrie Prejean's sex tape. Prejean's mother/rep told Vivid that the videos would not be sold "for any price." Rumor also has it that Carrie Prejean is has threatened to sue TMZ should the sex tape ever be released.
There's something in the water that makes beauty pageant contestants strip down and act steamy. Perhaps they just wanted to have a little fun, or maybe it's because they know they will make millions if the tapes are ever "leaked" or there's some sort of scandal. After all, you can only win a pageant so many times and a sex tape is likely to reap handsome dividends for years.
Carmen Electra Sizzles in "Leaked" Lesbian Sex Tape Video
Some Say It's a Publicity Stunt -- and She Does Have a New Show, Perfect Catch
Carmen Electra has had a lesbian sex tape video "leaked" to the internet. Carmen Electra, sexy MTV video VJ and Playboy model, has become the latest star in an ever increasing string of sex tape videos "leaked" -- but this sex tape video has a lesbian angle. The
Carmen Electra Sizzles in "Leaked" Lesbian Sex Tape Video
Miss Universe s3x tape scandal that hit the internet Tuesday was close, but the two women engaged in sex included a male partner. Carmen Electra's "leaked" sex tape video does not. It is a simple lesbian encounter. But there is more. Or, actually, there is less than what is being used as an attention-getter. Although it is true that Carmen Electra has a lesbian sex tape video making the rounds, the sex tape isn't exactly a sex tape.
If one is broadminded and all-inclusive enough to add rubbing, kissing, and caressing and related acts as sex, then the Carmen Electra sex tape video that was leaked qualifies. Otherwise, it can only be considered a simulated lesbian encounter with sexual overtones -- or something like that. But no actual sexual intercourse or overt sex acts take place in the video.
And if one believes that Carmen Electra is a hot, vibrant woman, it may not matter. Just seeing her engaged in a passionate act may be all that the potential viewer requires.
According to the Herald Sun, the "leaked" lesbian sex tape may be some sort of publicity stunt to preface some project Carmen Electra may currently be involved in, but they offer no proof. According to the Internet Movie Database, Carmen Electra has a movie in post-production due out in 2010 called "Mardi Gras." She also has a film entitled "Oy Vey! My Son Is Gay!" that debuted at the Montreal film festival in September. A comedy, Electra stars in the film with Lainie Kazan and Saul Rubinek.
It is unclear if the "leaked" lesbian sex tape video has anything to do with either movie or if Carmen Electra simply might be attempting to promote her new E! Television show, "Perfect Catch," which she hosts. The show premiered on November 1 and takes the viewer to eight different Greek islands in order to find the "perfect catch" for eight contestants.
Miss Universe Threesome Sex Tape Leaked
Miss Universe Threesome Sex Tape
Another day, another beauty pageant sex scandal. And no, this post amazingly has nothing to do with Carrie Prejean, who evidently has eight sex tapes, or Kari Ann Peniche, of Eric Dane/Rebecca Gayheart fame. (Is it just a coincidence that they have the same name spelled differently?) This time around it's Anya Ayoung-Chee, Miss Trinidad/Tobago 2008, who's been caught on camera in four separate clips. Two of the vids show her getting down and dirty with her boyfriend, Wyatt Gallery. A third and fourth clip show her in a threesome with an unidentified woman. At first, people thought the third was Hiroko Mima, Miss Japan 2008, but Gallery spoke up to say that wasn't her. The video was shot back in 2007—a big year for beauty queen sex tapes, evidently—and supposedly was swiped from Gallery's computer when he brought it in to be repaired. "I feel horrible and embarrassed for Anya, her family and myself," he's said. When will the tiara set learn not to record their hanky-panky? [NY Daily News]
EXCLUSIVE: Carrie Prejean Was Over 18 When Nude Photos TakenEXCLUSIVE: Carrie Prejean Was Over 18 When Nude Photos Taken
The scandal surrounding Carrie Prejean continues to grow as RadarOnline has confirmed that the dethroned Miss California was over 18 when the nude photos of her were snapped.
PHOTOS: Miss California Carrie Prejean
Her lawyers, in carefully worded statements, have indicated she may have been underage at the time some of the photos were taken – a fact that would likely prevent every media outlet from running the photos. While that's good legal strategy, it does not accurately reflect the facts, a source close to the situation tells RadarOnline exclusively.
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Prejean had previously admitted to one sex tape, calling it the biggest mistake of her life. But RadarOnline then exclusively revealed the existence of 30 nude photos of Prejean and EIGHT sex tapes.
Now a source close to the situation says Carrie was at least 18 and that the photos have a telltale sign that proves it.
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Carrie took a series of photos of herself in increasing degrees of nudity. Photos show her with a bra on, then with her bra off, revealing her breasts with a prominent tan line. In some photos Carrie is wearing only panties. In others, nothing is left to the imagination.
PHOTO: Prejean And Michael Phelps Together
There are also photos of Carrie displaying her perfectly toned bottom for the camera as well as other shots where she is wearing panties, but pulls them to the side
PHOTOS: See More Than 25 Exclusive Shots Of Young Angelina Jolie, Sitting For Portraits And Action Photos!
Carrie Prejean Sex Tape...A Big Porno? Vivid Desires Prejean Sex Tape Videos
Carrie Prejean | Prejean | Celebrity Sex Tape
Prejean's Mom Turned Down Vivid's Offer to Purchase Carrie Prejean Sex Tape...Lawsuit In the Works
The Carrie Prejean sex tape videos are the subject of more speculation. The Carrie Prejean sex tapes could become the next celebrity video flick on Vivid . The same site that boasts the Kim Kardashian sex tapes and the Shauna Sands video
Carrie Prejean Sex Tape...A Big Porno? Vivid Desires Prejean Sex Tape Videos
could pick up yet another high-profile scandalous clip. With all the attention surrounding the videos, the deal couldn't come at a better time for Ms. Prejean. After all, she recently settled her million dollar Miss California lawsuit rather hastily in the wake of the sex tape video release.
For the past week, people young and old, man and woman have been searching for the Carrie Prejean sex tapes. At first, there was some hesitation because it was believed that Ms. Prejean was underage when the tapes were made. She told reporters that the tape was the "biggest mistake" of her life and that she was "only 17" when she made them. An ex-boyfriend resurfaced and let everyone know that there were plenty more sex tapes and that the fallen beauty queen was of age when she made them.
What makes the sex tape videos so scandalous? Carrie Prejean holds herself to a "high moral" standard and is a "conservative" Christian. Although we can't judge her religious beliefs, she acts in a very contradictory manner to how she wishes to portray herself. She's got more nude and racy photos and sex tapes than many other B-list celebrities. She's the center of a scandal and I think she likes it.
I still think the worst is yet to come. With all the popularity surrounding Carrie Prejean, I wouldn't be surprised if she got her own cheesy reality dating show. She's a gorgeous girl, so I wouldn't be surprised at all to see men chasing after her vying for her attention. Then, she will probably get to come on to Oprah. If I was Oprah, I would be worried that she would call me "inappropriate", storm off stage, and insult a lesbian audience member.
Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2008 caught in three-some sex tape scandal
New York: Miss Trinidad and Tobago 2008 has become the latest beauty to be caught up in a sex tape scandal. Anya Ayoung-Chee was named after a video showing her having sex with boyfriend, Wyatt Gallery and another woman in a menage a trios was leaked.
According to TMZ, Gallery confirmed Ayoung-Chee featured in the tape that he claimed was shot in 2007, reports The New York Daily News. He alleged the footage was swiped from his laptop while at a repair shop in Trinidad.
The scandal comes after a steamy tape shot by former Miss California USA Carrie Prejean for her ex boyfriend found its way to the public.
Carrie Prejean talks sex tape and breast implants to 'Christianity Today'
Carrie Prejean tells Christianity Today that the Bible approves her breast implants. Prejean has been the subject of controversy ever since claimed she lost the Miss USA pageant for answering Perez Hilton's question on gay marriage. She said marriage should be reserved for people of the opposite sex.
The former Miss California USA was in the news again last week when news of a sex tape surfaced amidst her settlement negotiations with pageant officials. Prejean sued the pageant for religious discimination and defamation. The pageant countersued for the cost of her implants, for which it paid $5,200.
"I don't think there's anything wrong with getting breast implants as a Christian," Prejean told the magazine when asked if her implants "might be incompatible with her Christian faith." "I think it's a personal decision. I don't see anywhere in the Bible where it says you shouldn't get breast implants."
Of her sex tape, Prejean says, "There is a video out there of me. I was really young and immature. It was the worst mistake of my life. It was a really stupid, stupid decision that I made. But I take full responsibility for it. Did I think I would ever be a celebrity or my boyfriend at the time, who I sent it to, would ever blackmail me? No. I think we all make mistakes and we all do things when we're young that sometimes backfire later in life."
Carrie Prejean's sextape,nipple and nude pictures follows Miss Trinidad/Tobago sex tape!
As if one sextape scandal at a time was not enough! The Prejean sex tape buzz hasn't yet faded and we have been hit by one more sextape scandal. And coincidentally she is also a beauty queen. She is Miss Trinidad/Tobago 2008 and her sex tape has also been leaked.
Is it a new trend with the beauty pageant holders to have a sex tape and to have it get leaked somehow? We have no idea but it seems Miss Trinidad/Tobago's boy friend is with her in this tough time. And why won't he be with her? After all, it started with him.
Miss Trinidad, Anya Ayoung-Chee once had sex with his boyfriend and they captured it on tape. Then the guy transferred the video to his laptop and one fine day his laptop started giving him trouble so he took it to the service center, the genius geeks out there reportedly sneaked the video out and sold it as well as aw it.
"I feel horrible and embarrassed for Anya, her family and myself," he told TMZ, and suggested the leaking of the tape was done intentionally to damage her career.
But what's done is done and poor Miss Trinidad has landed in a soup just like Prjean
Carmen Electra just had a lesbian sex tape leaked online. Video inside
Carmen Electra new leaked sex video
Carmen Electra new leaked sex video
Carmen Electra
Carmen Electra's video footage shows her cavorting with another brunette while sipping a bottle champagne. Carmen is seen dancing seductively wearing nothing but black high heels, stockings, panties, a red bra and a diamond-studded choker.
Carmen Electra's video does not feature her actually having sex it is more like lesbian forplay. At one point, she unzips the camera man's trousers but there's no actual sex involved in the footage.
There is speculation that the leak is a publicity stunt to promote a new movie or TV show.
The video is below but I am not sure if it will be up on YouTube for long. It is borderline NSFW, it's not really that bad but I wouldn't watch it with the kiddies around.
Carrie Prejean's Sex Tape Mentor -- Shauna Sand
Posted Nov 17th 2009 8:00PM by TMZ Staff
Carrie Prejean is getting some sage sex tape advice from someone with serious experience in the field, someone who knows what's at stake ... someone who wants Carrie to just give in and take the damn money already -- and that someone is Shauna Sand.
Carrie and Shauna
Like a lucite messiah, Sand has fired off a letter to Prejean in an attempt to convince the "biblically correct" beauty queen to stop fighting the release of her sex tape -- and take the million dollar offer from the Vivid Entertainment porno company.
In the letter, obtained by TMZ, Shauna draws from her own personal experiences, explaining how she decided not to waste "thousands of dollars" trying to fight the release of her "leaked" sex tape -- but instead worked out a deal with Vivid so she could maximize the profit provided by her privates.
But just in case Carrie isn't convinced by Shauna's letter, Sand has also offered to spend some quality one-on-one time together ... to, uh, "talk." That would be a conversation worth listening to...
Former Playboy model Shauna Sand urges Carrie Prejean to realease sex tape and make millions
Ex-Miss Calif. Admits Making Solo Sex...
Former Miss California USA Carrie Prejean admits making a sex tape for an ex-boyfriend and says it...
Carrie Prejean and Shauna Sand
Source: The Daily Telegraph
WITH more sex tapes than she knows what to do with, disgraced Miss Universe California Carrie Prejean has been told to release them by no other than former Playboy model, Shauna Sand, who has her own video.
Sand has fired off a letter to Prejean in an attempt to convince the "biblically correct" beauty queen to stop fighting the release of one of her eight sex tapes - and take the million dollar offer from the Vivid Entertainment company.
In the letter, obtained by celebrity website TMZ, Shauna draws from her own personal experiences, explaining how she decided not to waste "thousands of dollars" trying to fight the release of her "leaked" sex tape.
In Pictures: Shauna Sand
In Pictures: Carrie Prejean
* Scandal: Beauty queen's $1m vivid porn offer
* Naked: Beauty queen has eight sex tapes
* Holiday snaps: Sex tape beauty queen's ex reveals pics
* Miss California: Beauty queen silenced by sex tape
* Porn tape fight: Sex tape Shauna draws line in Sand
* Stripped: Anti-gay, nude photo beauty queen dumped
* Counter-sue: Officials want Carrie's boob cash
End of sidebar. Return to start of sidebar.
Instead she worked out a deal with Vivid so she could maximise the profit provided by the public seeing her naked and having sex.
Special Section: Celebrity Sex Tapes
In case Carrie isn't convinced by Sand's letter, the former topless model has also offered to spend some quality one-on-one time together to "talk."
A meeting worth being at, we shouldn't wonder.
"I made my own very private and personal video earlier this year with my ex-boyfriend and a third party brought it to Vivid. I was stunned and terrified at what might happen if this footage was made public.
I hired an attorney who sent a cease and desist letter to Steven Hirsch at Vivid and shortly after he received it, Steven called me and requested a meeting.
I went to the meeting full of rage. During the meeting, however, I realised that I could actually take control of the situation. Instead of spending thousands of dollars in legal fees for a lawsuit that could take months or even years to be resolved, I could actually turn things around.
I told Steven that I wanted to eliminate any compensation to the third party since it was my movie that I not only starred in, but also directed and added the music to. I also told him that I wanted to be involved in the marketing of the movie as I really cared about it.
I'm really glad I made that decision. I'm proud of my body and of the passion that I felt during the making of the movie which became "Shauna Sand Exposed."
Why don't you consider taking control yourself and handle this situation on your own terms so that you are in the driver's seat. It all starts with a telephone call to Steven to find out what your options are. I'd be happy to talk to you one-on-one about how I did it."
Stalker video peepholed ESPN bombshell
A Chicago man who stalked ESPN reporter Erin Andrews across the United States managed to secretly videotape America's sexiest sportscaster in the nude twice, federal prosecutors said Wednesday.
The eight-month odyssey by Michael David Barrett began in Columbus, Ohio in early 2008 and concluded in Nashville, according to court papers filed in federal court in Los Angeles. On three occasions, he was able to learn where Andrews would be lodging and make reservations to stay in the same hotels, twice in rooms adjacent to hers.
It was during those two stays that Barrett was able to surreptitiously capture video of the naked sportscasting babe through cameras he mounted in her hotel door's peephole. He eventually posted the footage on Google Video and elsewhere under titles such as "Erin Andrews Naked Butt" and "Sexy and Hot Blonde Sports celebrity shows us her all."
Barrett proved to be a determined stalker. In January 2008, he made calls to seven hotels in Columbus to identify where Andrews would be staying during an upcoming visit to the city. He made 14 such calls to Milwaukee-area hotels in July. Between February and September, he followed her to Columbus, Milwaukee, Nashville, and her home state, prosecutors alleged.
Barrett eventually approached celebrity gossip site TMZ to see if it had any interest in paying for the videos. When he was turned down, he posted them online.
Wednesday's criminal information supersedes a criminal complaint that was filed last month. Barrett is charged with one count of interstate stalking, and faces five years in federal prison. Barrett has waived his right to be indicted by a grand jury.
His attorney told TMZ: "Mr. Barrett would like to express his deep regret for the circumstances that have caused the issuance of the charges against him today. It is his sincere hope that this matter can be resolved as soon as possible."
More Nude tapes of Erin Andrews
It seems that the man charged with making nude videotapes of sports reporter, Erin Andrews, has many more such tapes. Court documents released say that Michael David Barrett, 48, secretly videotaped ESPN reporter Erin through hotel peepholes and then started to post the videos on cyberspace.
It was first believed that only a few videos were made at a Nashville hotel in Sept 2008, but recent investigations have revealed that Barrett also videotaped Andrews in various forms of undress through a peephole in a hotel in Columbus, OH sometime in February 2008
Barrett is charged with interstate aggravation which carries a potential prison term of at least five years, said Thom Mrozek, spokesman for the U.S. Attorney's Office in the Central District of California.
There is speculation that perhaps more tapes exist because more evidence has unearthed that Barrett followed Erin to other cities and reserved rooms at the same hotels.
The peepholes in hotels where Erin stayed were found to be enlarged with a small hacksaw through which videos were obtained via a mobile cell phone camera.
Barrett purportedly tried to sell the videos to celebrity gossip site TMZ but TMZ did not purchase any such videos. Barrett went to post the videos on cyberspace with titles like "Sexy and hot blonde sports celebrity shows us her all."
Erin Andrews, 31, has been an active sports reporter for ESPN and chiefly covers college games.
The criminal complaint by Erin mentions that the videos have caused her a tremendous amount of stress, anxiety and have made her fearful.
Barrett was detained in Illinois, and will make his first appearance in a Los Angeles court on Friday. At present Barrett is free on bail
Erin Andrews Nude Peephole Videos: There's More, Lots More, Say Court Docs
There were more nude videos, taken in more locations, of glamorous ESPN sports reporter Erin Andrews than previously thought, according to new court documents filed Wednesday.
Photos: Erin Andrews Naked Peephole Video
Andrews was illicitly filmed in peephole videos showing her naked in hotel rooms as she traveled across the country to cover sporting events for the all-sports network.
Photo: Erin Andrews with Michael Phelps and Demi Moore at the 2009 ESPY Awards.
Photos: Erin Andrews Naked Peephole Video
Michael David Barrett, a 47-year-old insurance company employee, is accused of stalking the 31-year-old former University of Florida dance team member and shooting the videos by aiming a cell phone camera through altered hotel peepholes.
Barrett was arrested at O'Hare International Airport in Chicago earlier this year for the exploits.
Photo: Michael David Barrett's attorney Rick Beuke, left, speaks to the media.
Photos: Erin Andrews Naked Peephole Video
He was released on $4,500 bond but was ordered to wear an ankle monitoring bracelet, to adhere to a strict curfew and not to use the Internet.
It was previously revealed that most of the videos were made at a Nashville, Tennessee, hotel in September of last year.
Photo: Erin Andrews covers a Virginia Tech Hokies versus Nebraska Cornhuskers game on September 27, 2008.
Photos: Erin Andrews Naked Peephole Video
An FBI affidavit said Barrett specifically asked for a room next to Andrews, where he allegedly used a hacksaw to modify the doors and establish a clear shot. But the new court filings allege that Barrett also taped Andrews earlier that year in a Columbus, Ohio hotel as well.
Barrett also allegedly stayed in the hotel room next door to the ESPN star in that case as well.
Marriott International Inc. and Ramada Worldwide, which operate the hotels where the videos may have been shot, have issued statements saying they are concerned about their guests privacy and safety, are looking into the matter and are cooperating with authorities.
Barrett continues to be a danger to Andrews and "a danger to other women," Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven Grimes told U.S. Magistrate Judge Arlander Keys during Barrett's bond hearing in October.
"Yes, Judge, there are other women," Grimes said. "He has used his computer to disseminate these videos to the world."
Grimes said the government has confiscated two computers and cell phones used by Barrett, and "feels strongly that those items will provide further evidence."
Like the Andrews videos, the videos of the other women were shot through a door peephole and uploaded to the Internet under a name Barrett used, "GOBLAZERS1," Grimes said.
Andrews has been referred to as "Erin Pageviews" because of the Internet traffic she can generate.
Barrett was described by his attorney, Rick Beuke, as having plenty of money, a $300,000 suburban Chicago townhouse, and a good track record at work.
Barrett lives, and was arrested, in Illinois, but he will face federal charges in Los Angeles, where he will be arraigned on November 23 and asked to enter a plea in the case.
Interstate stalking carries a maximum penalty of five years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.
Carrie Prejean on sex tapes, breast implants and the Bible
Former Miss California USA, Carrie Prejean talked with Christianity Today saying that she has no regrets about anything she's done during this new video sex tape scandal.
She must be regretting the way new stories of additional sex tapes keep appearing all over the Internet.
The initial solo sex tape is now in the hands of porn producers, Vivid Entertainment and the company reportedly wants to release it as one of their pitiful products.
They can't do that without Carrie Prejean's permission, and if, as reported she was a minor at the time, they may not legally be able to release it all.
But those that dislike Prejean's views seem to be given more fuel every day.
In the latest misstep the former beauty queen told Christianity Today that she doesn't "think there's anything wrong with getting breast implants as a Christian. I don't see anywhere in the Bible where it says you shouldn't get breast implants."
The same interpretation of Scripture could be applied to sex tapes.
Sarah Palin and the sex-tape beauty queen Carrie Prejean are spookily similar
Two famous, attractive, conservative women are currently on our television screens flogging their autobiographies: former Alaska governor and US Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin and Californian model and beauty pageant contestant Carrie Prejean. The similarities between them are spooky.
Both are former beauty queens: Ms Palin was the runner-up for Miss Alaska in 1984 and Ms Prejean was a finalist for Miss USA 2009.
Both burst from nowhere with the aid of ageing patrons (in Ms Palin's case, the senator John McCain; in Ms Prejean's, Donald Trump) before crashing back to earth. Now both find themselves at the centre of their country's identity politics.
Both say they have been vilified by the media. They make this claim in interviews with fawning representatives of the media.
Although California and Alaska are not typical states, both claim to represent middle America. Ms Prejean says of her home town of Vista: "Take away the palm trees and the Pacific breeze, and Vista could be in Texas, Iowa or Georgia." Ms Palin claims to live on "Main Street, USA" and during the campaign she spoke of "the real America". Her current book tour is bypassing large (Democrat) cities in favour of small (Republican) towns.
Both have an eye for retail: Ms Palin went on a much-publicised shopping spree at Saks Fifth Avenue and Bloomingdale's; Ms Prejean was a model for both stores.
Both wear their conservatism and religiosity on their well-tailored sleeves. Ms Palin's comments on this theme are numerous. In the Miss USA finals, Ms Prejean stated that marriage only covered relationships between men and women. "Even though I didn't win the crown that night," she later told the Values Voters Summit in Washington, "I know that the Lord has so much of a bigger crown in heaven for me."
However, questions have been raised about the extent to which the reality of their lives squares with their rhetoric. Ms Prejean said that other people see her as a role model, although this was before reports of a sex tape. When Christianity Today magazine asked if her breast implants might be incompatible with her faith, she replied: "I don't see anywhere in the Bible where it says you shouldn't get breast implants."
In her book, Ms Palin writes that "there's no better training ground for politics than motherhood". Yet the unmarried father of her grandchild, the caddish Levi Johnston, claims she leaves home-making to her children.
Both women have demonstrated curious judgment in the way they conduct themselves in public. If you were Ms Prejean, and knew an ex-boyfriend was lurking somewhere with a tape, would you publish a book advocating traditional values? If you were Ms Palin, nurturing presidential ambitions, would you give up your gubernatorial office and its political advantages before completing a single term?
Both women have also displayed hubris in infamous television interviews. In response to a soft-ball question from CNN's Larry King, Ms Prejean accused the genial host of being "inappropriate", removed her microphone and started talking to her PR rep. In a campaign interview with Charlie Gibson, Ms Palin said she "didn't hesitate" when Mr McCain asked her to join his ticket. "You can't blink."
This from a novice candidate who plainly had never found the time to acquaint herself with the difficult issues facing the US.
These two women are not unaware of their synchronicities. Ms Prejean writes that she has been "Palinised". Earlier this year, Ms Palin called Ms Prejean to offer her support, saying: "I can relate as a liberal target myself."
There are, however, important differences between the two women, and they have nothing to do with field dressing a moose. Unlike Ms Palin, Ms Prejean was never the vice-presidential candidate of the Republican party – the party of Abraham Lincoln. Unlike Ms Palin, she is not a major force in that party, actively throwing her weight behind candidates from its conservative wing. Unlike Ms Palin, Ms Prejean has no ambition for the highest political office on Earth.
So while Ms Prejean's new book is of no importance whatsoever, Sarah Palin's narrative has to be taken very seriously indeed.
Carrie Prejean Sex Tape Video to Become Vivid Adult Video?
Carrie Prejean May End Up with Millions After All, but Not If Her Mother Has Anything to Say About It
Carrie Prejean might just join the ranks of Pam Anderson and Shauna Sand before her sex tape video scandal reaches its end. By now, nearly everyone who isn't a cloistered monk (and perhaps a few of the brethren as well) has heard or read about Carrie Prejean's sex tape
Carrie Prejean Sex Tape Video to Become Vivid Adult Video?
video(s). Several million have no doubt tried to find, download, and/or stream said video but found that that just wasn't happening (and some might have even caught a bad computer virus in the process), but Vivid Entertainment wants to release the sex tape videos as a marketable commodity and has approached Carrie Prejean, hoping she will sign off on the sex tape videos.
Steven Hirsch, definitely not in the candidacy for monk and president of Vivid Entertainment, told TMZ that: "The third party that brought the tape to Vivid affirmed that she was over 18 years of age at the time it was made."
In fact, a third party (and former boyfriend -- perhaps the same third party?) told TMZ that Carrie Prejean had sexted him several -- between 15-20 -- sex tape videos while they were dating and that the one that was shown at her negotiations with the Miss California USA organization was shot when she was 19, 20, or 21. But she was definitely not 17, which is what she has claimed since the sex tape video surfaced. The ex-boyfriend who talked to TMZ told them that he started dated Carrie Prejean in 2007. She is now 22 years old, so...
TMZ obtained a copy of the letter from Steve Hirsch. In it, Hirsch pitches a video starring the former beauty queen to Carrie Prejean's attorney, Charles S. Limandri. Hirsch tells the attorney that Vivid Entertainment is "fair' and that they believe Carrie Prejean's sex tape video will be "the most successful adult video of all time." He also mentions his "client" list of Pam Anderson, Shauna Sand, and Kelli McCarty.
Steve Hirsch closes the letter by stating that he hopes to build a long-lasting relationship with Carrie Prejean.
TMZ spoke with Limandri, who said that Carrie Prejean's mother has nixed the idea. "No, at any price," she has reportedly said.
Carmen Electra Sex Tape Released: The Lameness Of Celebrity Porn
carmen electra sex tape
Carmen Electra Sex Tape
Stop the presses! Another celebrity "sex tape" has been leaked to the Internets! This time it's with Z-lister Carmen Electra, some random foreign chick, and some bro-tastic muldoon filming the snooze inducing proceedings. Even by the normally lousy celebrity sex tape standards, this vid is amazingly lame.It's an obviously staged interlude completely devoid of anything approaching sexy. The silicone sister, prances around with a bottle of champagne, gives the foreign chick a couple of tongue-less kisses, and unzips the guy's fly. The last shot implies that she's on top of him, but it's like 2 seconds and kind of reminds me of the last shot in "The Blair Witch Project." It made me wonder…
Why don't celebrities know how to f**k?
It's an interesting conundrum. After all, they're an attractive bunch, fit and toned from endless hours of personal training and plastic surgery. In addition, they're spoon-fed the finest fare by high priced personal chefs and nutritionists. Why is it, then, that watching these dopes go at it is about as fun as watching water condense on a window pane? Think about it… Kardashian, Hilton, that Noxema chick, Fred Durst, Jenna Lewis, Shauna Sands… these people just don't know how to do it!
(Now I know some of you think that the Tommy Lee/Pam Anderson tape was pretty good, but I disagree. Forty minutes of watching Tommy Lee mince like a cutesy douche is not my idea of tittilation.)
Personally, I think they're so caught up in themselves that they've never learned how to relate to anyone else in a truly uninhibited, animalistic fashion. I mean, even the nude shots from celebu-twits like Rihanna, Vanessa Hudgens, and Ashley Greene (NSFW) are so generic and tame. Where's the spread eagled shit? Where's the dildos, vibrating eggs, bendy, twisty shit? All we ever see are mundane cell phone shots taken in a lonely hotel mirror.
Personally I'm holding out hope for the Carrie Prejean tapes. You just know this girl is a freak. It's always the religious conservative types that are the wildest behind closed doors. Apparently she's really into self love, as she sent some dude she met on Facebook seven videos diddling herself. This is what I'm talking about! No staged antics, no wooden (or wood-less rather) encounters, just a wacky, horny, wing-nut in heat, doing what wacky, horny, wing-nuts in heat do best!
Porn producers to release Carrie Prejean's sex tape
Carrie Prejean
A copy of Carrie Prejean's racy solo sex tape has been acquired by Vivid Entertainment, the world's largest adult video producer, and the company now wants to release it, according to reports. According to TMZ , Vivid claims to have the complete legal rights for the copy it has, but would like to have Prejean's nod before making it public, reports the New York Daily News.
has reported that seven other raunchy tapes of the former Miss California USA have emerged along with 30 more nude snaps. The footage and the pics are all solos like the first tape. The sex tape episode began when a lawyer for Miss California USA pageant officials, whom Prejean had dragged to court for religious discrimination, produced a copy of the steamy videotape during settlement negotiations.
It is believed Prejean dropped her one million dollar demands when she saw the tape and soon arrived at a settlement. She later called the homemade video "the biggest mistake of my life."
Tags: miss california, carrie prejean, vivid entertainment.
Carrie Prejean: Not "Wrong" to Get Breast Implants as a Christian
Ousted Miss California USA Carrie Prehean has something to get off her chest: She isn't a bad Christian because she got implants.
"No, I don't think there's anything wrong with getting breast implants as a Christian," Prejean, 22, says in a new interview with Christianity Today. "I think it's a personal decision. I don't see anywhere in the Bible where it says you shouldn't get breast implants."
See plastic surgery nightmares!
She also weighs in on her recent sex tape scandal.
"There is a video out there of me. I was really young and immature. It was the worst mistake of my life," she says. "It was a really stupid, stupid decision that I made. But I take full responsibility for it. Did I think I would ever be a celebrity or that my boyfriend at the time, who I sent it to, would ever blackmail me? No. I think we all make mistakes and we all do things when we're young that sometimes backfire later in life. I give advice to younger girls in my book because I've learned a lot since I was 16 or 17 years old."
Find out why so many celebs make sex tapes
Despite also posing in some revealing photos when she was younger, she says she doesn't think parents will worry that she's not a good role model for their children.
"No one's perfect," she says. "You're not perfect, I'm not perfect. Everyone's made mistakes. So if people want to judge me and say that I'm not a good person because of something I did when I was young, that's their problem. But what really matters is who I am now."
See more celebs wrapped up in sex tape scandals
Adds Prejean, "We as Christians need to stick together and realize that the Enemy is powerful, and that there are so many people out there who will try and destroy good people. It's a crazy world, that's all I can say. All Christians fall short, and hopefully mothers can hear my story and check their daughters' cell phones and Facebook pages. Young people are doing it every single day."
Carrie Prejean Sextape Video: Meghan McCain "Unnerved" by "Hypocrisy"
Meghan McCain, the daughter of 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain, has taken to task fallen beauty queen Carrie Prejean and opponents of same-sex marriage, in the wake of news that the former Miss California USA has filmed a sex tape.
PICTURES: Controversial Miss California
Meghan McCain, who calls herself both a Republican and a strong supporter of same-sex marriage, said that she is "unnerved" by the hypocrisy shown by Prejean, the 22-year-old "anti-gay marriage champion," and politicians who use gay-marriage as a moral "trump card in any situation" while sex scandals, normally abhorrent to conservative moral codes, don't seem to bother them a bit.
"Making a sex tape is never acceptable," McCain wrote in an editorial posted on the news website The Daily Beast . "I find it even more disturbing that as long as you oppose gay marriage, filming yourself having sex is taken more lightly."
"Does anyone else see the hypocrisy in this kind of thinking? And hypocrisy is something the Republican Party can't afford to have right now as the GOP struggles to find its identity," McCain wrote in the piece posted Monday.
In early November, Prejean admitted that she made a solo sex tape. She has since called it "the biggest mistake of my life" and says that she was 17 — a minor — when she recorded it for a lover. A number of sources, including the internet gossip website TMZ have reported that she may have made as many as seven other sex tapes, posed for 30 nude photos, and was of legal age when the pornographic material was produced.
(twitpic )
Photo: Meghan McCain on Twitter.
McCain, who was in a photo flap herself recently for "tweeting" a busty picture of herself to her followers on Twitter, wrote "If you're a Republican, is it better to be in favor of gay marriage or to make a sex tape?"
"It seems that as long as you are against gay marriage, any scandal in your life can be overlooked or overcome. When you are in favor of it, however—and I have been very vocal about my support—that position defines you," said McCain.
"Many believe that it was Carrie Prejean's anti-gay marriage views that cost her the Miss USA California title earlier this year. My question is: When it comes to Republicans, is your position on gay marriage what determines your fate within the party?"
Prejean was dismissed from her post as Miss California USA in June. Pageant organizers said she was skipping official events. But Prejean felt she was persecuted for her outspoken religious beliefs even before her statements against gay marriage. She sued for libel, slander and religious discrimination. The pageant countersued, claiming Prejean still owed them $5,200 for breast implants they helped her buy.
Photo: Carrie Prejean.
The dueling lawsuits came to an abrupt halt in early November, when, according to the "Today" show, pageant organizers made her aware that they had a copy of the tape.
Since then, both sides have been silent on why the lawsuits were settled and the terms of the deal. Prejean threatened to walk off Larry King's show Nov. 11 when King pressed her on the reasons for the settlement.
Carrie Prejean Ready To Sue Pornographers If They Release Sex Tape
Vivid Entertainment has acquired the solo sex tape Carrie Prejean made for a boyfriend, and hopes to distribute it commercially. The porn company has offered the former Miss California $1 million for the rights to release the film, but despite her refusal, there seems to be some concern the footage will hit the market just the same. Prejean's lawyer has sent a letter warning Vivid that they will be sued if they release the tape. Excerpt from XBiz :
"[W]e are writing at this time to inform you that the unauthorized use of any videotapes or photographs of my client will result in her suing for invasion of privacy, including misappropriation of her likeness for a commercial purpose, as well as public disclosure of private facts," Prejean's attorney wrote to Vivid co-cha
Funny or Die Spoofs Carrie Prejean Sex Tape…With Perez Hilton (NSFW)
Yikes. Funny or Die sent out their weekly newsletter today with this featured video: Carrie Prejean Sex Tape — aka, "The exclusive never before seen video that Carrie Prejean has been trying to keep you from seeing." Well, that was worth a click to see what they did with it. Anything surprising or unique? Not really, it was pretty much what you'd expect (except for an eyeball-searing "Bush" joke) — until the end, with a surprise reveal…Perez Hilton. (Sorry, I just ruined the surprise, but it's not really news otherwise.) Needless to say it was a surprise to see him, especially wearing so little. Am I joking? Maybe, you'll have to watch and see. But either way, I did learn that Hilton can't really sing.
Warning: If you're easily offended by depictions of "inappropriate" situations, don't watch this. Also, NSFW.
Carrie Prejean, Carrie Prejean Funny or Die, Carrie Prejean Inappropriate, Carrie Prejean Masturbation Video, Carrie Prejean NSFW, Carrie Prejean Perez Hilton, Carrie Prejean Sex Tape, Carrie Prejean sex video, Carrie Prejean solo, Funny or Die video, Maroon Five, Perez Hilton video, Tagging this with "Perez Hilton Sex Tape" Probably Won't Get Us Much Traffic, Who Else Is Starting To Feel Sorry For Carrie Prejean?, Why Do I Think Maroon 5 Didn't Provide The Rights To The Use of Their Music In This
Carrie Prejean's Ex-BF: She Wasn't Underage & There's 20 More Sex Tapes
Carrie Prejeans`s ex-boyfriend claims the disgraced beauty queen sent him her sex video when they were involved with each other in 2007. He said that the born again sexpot sent him about 20 X-rated videos, and insists the one in question was shot when she was 20. (Source: TMZ)
Carrie Prejean has every reason to lie, by claiming that she was only 17-years-old when she shot the video, the evangelical vixen can write off her skanky behavior as a youthful indiscretion. Not to mention that Web sites will be afraid to post a sex video of an underage girl.
Carrie`s ex-lover has no reason to lie, and he`s not doing it for the publicity -- he asked TMZ not to reveal his identity. Whom are you going to belive, a decent young man who had the misfortune to become involved with a scantimonious skank, or a woman who has repeatedly lied to pageant officals and the press?
I wonder if Carrie Prejean`s explicit videos are all the home-alone variety, or do some of them feature a female co-star? With some many Prejean sex tapes floating around, it`s only a matter of time before one of them surfaces on the Internet. I appeal to the person(s) who have possession of a Carrie Prejean sex tape to sell it to a Web site or media outlet.
There are still some conservatives and evangelicals who are standing by the holy roller hottie, she won`t lose complete favor with the religious nutjobs until they see her in all her naked glory.
Carrie Prejean on 'Larry King Live': Sex tape talk, gay caller angers ex-Miss America (Video)
Carrie Prejean on Larry King Live
Carrie Prejean gets upset on 'Larry King Live'
Carrie Prejean appeared on "Larry King Live" on Wednesday and got so upset with the veteran news anchor that she threatened to walk off his show. What irked Prejean was discussion of how her sex tape may have impacted her recent lawsuit settlement.
"You sued the pageant after they fired you, they countersued, and then you accused them of a number of things including religious discrimination, clearly an issue important to you," King asked. "Why did you settle? You don't have to tell me the terms of the settlement, but why settle since you had a fight to carry on?"
"You know what Larry. Everything that was discussed in mediation, I'll say it again, is completely confidential. I'm not, I'm not gonna be able to talk about that." Prejean retorted.
King continues: "So, you can't even say why you settled? How does that break what you settled for?"
Prejean then reiterates what she originally said and then follows up with: "Larry, you're being inappropriate. You really are."
Later in the segment, a gay man from Detroit calls to ask Prejean a question.
"I'm a gay man and I love pageants," the Detroit caller says. "I'm sure that you, Carrie, have got, you know, great gay friends that helped you possibly win. What would you give them as advice if they wanted to get married?"
By this point, Prejean has disconnected her microphone and claimed to have not heard the question. When King asks the ex-Miss America to put her microphone back on, she refuses, saying, "you're being extremely inappropriate right now and I am about to leave your show."
Prejean believes she lost her pageant crown due to her opposition to gay marriage. Prejean currently has a new book in stores titled "Still Standing: The Untold Story of My Fight Against Gossip, Hate, and Political Attacks."
Watch the video below of Carrie Prejan on "Larry King Live."
Would You Like to Be a Porn Star Now, Carrie Prejean?
Hey, if everyone's seen you naked anyway...
Prominent porn studio Vivid Entertainment has re-extended its $1 million offer to ex-Miss California USA Carrie Prejean to star in an adult film, hopeful that she'd be more receptive to the idea now that they know it's not a matter of her being too shy to strip for the camera.
And timing is everything.
"We originally made the offer in May when Carrie was making headlines during the controversy over her statements during the Miss USA Pageant," Vivid cochair Steven Hirsch, whose company also made an offer to Octomom at one point, said Wednesday.
"She didn't get back to us at the time. Now that it's been revealed that she has actually made her own sex tape, we know her reluctance certainly wasn't based on any fear of performing sexually for the camera.
"She's a beautiful woman with plenty of talent, and we still believe that a video featuring her would be a best-seller," he added.
Prejean has tried to clarify that the so-called sex tape in existence is a video she shot of herself and sent to a boyfriend when she was 17 and stupid.
"It was the biggest mistake of my life," the 22-year-old said Tuesday during an appearance on Hannity.
Sean Hannity, for one, gave her a pass, and the folks at Vivid certainly aren't holding it against her, either.
"We're doing this simply because she's hot and has a certain star quality," Hirsch said.
Tony Gonzalez and WIFE Appear Nude For PETA
Members of PETA are among the most objectionable people on this planet. Because of their collective idiocy, my scientist mother must fill out more paperwork to experiment on specially bred lab rats than on humans. When they contract a terminal illness, I hope their objection to animal research stays as rigid. Generally, PETA even manages to soil a brilliant nude marketing campaign, by including individuals one would never wish to see naked. We must, however, give them due kudos for introducing us to Tony Gonzalez' wife. We'll make our cheeseburger a double tonight in celebration. (AJC via Hot Clicks)
Report: Jennifer Lopez Files $10M Suit Against Ex-Husband Over Sex Tape
The mega-star attempts to block release of steamy footage from 1997 honeymoon with ex Ojani Noa.
Jennifer Lopez is suing for $10M to ensure she isn't the next Paris Hilton or Kim Kardashian.
This is one hot video Jennifer Lopez doesn't want to see shooting up the charts.
Thanks to a first husband she cannot seem to shake, the "Jenny from the Block" singer has found herself embroiled in a Paris Hilton-like sex-tape scandal over steamy footage the former lovebirds shot on their 1997 honeymoon -- which ex Ojani Noa now wants to cash in on.
The sultry singer/actress filed a $10 million lawsuit against Noa, claiming that he breached a confidentiality agreement and was also peddling the sexy home videos. And yesterday, a Los Angeles judge ordered Noa to put the wraps on the intimate footage -- at least for now.
The hot footage, which reportedly also includes scenes of an embarrassing, ugly argument between J.Lo and her mom, is allegedly part of a movie titled "How I Married Jennifer Lopez: The J.Lo and Ojani Noa Story."
FULL STORY: Click here to read the full report from the New York Post.
Vivid Renews $1M Sex Tape Offer to Carrie Prejean
LOS ANGELES — With dethroned Miss California USA Carrie Prejean back in the news to talk about her book — and sex tape — Vivid Entertainment has renewed its offer of $1 million for Prejean to star in one of its upcoming movies.
"We originally made the offer in May when Carrie was making headlines during the controversy over her statements during the Miss USA Pageant," Vivid co-chairman Steven Hirsch said. "She didn't get back to us at the time. Now that it's been revealed that she has actually made her own sex tape we know her reluctance certainly wasn't based on any fear of performing sexually for the camera. She's a beautiful woman with plenty of talent and we still believe that a video featuring her would be a best seller."
Early last week it was reported that Prejean, a runner-up for Miss USA, abruptly ended her contentious legal battle with pageant officials after it was revealed by a pageant lawyer that the politically conservative blonde had made a sex tape for a former boyfriend.
"In my book, I talk about how young women all the time are [making sex tapes] and nothing is private any more — nothing is private," Prejean said on "The View" today. "And you know when you're young and you think: I'll never be famous, I'll never be a celebrity — think you will."
Prejean also revealed today that she was involved with JC's Girls, a Christian ministry that reaches out to "save" women from the adult entertainment industry.
"So you spend a lot of time helping these women come out of what's called the adult entertainment industry," HumanEvents editor Jed Babbin asked Prejean. "Right," Prejean said. "And not judging them, but letting them know that they are loved, and helping them get back on their feet."
Carrie Prejean Sex Tape Video Shock
Is there a Carrie Prejean sex tape video? Of course there's a Carrie Prejean sex tape video; that's the natural progression in this sorted story of this all American beauty snubbed by the Miss USA pageant for her stance on gay marriage. I mean doesn't everybody who's anybody have a sex tape?
The former Miss California and Perez Hilton nemesis Carrie Prejean, admitted to Hannity that there was indeed a sex tape video of her out there. Albeit a "solo" sex tape, but still, a sex tape. I guess it depends on what your definition of is is. Thank you Bill Clinton.
Prejean, 22, says that the solo sex tape she made 5 years ago was a gift for a former boyfriend. How come I never recieved gifts like that? Prejean was pursuing a lawsuit against Miss California USA for libel, but when the subject of the sex tape came up, the lawsuit was dropped. Carrie Prejean got nothing.
But don't feel bad for her though, the Carrie Prejean sex tape video is popping up at the right time for her. She's getting ready to release a book and publicity, even though possibly embarrassing, is good for book sales. Carrie said, speaking of her trials and tribulations:
"All I know is there is a campaign against me trying to silence me," Prejean said. "They tried to embarrass me. They tried to humiliate me. They tried to attack me. And I'm still standing."
Prejean's tried to put herself in the same category as Sarah Palin; whooping bag of the left. She said in an interview on the "Today Show" that she was being "Palinized". She also went on a rant about Keith Olbermann and the liberal media, can't really argue with her there.
Look, I agree that the libs went after her because of the whole gay marriage answer and her touting her Christian faith. And yes the media has done some damage to Sarah Palin as well. The problem is, the Carrie Prejean sex tape video sort of discontinues her credibility to use media bias as an excuse, as well as her self-comparison to Palin. Don't you think?
Carrie Prejean's Accidental on Purpose Sex-Tape Leak!?
There's something about Carrie Prejean that makes us suspicious.
Much as her book-flap copy might like to believe, our eyebrows are not cocked because of the former pageant queen's beliefs. Look, Sarah Palin's an acquired taste, too, but we're not driven to concoct wild theories about why she's doing Oprah next week. (In that case, we'd only be suspicious if Palin didn't do Oprah.)
So, no, it's not Prejean's ideas that make us think she's up to something. It's her timing.
As in, can you believe her sex-tape scandal broke four days before her book-flap copy—and the rest of the tome—was published?
We can't.
And can you believe Prejean appeared on Sean Hannity to talk about how humiliated she was to be talking on Sean Hannity about her sex-tape scandal—on the very same day Still Standing hit stores?
We can't.
To clarify, we can and do believe that both things happened because they did. But we are suspicious as to why they happened. And, more specifically, as to when they happened.
Let's say you're Carrie Prejean, and it's been a slow couple of months. At first you're grateful for the time away from the headlines, because, hey, you've got a book to write. Maybe you've even been thinking of reading one. Whatever. You've got work to do.
And then you're done. Your book about the trials and tribulations of being you are done, and you can't understand why it took Tolstoy, like, a hundred years to write War and Peace. Whatever. You've got a book to sell.
Ah, but now you've got a problem. You're old news. Your dustup with Perez Hilton seems like a million YouTube views ago. Your clashes with the Miss California organization are boring to anyone outside of the tiara circle. Your best publicity bet of the fall—the pageant people demand to be reimbursed for your breast-enhancement surgery—fizzles. (A busty beauty queen who's not 100 percent natural? How unnovel.)
You're stuck. And, worse, the clock is ticking. Your book is due out Nov. 9. Palin's Going Rogue—Going Rogue, oh, how you must envy that title!—is due out Nov. 17. That gives you only about a week to command the public's attention as the victim of the liberal press. What to do? How to top a former vice-presidential candidate who killed in the talent competition during her own pageant days?
Let's say you channel surf one night past Paris Hilton, Pamela Anderson and Kim Kardashian. And you pause to admire each woman's enduring fame. And you start to think. And you remember a little something-something you once made for a boyfriend you loved and cared about. And you decide to accidentally and not at all on purpose leave your little something-something on your roof, with a big, blinking neon sign that says "Absolutely Do Not Take This Tape of Me Pleasuring My Own Self to Smut Peddlers Who Might Leak Its Existence to the Press Right Around the Time of the Publication of My New Memoir, Still Standing, Available Everywhere Nov. 9."
Let's say you're brilliant—and you would've gotten away with it, too, if it hadn't been for our darned suspicions!
Then again…
We should really stop being so skeptical. Things happen. Coincidences happen. Sex tapes happen. The Lord, after all, does work in mysterious ways.
Read More
Carrie Prejean and Miss California USA Call a Truce
Carrie Prejean on Solo Sexy Tape: "I'm Humiliated to Be Talking About This Now on National TV"
Carrie Prejean Made a Pact With the Devil (or Perez)?!
Carrie Prejean Sex Tape: Yours for a Bargain-Bin Price?
Miss California Officials to Carrie Prejean: You Owe Us for Those Boobs!
Carrie Prejean warns women: Don't make sex tapes because you may get famous
Carrie Prejean stopped by "The View" on Tuesday to explain why she sold a tape of herself masturbating and to go into more depth on her new book: "Still Standing."
Prejean explained that the solo sex tape she made at at age 17 was the "biggest mistake" of her life.
She offered this advice to other young girls thinking of following in her handprints.
"In my book, I talk about how young women all the time are doing this and nothing is private any more -- nothing is private. And you know when you're young and you think: I'll never be famous, I'll never be a celebrity -- think you will."
Prejean then praised her personal decision to go public about the self-pleasuring video. "It's embarrassing even talking about this right now," said the former topless model/Fox News poster child. "I've been on national TV discussing the worst mistake of my life. I mean, how many people are comfortable doing that?"
When Barbara Walters reminded her that she also had monetary reasons -- "But you did it also because you have a book out" -- Prejean admitted that was true but then got back on topic with claims of religious discrimination for her gay-marriage views.
What do you think of Carrie Prejean now? Has your opinion of this young woman changed since the sex-tape news? Can we believe anything she says?
More Prejean Dish:
Carrie Prejean's sex tape lets her fingers do the walking
Carrie Prejean and Miss California folks drop their mutual suits? Why?
No more swimsuits or sashes? Are crowns next to go?
Carrie Prejean says her firing was a 'political debate'
Shanna Moakler could not be happier about Carrie Prejean getting the boot
Carrie Prejean backs out of Fox News gig
More stars attacked by vulgar winds!
Carrie Prejean tells Sean Hannity she will NOT pose for Playboy. Do you believe her?
Carrie Prejean explains the topless photos and blames it on the "wind.
Megan Fox Says She's Bisexual … But Had Problems Making Out With Amanda Seyfried
Megan Fox has made no secret of the fact that her sexual preferences swing both ways, having confirmed to Esquire magazine earlier this year that she has no question in her mind about "being bisexual." But surprisingly, the sexy starlet did have issues locking lips with co-star Amanda Seyfried for some steamy scenes in "Jennifer's Body." That particular day of filming was a closed set (even other stars of the film weren't allowed in) and director Karyn Kusama told Tarts she felt as though she was "babysitting" as Fox and Seyfried continuously dissolved into giggles.
"I was constant laughing because it's awkward and it's strange and nobody wants to do that. Neither one of us wanted to do it so it was uncomfortable," Fox admitted at a recent fan-meet for the film at the Hollywood & Highland Center.
SLIDESHOW: Click here to see photos of Megan Fox.
And even though Fox's folks "don't care and are good about" watching her do racy things all in the name of art, Seyfried isn't so appeased with her family watching.
"(My parents) have just seen another film of mine -- nudity and my mom got to see me have sex with two different types of people on screen. She's OK, she knows it's acting but it's not necessarily OK with me," she said. "So it was difficult when my mom sat down next to me to watch 'Jennifer's Body.'"
Jennifer Lopez sex tape under wraps pending court date
Bootylicious J-Lo is heading to court to prevent her first husband from releasing a steamy sex video.
Lopez is suing ex Ojani Noa (yeah we hadn't heard of him either) for a cool 10 mil in an attempt to keep the explicit tape out of public view.
Unlike the Letterman tape (which thankfully is yet to be released) we're certain this would be one film worth watching.
The piece which is titled, "The J-Lo and the Ojani Noa Story" reportedly contains footage from the couple's 1997 honeymoon. We have to wonder why such an old tape is coming into the open now. Like other starlets who've experienced sex tape leaks right before the premiere of a show or movie, does Lopez have an upcoming album or film that she is trying to promote? Actually yes she does. Her next movie The Back-Up Plan is set to hit theaters in January 2010.
Prejean Sextape: Carrie Prejean Sex Tape a big Publicity Stunt Promoting Carrie Prejean's Book?
The Prejean sextape is all over. Carrie Prejean's sextape is hot. Was the Prejean sextape accidentally leaked, or is the Prejean sextape a big publicity stunt? Carrie Prejean's book "Still Standing" hit stores on November 9 – just 1 day ago. Carrie Prejean told Sean Hannity that the sextape was "the biggest mistake" of her life, but you really have to wonder how true that statement is.
The interesting thing about the Prejean sextape is that no one else is involved. She self-recorded the sextape for a boyfriend when she was only 17 – or so she says. We all know Ms. Prejean and she has to deflect any responsibility for her actions. Remember – she was the one that was "tricked" into taking semi-nude photos.
Carrie Prejean is best known for losing her Miss California crown. Prejean contends that she was released for her "religious" beliefs, after stating to Perez Hilton that marriage was for "man and woman" only. She has sued Miss California for $1 million, which is approximately the amount of money TMZ estimates Prejean will lose because of the sextape.
Or will she? Carrie Prejean is all over trends today. People want to see the Prejean sextape, Carrie Prejean's nipple, and anything to do with the fallen queen. Don't you think that some of this hype will inspire at least a handful of individuals to purchase "Still Standing?"
Ahh Ms. Prejean is such a martyr.
Before you go out and download the Carrie Prejean sextape, be sure to realize that she claims she filmed the tape while she was 17. This is why no links are included from this article to any of the listed sites that claim to have the video. Do not view the video, as it could potentially be child pornography.
However, if you are a sucker for controversy, check out the following:
Carrie Prejean Claims She Was Pressured To Get Boob Job, Is Pals With Sarah Palin
Read More: Bristol Palin Miss California, Carrie Prejean, Carrie Prejean Boob Job, Donald Trump Miss California, Former Miss California, Miss California, Miss California Palin, Prejean Bristol Palin, Prejean Palin, Trump Miss California, Trump Miss USA, Entertainment News
In her new book, "Still Standing," former Miss California Carrie Prejean claims that she was forced to get breast implants after being felt up by a pageant director, reveals Donald Trump's crude method of selecting the top Miss USA contestants and says she's become phone pals with both Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol.
Notably missing from the book: any mention of her sex tape.
Prejean, who was fired by the pageant in the wake of a controversy over her gay marriage remarks, recalls how Miss California pageant director Keith Lewis ran his hands all over her body shortly after she won:
He stopped and stared at my butt. For a long time. He touched me on the butt, then ran his hands around my hips, looked at my butt again, touched it again, ran his hands around my hips again, and examined each of my breasts...
And then he said, "Have you ever thought of getting a boob job?"
When Prejean expressed her reservations, she claims that Lewis pressured her by saying that he had paid for boob jobs for past Miss Californias.
"'I really think you need it'... He told me the pageant would pay for it and made it clear it had to happen soon," writes Prejean.
Prejean also reveals that Trump personally inspected each of the contestants, lining them up on stage and asking them which other contestants were "hot." After he made his way through all the girls, he motioned the ones he liked to one side, leaving the "discards" on the other side: "It became clear that the point of the whole exercise was for him to divide the room between girls he personally found attractive and those he did not."
Many of the girls found this exercise humiliating. Some of the girls were sobbing backstage after he left, devastated to have failed even before the competition really began to impress "The Donald"... even those of us who were among the chosen couldn't feel very good about it -- it was as though we had been stripped bare.
Prejean also describes how the criticism she received for her comments on gay marriage led her to become allied with political conservatives like Sarah Palin and Ann Coulter.
Story continues below
Expressing praise for Palin, Michele Bachmann and other conservative women in the political sphere, Prejean says that they are bound to be 'Palinized' -- treated to liberal scorn.
On one particularly bad day, I got a surprising phone call that cheered me up to no end: it was from Sarah Palin.
We talked for a good fifteen minutes. She told me that she was extremely proud of me and told me to stay strong.
"You tell it like you see it, Carrie. People are sick of politically correct answers. You're doing awesome."...
She told me her daughter Bristol was a big fan of mine, and would love for me to call her. We have been keeping in touch ever since."
And Prejean reveals that the experience has only seemed to harden her beliefs. She expresses her opposition to a California law that prohibits anti-gay bias in public schools: "There is only one word for this: insanity.... These liberals for some reason see it as their mission to completely undo traditional morality in California through political action and legal coercion."
And she even dismisses charges of homophobia by challenging the definition of that word, claiming that it really means to be fearful of men:
"Homophobic" is merely a made-up word to try to force everyone to be politically correct on gay marriage or risk being accused of being hateful.
Carrie Prejean confirms 'sex tape,' but ...
Carrie Prejean, some might remember, is the California beauty queen who gained instant ignominy in some circles by agreeing with President Obama's ridiculous notion that marriage is a union between one man and one woman.
This was said to make Prejean outrageously conservative although Obama, who is a male and said the same thing throughout the endless presidential campaign, was ranked as the most liberal member of the U.S. Senate a year ago now. That must be what passes for progress nowadays.
Both liberals and conservatives have been bickering and chuckling and pointing fingers of hypocrisy ever since. Also, Prejean had breast augmentation, some keen-eyed critics noted, which is certainly unimaginable for any American female let alone ones successfully participating in the beauty business.
Anyway, Prejean lost her Miss California USA sash when she allegedly failed to fulfill ...
... appearance provisions of her contract because she was too busy becoming a conservative icon. Like pretty much every other breathing soul in public life this month, she's written a book.
It's titled "Still Standing," which some folks might see as having a double-meaning in the context of a sex video, but not us. Sean Hannity, who also has a dangerously conservative reputation, wrote the book's foreword and had the 22-year-old author on his Fox News Channel program last night.
As he so succinctly put it, "We might as well go right to it."
The handsome host noted that the high-powered celebrity website TMZ claimed to have a sex video of the beautiful Prejean that is so outrageously explicit it hasn't posted it yet. But people can feel free to keep clicking back there every few minutes to check. If they don't mind someday maybe finding a naked female conservative with bipartisan augmentations.
Prejean replied -- insert teasing pause here -- yes, there was a tape she had done as a teenager. She made it for a distant boyfriend whom she loved at the time. She said TMZ can call it a "sex tape" if it wants. But she was alone on the video, and no one else was in the room.
So everyone (except TMZ, Prejean's mother and the ex-boyfriend, who presumably provided the tape of his once-beloved) is left to imagine what songs Prejean chose to sing on her karaoke machine that night.
Prejean said it was the "biggest mistake" she'd ever made in her not-yet-lengthy life. She regretted it. She felt mortified talking about it, but it was her own fault. And that as a Christian she'd never claimed to be perfect.
Prejean and Hannity agreed that conservative women seem to be targeted for criticism by liberal media. (All of whose members are, btw, never naked.)
Prejean also said that she and her very liberal sister ... well, you can watch this short Fox News video for yourself. (Warning: This video contains graphic images of two fully-clothed adults talking about a book on a cable news channel decidedly denounced by senior Obama White House aides.) Read more below.
Additionally, we should note that, as reported here last week by The Ticket, someone named David Plouffe was also on Fox News last night, also selling a book. Plouffe, some might remember, was the manager of the Obama presidential campaign that hasn't really ended yet.
The fully-clothed Plouffe was talking with Greta Van Susteren about how really, totally, amazingly, seriously Obama considered Hillary Clinton as his vice presidential partner before going instead with the charismatic Joe Biden. No mention of any videotapes.
Carrie Prejean: Sex Tape Was 'Biggest Mistake of My Life'
Former Miss California tells Fox News about humiliating tape.
Carrie Prejean
Carrie Prejean says a steamy tape she made for an ex-boyfriend a few years ago was "the biggest mistake" of her life.
The former Miss California USA told Fox News' Sean Hannity Monday that she shot the racy tape by herself for a boyfriend she loved when she was 17. Later, he "betrayed" her and sold it.
SLIDESHOW: Embarrassing celebrity sex tape scandals.
"They can call it whatever they want to call it, but it was the biggest mistake of my life," Prejean told Hannity. "I was all by myself and I was sending a boyfriend at the time who I loved and cared about a video of me … I was not having sex with anybody and you call it whatever you want."
Prejean, now 22, said she was young and exhibited bad judgment at the time.
"I was a teenager at the time and never did I think it would ever come out. But it was bad judgment and it's embarrassing and it's humiliating to be talking about this now on national TV if you can imagine."
SLIDESHOW: Carrie Prejean: At the Eye of the Storm.
Prejean lost her title in June, which she attributes to her opposition to gay marriage. Pageant organizers said she was skipping official events.
Earlier this month, Prejean and organizers reached a confidential settlement. Since then, she has released a memoir entitled "Still Standing: The Untold Story of My Fight Against Gossip, Hate and Political Attacks."
Prejean told Hannity that she feels she is the victim of a political attack aimed at conservative women, but that her faith helps her stay grounded amid the controversy.
"[My story] gives Americans just hope, and it shows them that, you know, Americans should not be attacked for their beliefs. They should not be silenced. You know, we have the freedom of speech. And I was punished; I was fired. I was brutally attacked and [am] still being attacked. People are still trying to dig up things from my past."
TRANSCRIPT: Click here to read Carrie's full interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity.
Eva Mendes's Steamy Calvin Klein Ads On SoHo Billboard & TV[VIDEOS]
[VIDEOS] Eva Mendes' nip slip at the Bad Lieutenant premiere, and a new billboard of her sweaty, nearly naked and tugging at a man's boxer briefs upsets SoHo residents in New York!
A new Calvin Klein billboard showing Eva Mendes nearly naked is getting new York residents all hot and bothered…why the face?
Eva Mendes Steamy Calvin Klein Ads On Soho Billboard And TV
Eva Mendes is all oiled up and stripped down – and tugging at the boxer briefs of a hard-bodied and equally sweaty man. They're starring in a very steamy new Calvin Klein ad hanging in the heart of New York's soho neighborhood.
You'd think if any 'hood had the most tolerance it might be soho…but not so…residents are telling the New York daily news, "it's borderline pornography."
And this isn't the first time there's been outrage over Eva…her Calvin Klein TV ad was banned from the airwaves last year.
Whether or not the billboard comes down, you can still count on Eva to deliver the goods... Just check out the star at the New York premiere of her new movie, "bad lieutenant" in NYC Sunday night.
PHOTO: New Moon's Christian Serratos Goes Nude for PETA
Christian Serratos
Why do we think that Twilight actress Christian Serratos is on Team Jacob? Maybe it's because of the way the 19-year-old, who plays Kristen Stewart's "norm" pal Angela, has bared all to fight fur for a new ad for PETA. Leaning against a tree in a misty forest that looks a lot like Forks, Wash., where New Moon is set, is her way of saying she'd rather go naked than wear fur. Well, unless she were a werewolf, of course.
Former Miss California Carrie Prejean Claim Its Not A' Sex Tape'
Carrie Prejean is in the midst of controversies again and this time it's not about any of her semi-nude photo like before, this it's her semi nude solo sextape. It looks like she is taking it to the next level with each passing controversy.
Prejean was stripped of her Miss California crown in June for all her controversies. An angry Prejean filed suit against pageant officials claiming religious discrimination. But it was the beauty pageant lawyer who came out with an upper hand in the legal standoff after he produced a sex tape of Prejean, which was far more hard-core than the nude pictures which had previously scandalized her.
After the sextape was played in which she was engaging in solo sexual acts, she immediately dropped her million-dollar-plus demands and bolted from the negotiating table. (TMZ )
The tape hasn't been released.
Carrie Prejean appeared in the Today Show and described that the video shouldn't be called as a sextape as it just features her doing solo activities. She mentioned that she was only 17 when she made the tape.
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Carrie Prejean being encouraged to surrender Miss California title
Donald Trump appreciates Miss California Carrie Prejean nude pictures!
Carrie Prejean : Carrie Prejean sues Miss California organization over discrimination
Miss California Carrie Prejean may be stripped of her crown
Carrie Prejean : Ex Miss California Prejean, pageant officials had issues before controversy
Prejean Sextape: Carrie Prejean Nipple and Carrie Prejean Sex Tape Are Hot
The Prejean Sextape is highly sought after. The Prejean sextape and Carrie Prejean nipple are 2 Carrie Prejean items people want to see. Why is Carrie Prejean's sex tape so desired and why is the Carrie Prejean nipple important to many?
We are all suckers for controversy. Face it – we like to see people like Carrie Prejean screw up. She was on top of the world, and then her world came crashing down. Everyone ate it up. The Carrie Prejean sextape and the Carrie Prejean nipple slip are only two reminders that even the most "successful" people can fall.
Carrie Prejean claims that she is conservative, which makes her look a wee bit hypocritical when you consider she has a sex tape and has bared her nipple to the world. Second, the Carrie Prejean sextape features Carrie Prejean doing solo acts –admittedly when she was underage.
Nude photographs of Ms. Prejean surfaced in the past, and she told the world that some photographer "tricked" her in to taking the photos. Now, she's got a tape of her performing sex acts while underage.
For those of you that wish to search for the Carrie Prejean sextape to watch, DON'T!! Ms. Prejean contends that the video was taken when she was 17, so watching it could potentially mean you are watching child pornography. Furthermore, Web sites will take advantage of this opportunity to send you files ripe with viruses.
Of course, no one out there should judge Ms. Prejean. We all make mistakes. While not everyone has semi-nude photos or a sex tape, chances are we have something equally embarrassing. However, the only thing that is unfortunate about Ms. Prejean is how she tries to act like she's conservative and "wholesome" when in fact she really isn't. That's the only thing that should bother us.
Of course, the Carrie Prejean sextape could have been a big publicity stunt. Why? Click HERE to find out.
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Was Lil' Wayne shot dead?
'DWTS' Contender Joanna Krupa on Her Playboy Spread!
Supermodel and "Dancing with the Stars" contender Joanna Krupa is on the cover of the December Playboy, on stands November 13, and she reveals the inspiration behind the incredible shoot!
"You can never replicate [things that Brigitte Bardot] has done, but she's such a role model [to me], so I kind of wanted to go into that kind of look," Joanna tells ET about her second Playboy shoot, which took place in London. "It was an amazing experience; I'm over-the-moon excited about it."
"I definitely feel like my body has been in better shape now than it has been before," she says of the latest shoot -- and her 'DWTS' bod -- compared to her 2005 spread. "I think right now is probably the best I've ever been."
"My fiance's seen the photos," Joanna told ET while shopping at Sky Boutique in Los Angeles. "He's happy about it; I won't lie - in the beginning when I told him I was going to do the photo shoot he wasn't thrilled about it, but he knows that I'm in the [modeling] business and he's very supportive."
ET was also there as Joanna revealed the photos to her 'DWTS' pro partner Derek Hough, who tried to play it cool -- but said he was kind of nervous and that his palms were sweating!
"Wow!" he exclaimed. "Those are beautiful. Those are fantastic. This one is not too bad either, not too shabby."
Joanna shares the cover of the December issue with Chelsea Handler.
Watch ET for more with Joanna!
The Girls Next Door: Mayor Calls Holly Madison a Vegas Ambassador
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Holly Madison may have to put her dreams of mayor-dom on the shelf, but it looks like she'll do well in Vegas without it. Now that she's rising to success with her Peepshow appearances, this former Girls Next Door star has been catapulted to headlining acts in the Entertainment Capital of the World.
Being a regular on their red carpet events, it's only a matter of time before Holly Madison becomes this renowned representative of the city. Even Las Vegas' Mayor Oscar Goodman seems to think she's just perfect in characterizing the place.
"Holly Madison does a great job promoting Las Vegas," Goodman exclaimed to the Los Angeles Times. "She is a glamorous ambassador for the city. I always have my showgirls with me when I go out, but Holly has a standing invitation to join us in showcasing fabulous Las Vegas."
What's more, Madison has already been named an unofficial "ambassador" of the Planet Hollywood resort. While many of her fans aren't surprised at how quickly her fame has recovered since leaving The Girls Next Door, the star herself is appalled.
"I am totally surprised," Holly said. "It started out with my wanting to do a guest spot in Crazy Horse [at MGM]. But that would not have been a big deal, and then Peepshow came along and it turned into a huge thing that I love doing."
Another thing she's psyching herself up for is her upcoming reality show on E!. She may have left the Playboy mansion, but this new journey of hers is soon going to end up on television. One thing's for sure, it's going to be far from what we witnessed on The Girls Next Door.
"Girls Next Door was done in a cute, colorful and cartoon way that girls could enjoy, relate to and live vicariously through," Holly explained. "A lot of girls would watch it and think if they had the spare time and the cash they would love to do whatever we were doing."
As for her new show, she said: "It is about everything I am doing here in Vegas. I think a lot of people are going to be surprised."
Does that mean we get to see her try to govern the city? Whatever the case, there's bound to be more fame for Holly Madison as she makes her way through her career.
Model Joanna Krupa To Feature In The December Issue Of 'Playboy'
Washington, Nov.3, (THAINDIAN NEWS) American model and actress Joanna Krupa is creating headlines theses days as she is all set to feature in the December issue of 'Playboy' magazine. The model would reportedly feature in the coveted magazine in eight page nude picture and the much awaited issue would supposedly be available in the news-stands from November 13.
The 37 year old model is also making news for her appearance in the ninth season of the popular reality show "Dancing with the Stars". Joanna and her partner in the show Derek Hough are one of the seven couples who are still in the show and they are delivering their best in each of the performances. The reality series has enabled the Polish-American model gain immense popularity among the viewers of the show with her scintillating performance that keeps them asking for more. In a recent interview, the model has emphasized that being a pert of a show where she has to showcase her dancing skills has been quite a challenging experience for her.
However, all the fans of the model would surely look forward to the December issue of the 'Playboy' magazine where Joanna has supposedly pose for the well known photographer Rankin. The magazine would also feature Chelsie Handler who hosts the E! talk show who would be appearing for the Men's magazine. Over the years, Joanna has posed for a number of magazines such as Maxim, ENVY, Inside Sport, Steppin' Out among others. In the Maxim issue she grabbed the title of "The Sexiest Swimsuit Model In The World".
'Gossip Girl' threesome: Will you watch tonight?
Categories: Fall TV 2009, Gossip Girl, Television, To Care or Not to Care
Tonight is the much-hyped threesome episode of Gossip Girl and I'm totally tuning in for all the menage a trois action (I sorta have to because I write the recap but I would anyways!). All of this controversy over the threesome, though, is a little ridiculous. First of all, GG has always pushed boundaries so this doesn't really feel like anything new (Remember the uproar over the network's "OMFG" ads for the series?). Second, most of the characters on the show are now college-age and I think we all did some crazy things at that time in our lives (I use to wear tie-dye and bandannas—terrifying!). And finally, it's not like GG is the first piece of pop culture to rock a threesome for shock value. Look at Woody Allen's Vicky Christina Barcelona. Or Britney Spears new hit song "3." Some might even say boy-girl-boy and/or girl-boy-girl is a desperate ploy for attention, but it doesn't seem that far out of GG's oeuvre. Remember last year when Jenny almost hooked up with crazy model Agnes and her boyfriend? Hello—where was all the shock and controversy then?
What do you think PopWatchers? Is the threesome a good idea for Gossip Girl? Or does this feel like a ratings stunt? Will you tune in tonight?
Jessica Simpson, Dolly Parton Bond Over Huge Breasts
Tags: Jessica Simpson
Jessica Simpson and Dolly Parton have a lot in common. Or at least two pretty major things in common. Well, two things plus blonde hair and country music.
The famously busty pair found common ground this week on Twitter, faced with the difficulties of lugging those things around with them every single day.
"Aahhh chiropractor... Hurts so good :-) you lug these around and see if your back don't hurt!" Parton posted to her Twitter account on Monday morning.
Jessica Simpson responded to the tweet with an "Amen sister :)."
Giant boobs then and now: They appear more exposed these days.
Both Simpson's and Parton's double-D breasts have been topics of discussion (among fans and celebrity gossip websites) over the course of their careers.
Jessica Simpson's father, Joe Simpson, famously praised his daughter's chest in a 2004 interview with GQ magazine, saying, "Jessica never tries to be sexy."
"She just is sexy. If you put her in a T-shirt or you put her in a bustier, she's gonna be sexy in both. She's got double D's! You can't cover those suckers up!"
Spoken like a true pimp moonlighting as a father.
Jessica Simpson and Dolly Parton Lament Having Large Boobs
Jessica Simpson feels Dolly Parton's pain over having big breasts.
"Aahhh chiropractor... Hurts so good :-)" Parton, 63, Twittered late Monday. "You lug these around and see if your back don't hurt!"
See Jessica Simpson's most outrageous moments of all time
Simpson, 29 -- who has called Parton an idol -- responded with a smile: "Amen, sister!" Simpson's breasts have long been the center of attention.
See Jessica Simpson and other stars who are tired of being teased for their weight
Her father Joe raised eyebrows when he praised her assets in a 2004 GQ interview.
See Jessica Simpson and other stars' naughty appetites
"Jessica never tries to be sexy. She just is sexy. If you put her in a T-shirt or you put her in a bustier, she's sexy in both," he said. "She's got double D's! You can't cover those suckers up!"
Miss California Officials to Carrie Prejean: You Owe Us for Those Boobs!
If Carrie Prejean thought she could just take the boobs and run, she was sorely mistaken.
K2 Productions, which directs the Miss California USA pageant, has countersued the litigious former beauty queen, requesting that she return the $5,200 it gave her for breast-augmentation surgery.
"Had [Prejean] heeded the guidance of the Gospel of John, who admonished only those who are without sin to cast stones in judgment, she might have avoided this legal battle," the suit states.
It really says that.
"We are saddened by the necessity to file a counterclaim today against Carrie Prejean," pageant codirector Keith Lewis said in a statement Monday.
"We are continuing to prepare for our upcoming telecast of the Miss California USA pageant on November 22, but the integrity of the Miss California USA organization and the values it represents requires us to respond and present the truth. Our claim is not about financial reward, and all profits awarded will be donated to a charity that promotes the values of our organization."
Miss Universe Organization honcho Donald Trump relieved her of her Miss California title in June, saying she had violated her contract by being too controversial making appearances as the Crowned One without pageant officials' permission.
Hogwash, she said.
Prejean sued K2 Productions, Lewis, his former codirector Shanna Moakler (who resigned her post amid all the hubbub earlier this year), and pageant publicist Roger Neal for slander, libel, religious discrimination, public disclosure of private facts and infliction of emotional distress for supposedly using her as a scapegoat for any negative attention they may have received over the antigay marriage position she took before she was named runner-up at this year's Miss USA pageant.
Those "private facts," however, referred solely to her boob job, according to the countersuit, which is seeking to have that portion of Prejean's lawsuit dismissed.
"The alleged 'private facts' consist of her breast augmentation (which ceased being private during the swimsuit competition of the nationally televised Miss USA pageant, in which Ms. Prejean walked the stage in a bikini)," the suit states.
What a low, albeit bouncy, blow.
Time for a refresher on beauty pageant scandals!
Read More
Carrie Prejean Turns Up Legal Heat on Pageant Officials
Carrie Prejean's Lawyer: "She Was Set Up"
Carrie Prejean Made a Pact With the Devil (or Perez)?!
Carrie Prejean Smites Miss Cali Officials
Shanna Moakler Moseying Back to Miss Cali?
Carrie Prejean Gets Fired—Again
Carrie Prejean Gets Fired Up on Today
Carrie Prejean Out to Prove She Has the Write Stuff
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filed under top stories, carrie prejean, courthouse, bikinis
Paris Hilton "Feeling Very, Very Violated"
Her word choice may take your mind in an entirely different direction, but the ho-tel heiress was merely referring to the Hollywood Hills Burglar Bunch.
Even after many of her items were recently returned after her home was robbed last year, Paris Hilton feels "very, very violated" from the experience.
"She was just happy to get some of it back," says younger sister Nicky Hilton.
Paris Hilton was a victim in an allegedly connected string of celebrity burglaries that also included Lindsay Lohan, Orlando Bloom and Audrina Patridge.
Paris Hilton feels more violated by being robbed than by Doug Reinhardt. Well, presumably. Guy looks like he's into kinky stuff. [Photo: Splash News Online]
Nick Prugo was the first to go down last month. Then last week, many of the other burglars were busted, including alleged mastermind Rachel Lee, 19.
Nicky Hilton remains in disbelief that the crime even took place.
Her sis, she says, "lives in a gated community with supposed state of the art security." One would think that the same applies to the other robbery victims.
Rick Hilton, Nicky and Paris's father, said he didn't know all the details about the burglary, but said of the outcome that his daughter is "happy about it."
Britney Spears lip-synching! What's new?
Tags: Fan Fare, Australia, Britney Spears, circus, concert, John Mayer, lip synching
Britney Spears? Lip-synching? "Whateverrrr" as the pop princess might put it herself.
Britney has been lip-synching her way through her "comeback" world tour for the past six months, so it's a bit of a mystery why it's caused such a fuss in Australia.
As singer John Mayer , who has been in Australia promoting his own album, put it in a wry weekend tweet, "If you're shocked that Britney was lip-synching at her concert and want your money back, life may continue to be hard for you."
Britney's not the first performer to lip-synch during fast-paced, live song-and-dance performances, and she's certainly not the last — even classical musicians Yo-Yo Ma and Itzhak Perlman played to a recording at President Barack Obama's outdoor inauguration in the bitter January weather.
But the practice seems to be news to some Australian politicians, who are suggesting that tickets should carry a disclaimer about whether parts of concerts are pre-recorded or mimed.
Britney's fans — in Australia and elsewhere — are coming out in support of their idol, whose slick "Circus" tour went around the United States before going Down Under.
"oh my god Britney i'm so embarrassed by how Australia has treated you since you arrived in our country. You have been nothing but slammed and put down since arriving and it's pathetic. I'm from Australia and my entire family is beyond inspired by yourself, your music, your life and your morals," wrote one fan, Katie D, on the official Britney Spears website.
So if most fans seem happy, does it matter anymore whether Britney, or anyone else, lip-synchs at "live" concerts? After all, as Britney sings on the title track of her latest album "I'm runnin' this like-like-like a circus."
Or are audiences at pop concerts getting short-changed after sometimes handing over more than $100 for a ticket?
Judge Blocks Distribution of J.Lo Sex Movie
A judge on Monday blocked singer-actress Jennifer Lopez's first husband from distributing a tell-all movie with video of the former couple's sex life.
But Ojani Noa, a chef and model who was married to Lopez for less than 11 months, said he would fight back.
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge James Chalfant's order to Lopez's former husband will remain in effect until a court hearing on Tuesday, to determine whether to extend it.
Lopez filed against Noa on Friday, two years after she won a $545,000 judgment against him in a similar case involving a planned tell-all book.
In her latest lawsuit, Lopez said Noa was shopping around to film industry players a movie with footage of the couple in sexual situations, including their time in a hotel room during their 1997 honeymoon.
Lopez, who married singer Marc Anthony in 2004 and has two children with him, is seeking $10 million in damages and a court order permanently blocking dissemination of any video showing her and Noa in intimate situations.
The judge said he issued the temporary order because the proposed movie "How I Married Jennifer Lopez: The JLo and Ojani Noa Story" may violate an agreement between Lopez and Noa, in which he agreed not to disclose private information about her.
Noa, who came to court on Monday without an attorney, said that he was not dissuaded by the judge's ruling.
"I'm going to fight this," he said.
In 2006, Lopez sued Noa over his plans to publish a tell-all book about their life, claiming the book would violate the nondisclosure, "non-disparagement" agreement the two had previously reached. It resulted in a California judge ordering Noa to pay Lopez $545,000 for breach of contract.
In addition to Noa, the judge's order on Monday temporarily blocking distribution of the film applies to movie producer Ed Meyer, even though his attorney argued that Meyer was not bound by an agreement between Lopez and Noa.
Lopez starred in the 2002 movie "Maid in Manhattan" and had hit songs with "Jenny from the Block" and "Love Don't Cost a Thing".
Twilight New Moon star Christian Serratos gets naked for PETA
Twilight and New Moon star Christian Serratos, who plays Angela Weber, has stripped down for PETA's "I'd rather go naked than wear fur" campaign. The 19-year old is the youngest star to be featured in the ads.
You can see even more of Christian Serratos backside here. (She's got a great body, but even she gets a big Photoshop boost in this one.)
Christian Serratos says, "I've always been opposed to slaughtering, eating, wearing carcass. It's always seemed gross to me." Check out this video from her behind-the-scenes photo shoot:
Overall, will Twilight fans embrace Christian Serratos "naked" PETA ad, or instead feel that the actress is too preachy?
New Moon Star Goes Nude in New PETA Ad
New Moon's werewolves are likely happy about this!
See photos of star fashion trends
Christian Serratos, who stars as Angela in the Twilight Saga sequel, went nude for a PETA ad campaign against fur.
The actress, 19, stripped down for the animal rights organization's "Rather Go Naked Than Wear Fur" ad.
See photos of today's top news stories
In her ad -- which is set in a dark, misty forest -- Serratos stands naked next to a tree.
"Animals killed for their fur are electrocuted, drowned, beaten and often skinned alive," the ad, which has splatters of blood on it, reads. "Please don't wear fur."
See photos of Angelina Jolie's modeling pics!
Although she's the youngest celebrity to grace PETA's nude ads, Serratos has joined a growing list of celebrities -- including Charlize Theron, Eva Mendes, Karina Smirnoff and Roselyn Sanchez -- who have starred in PETA's anti-fur ad campaigns.
Miley Cyrus Pole Dancing: Is She a Bad Influence? (VIDEO)
A recent poll has named 16-year-old Miley Cyrus as 2009's worst celebrity influence–and many are pointing to her provocative pole dance at the Teen Choice Awards as the event that clinched her that title. According to the New York Post, AOL's JSYK (Just So You Know) poll asked 44,594 people their opinions about who's corrupting America's youth. Here's the video of Miley's pole dance during her performance of "Party in the USA" – see what you think:
Come on, people. She barely touches the pole! And sure, her shorts are pretty short–but overall Miley's not really baring all that much skin. However, she does seem to have a penchant for taking scantily-clad photos (Yowza, Google Image Search). Is she really a bad influence though? Color me conflicted.
Coming in at #2 on the list was Britney Spears…which might be valid, given all her shenanigans in the past few years. But honestly, I'm not really sure if Britney is even worthy of making such a list. We all know she's gone off the deep end. Is she really even capable of influencing us? And maybe teens and tweens were huge Britney followers 10-years ago, but I'm willing to bet that most of her die-hard fans are creepy 20somethings now. It's all about Miley and Taylor Swift now, puh-lease.
Taylor actually ranked at the other end of the list, as the second best celebrity influence. Selena Gomez topped the chart, which also included goody-goodies Nick Jonas and Emma Watson.
Miley Cyrus is annoying
Miley Cyrus sucked down 3 packs of cigarettes and caught three strains of H1N1 before using her truck driver voice to haunt the masses in an interview with some creepy old guy with twins. When asked what Jay-Z song she is referring to in "Party in the USA", Miley admits she's a complete fraud that didn't write the song and sleeps with men over the 30s with young twin girls. The last part happened off tape though, so just take my word for it. Miley yelled, "I've never heard a Jay-Z song. I don't listen to pop music. It's not even my style of music."
Add 300 "likes" to those three sentences and I've saved you from having to suffer through that video. Unless you want to see a famous 16-year-old dressed in a Pocahontas outfit for Halloween. Pervert.
Related: Miley Cyrus is not leaving, Jamie Foxx apologizes to Miley for that chlamydia thing, Billy Ray Cyrus is not amused, Miley Cyrus has a new AIM icon, Miley Cyrus, the downward spiral begins
Can It Get Worse For Carrie Prejean? Her Mom Saw Sex Tape!
"Former Miss USA, Carrie Prejean`s mother was present at a screening of her daughter`s solo sex tape.
The graphic home video, which left Carrie`s mother aghast, was screened by Miss USA pageant lawyers to dissuade Carrie from pursuing her $1 million lawsuit against the organization, reports TMZ
Carrie, initially denied it was her in the video, saying, `that`s disgusting.`
However, when the camera turned to her face, showing it clearly, she turned to her lawyer for consultation."
Carrie Prejean`s litany of sins are almost too many to mention: Failing to fulfill her contract with the Miss USA Pageant, posing topless, making an X-rated sex tape, and hating on gays and lesbians.
The born again beauty has been exposed as deceitful and hypocritical, and she has made herself the laughingstock of the country. Every office wag worth his salt has at least a couple of Carrie Prejean jokes in his repertoire.
But when you do wrong, your actions always have unfortunate consequences for others. I can only imagine the humiliation and anguish that Carrie`s mother suffered when she saw the video of her daughter pleasuring herself. It would be bad enough if Carrie`s mom had seen her daughter`s X-rated tape in the privacy of her home, but she saw her skanky daughter`s sex tape in a room full of lawyers.
I wonder what will be Carrie`s excuse? The wind forced my legs open? I was only 17 at the time? I uttered "Jesus" while I was, um, pleasuring myself, so the whole thing was a spiritual endeavor?
Sorry Carrie, but your hypocrisy and hatred of our gay brothers and sisters, has made you an acceptable target for ridicule.
Like A Bad Boob Job Leaking Silicon, Carrie Prejean`s Sex Tape Will Leak Online Carrie Prejean has accomplished the seemingly impossible: Male homosexuals who`ve never seen a straight p*rn movie, are dying to see the video of the born again hypocrite pleasuring herself.
Carrie Prejean X-Rated Sex Tape: Too Hot For The Internet Now that is has come to light that Prejean freely allowed one of her lovers to film her as she masturbated, will the Jesus crowd still stand by the disgraced beauty queen?
Video: Christopher Walken Channels Lady Gaga Lady Gaga fancies herself as an avant garde performer, but she takes a back seat to the King of Quirkiness Christopher Walken.
Carrie Prejean on Sex Tape: Society Made Me Do it
Carrie Prejean is a hypocritical idiot. That's as nicely as we can put it.
Remember how the deposed Miss California claimed those pesky nude photos from her modeling days weren't meant to topless, and "the wind" was responsible?
Well, in her new tell-all book, she also blames "society" for her actions.
An entire passage of the waste of oxygen's memoir is dedicated to sexuality, and how our society's values do not value it appropriately. Here are her sage words:
"Unfortunately, pornography has become mainstream. It rushes at us daily through big screens, portable screens; soft core porn is on mainstreamed TV cable stations, while hard core porn is just a mouse click away on the Internet."
"The envelope of what seems acceptable in our society seems to get pushed farther and farther as more and more people are exposed to this kind of material."
"The result is girls growing up in a culture where it is hard to have an innocent, healthy, normal view of themselves, how they should behave, how they should act, and how they should dress. Our bodies are temples of the Lord."
"We should earn respect and admiration for our hearts, not for showing skin to look sexy ... I have learned that your outer beauty can only get you so far in life."
That's all well and good, except for two points:
She is famous for being in BEAUTY PAGEANTS.
Go ahead and blame the good ol' U.S.A. for its lack of moral values, but society didn't produce the Carrie Prejean sex tape. That was a (graphic) solo job.
Carrie Prejean sex tape: Her mom saw it, according to TMZ
Carrie Prejean has to be beet red after knowing her mom saw her solo sex tape
Carrie Prejean has been experiencing some minor difficulties on the home front. First, she lost the Miss California crown. Then she decided not to pursue a 1 million dollar lawsuit after the people behind the Miss California USA pagaent took the time to reveal their trump card - the scandalous tape of her solo sex act.
Now, TMZ reported on November 8 that one of the individuals in the room during the showing of this rather explicit tape was, well, her mom. What's a mom do when she sees something like this from her daughter? Well, that information wasn't shared, but you would expect there to be at least a "conversation." An Oh My God moment maybe, with the look of a mortified mother?
Since the lawsuit was dropped by both parties, Miss California USA and Carrie Prejean have wished each other luck going forward. Now that both parties have stopped fighting, the people of California can move on to the next big thing. This whole event had everyone glued to the television with the possibility of the tape being leaked by a news magazine...Ah, shucks!
J.Lo Sex Tape News: Temporary Restraining Order Issued on J.Lo Sex Tape
Jennifer Lopez Won a Key Court Case to at Least Post Pone the Release of Her Sex Tape with Ex
The J.Lo sex tape drama just seems to continue. This time the J.Lo sex tape has been blocked from distribution as a judge issued a temporary restraining order per the singer's request. The problem with a restraining order that
J.Lo Sex Tape News: Temporary Restraining Order Issued on J.Lo Sex Tape
J.Lo Sex Tape News: Temporary Restraining Order Issued on J.Lo Sex Tape only temporary is that it can be lifted at any time, and
may not save Jennifer Lopez from seeing her home movie becomes very public. The J.Lo sex tape as it is being called, was filmed with her ex-husband Ojani Noa, who now wants to release it as part of a tell-all movie about their marriage. It's definitely going to shine a lot of light on the private life of Jennifer Lopez if it gets released.
It's quite obvious that Ojani Noa is trying to take advantage of his ex-wife's fame and turn it into a lot of cash by calling it a sex tape and attaching the name of Jennifer Lopez to the film. It's a pretty low move by an ex-husband to make, and he probably still has a lot of unresolved issues from his marriage to Jennifer Lopez that he wants to get off of his chest with this film. The film itself is said to put Jennifer Lopez in a compromising position, with the singer/actress revealed in no clothing as well as in sexual situations. It is also rumored that much of the tape takes place in the hotel room that the couple shared on their honeymoon.
The temporary restraining order on releasing the J.Lo sex tape might now last very long, because it was only put in place so that one of the lawyers for Jennifer Lopez can review the tape and see if it violates and of the confidentiality agreement that the couple signed. It seems like a pretty slim argument, and it probably won't hold up much longer from allowing Ojani Noa to do whatever he wants with the footage that he has put together over the years. It's also shocking that Jennifer Lopez allowed herself to be in this position in the first place, but she has gained a lot of fame since she left Ojani Noa so many years ago.
J-Lo's ex blocked from selling sex movie
LOS ANGELES — Jennifer Lopez won a court order Monday barring her first husband from making their sex life public — at least for a day.
Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge James C. Chalfant issued a temporary restraining order blocking distribution of a proposed movie, "The J.Lo and Ojani Noa Story." The order is in effect until a hearing on whether to extend it is completed. That hearing was scheduled to resume Tuesday.
"I'm going to fight this," Noa said of the order.
Lopez sued Noa on Friday for $10 million, claiming he breached a prior confidentiality agreement by intending to sell a movie containing hours of home video footage, including some showing Lopez in sexual situations on their 1997 honeymoon.
The suit also claims invasion of privacy by "public disclosure of private facts which would be offensive and objectionable to a reasonable person and which is not of legitimate public concern."
Lopez also sued Ed Meyer, Noa's manager and producer of the proposed movie.
Meyer's attorney, Frank Sanes Jr., unsuccessfully argued in court that his client was not bound by Noa's confidentiality agreement and shouldn't be subject to the restraining order.
The singer-actress wed Noa in 1997, but their marriage lasted just 11 months. They have fought two previous court battles.
Noa obtained a $125,000 settlement from Lopez in a 2004 suit that claimed she fired him without cause from a job as manager of her now-defunct Pasadena restaurant. As part of the settlement, he agreed not to disparage Lopez or sell private or intimate details about her or their relationship.
In 2007, Lopez won $545,000 in damages and attorney fees in another lawsuit that blocked Noa from publishing a ghostwritten tell-all book. Lopez claimed Noa had demanded $5 million to keep him from publishing the book.
According to court documents, the book claimed that Lopez had multiple affairs during her marriage to Noa, including one with current husband Marc Antony.
Lopez, 40, married Antony in 2004 and they have two children. She also was married to choreographer Cris Judd in 2001. The marriage lasted for nine months.
Jennifer Lopez Sex Movie on Lockdown
Jenny's sexcapades are off the block...for now.
A Los Angeles judge has shut down Jennifer Lopez's publicity-hungry first hubby from releasing a so-called mockumentary featuring depictions of the ex-couple's short-lived love life and an exposé of her allegedly cheating ways.
Ojani Noa, who has been trying to milk his role as J.Lo husband No. 1 ever since their marriage crapped out more than a decade ago, has been pitching How I Married Jennifer Lopez: The J.Lo and Ojani Noa Story for a couple of weeks. Lopez filed a $10 million lawsuit on Friday and requested an injunction preventing the release of any footage featuring her.
Today, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge James C. Chalfant agreed to keep the movie on lockdown until a further hearing Tuesday on whether to make the injunction permanent.
But first, hizzoner might be getting an eyeful...
Chalfant will also decide whether to grant a request by the Out of Sight star's attorney, John H. Lavely, to review all video material, sexually explicit or otherwise, Noa and his manager/producing partner Ed Meyer plan to shop around so he can determine if they violated the ex-couple's nondisclosure agreement.
"We're going try to convince the judge that the injunction is not called for," Meyer lawyer Frank Sanes tells E! News. "The judge will have to decide whether or not [to grant plaintiff's request] to have certain documents sealed or not."
Meyer and Noa believe they are skirting the terms of a confidentiality agreement by fictionalizing parts of the story and hiring actors to re-create scenes. Meyer told E! News that production was set to begin in January.
Lopez hooked up with Noa, then a waiter in a Miami eatery, before she hit the big time. They married in February 1997 but divorced 11 months later. They remained on friendly terms, with Lopez even hiring Noa to run her Los Angeles-area restaurant in April 2002.
But things soured and she fired him six months later. Noa sued her for wrongful termination, and the pair eventually signed an agreement preventing either from talking about the settlement or their union.
That didn't stop Noa from threatening to publish a tell-all book about their time together and how she allegedly cheated on him and other boyfriends. A court-appointed arbitrator ruled in Lopez's favor and awarded her $545,000 in compensatory damages.
Noa turned up in court today representing himself. Calls to Lopez's attorney seeking comment were not immediately returned.
What else has Jennifer Lopez been up to lately? Well, there's that new tune and enough wardrobe changes to merit her own Fashion Spotlight.
Jennifer Lopez Sues First Husband Over Sex Tape
Jennifer Lopez is suing her ex-husband again — two years after she won a $545,000 judgment against him — accusing him for planning to use a sex tape of them in a tell-all movie, The New York Times reports. Jennifer's lawsuit filed Friday states that her former husband Ojani Noa has been trying to sell to film industry players a movie with footage of J.Lo and Ojani in sexual situations. The film includes footage of them in their hotel room on their honeymoon in 1997.
Jennifer, who married Marc Anthony in 2004 and now has two children with him, is seeking $10 million. She also is seeking a court order to prevent the release of any footage of her and Noa being intimate.
Ojani, a chef and model, was married to Jennifer for less than 11 months. In 2006, J.Lo sued her ex for his plans to publish a tell-all book about their life and a California judge ordered him to pay $545,000 for breach of contract. Jennifer said Ojani had signed an agreement not to publish details about their relationship.
Jennifer's attorneys reportedly sent a cease and desist letter to Ojani and filmakers demanding that they stop production of a film titled How I Married Jennifer Lopez: The JLo and Ojani Noa Story.
The lawsuit accuses Ojani of breach of contract and names filmmaker Ed Meyer as a defendant.
J-Lo doesn't want her ex-husband peddling sex tapes or mockumentaries
Jennifer Lopez has sued her ex-husband for $10 million over his selling their honeymoon sex tape to filmmaker Ed Meyer and for his making an upcoming mockumentary called "How I Married Jennifer Lopez: The JLo and Ojani Noa Story."
According to Courthouse News Service, Noa is a Cuban-born model. He and J-Lo were married from February 1997 to January 1998. Noa is trying to make the most of those 11 months of marriage. He has already tried to write a book about it. In a previous round of Noa-Lopez litigation, she paid him a settlement and he signed an agreement not to "disclose for monetary fain any private or intimate details about either [Lopez] or his relationship with [Lopez]." Because of that agreement, Lopez was able to stop him from writing the book.
Now he's attempting to get around the agreement by creating a "mockumentary" instead of a documentary.
In her complaint in Los Angeles Superior Court, Lopez says Noa and Meyer are "producing and marketing for sale a feature film titled 'How I Married Jennifer Lopez: The JLo and Ojani Noa Story' … which they describe as the '(s)tory of Jennifer's Lopez's tumultuous first marriage to Cuban immigrant, chef and model Ojani Noa.' [Filmmaker Ed] Meyer also claims to have acquired from Noa the exclusive rights to what Meyer described as '11+ hours of previously unseen home video footage of Jennifer Lopez and Ojani Noa' … and asserted that he and Noa 'will be marketing/licensing [the films] for sale in DVD format at the American Film Market,' which is to be held in Santa Monica, California, from November 2-11, 2009."
Her complaint states: "In response, that same day Meyer sent Lopez's attorney an email in which he stated that the Home Video Materials depict Lopez 'in revealing lack of clothing, and in sexual situations, especially in the hotel room footage from [her and Noa's] honeymoon,' and that the injunction is '100% ineffective.'"
…Meyer sent another email to her attorney, in which he wrote "that the injunction was 'only a "State Court" injunction, with extremely limited jurisdiction and effectiveness.' Meyer continued to state that: 'I don't even need to litigate this in the court system, as I can litigate it in the media.'"
via Courthouse News Service.
So then Lopez sued. And now he does have to litigate it in the court system.
She is seeking $10 million in damages for invasion of privacy, violation of publicity rights and breach of contract. I imagine her suit will be more successful in the courts than her movies are at the box office.
Jennifer Lopez Sex Tape Is Real and J-Lo Isn't Happy About It! (Photos)
Celebrity News, Gossip/Rumors, Photos, Jennifer Lopez, News.
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Jennifer Lopez is worried about the possible leek of a sex tape her and ex husband Ojani Noa filmed while they were together…Yes, the rumors are true, the Jennifer Lopez sex tape is real and J-Lo is not happy about it!!
Ojani Noa, Lopez's first husband, has threatened to release a sex tape that is eleven hours long in which it shows Lopez doing the dirty with Noa 12 years ago. After the rumors of there being a sex tape was confirmed, J-Lo is suing Ojani Noa for breach of contract and invasion of privacy and is seeking $10,000,000 in damages.
Footage of the tape includes J-Lo playing sexy bedroom games and looking at herself in a mirror, wearing only her bra and panties. Another hot scene in the tape shows Lopez as she climbs onto a motorcycle wearing a short skirt and no panties, laughing as if she was caught off guard by what the camera just caught.
Lopez, 40, is the mother of 20-month-old twins with third husband Marc Anthony, 41!
Somebody send Dr. HipHop a copy when it does get released because we all know it will, with or without a lawsuit!
Kari Ann Peniche, Rebecca Gayheart, and Husband Eric Dane's Threesome Sex Tape Leaked
Rebecca Gay Heart and Eric Dane (Photo Agency)
A video of an apparently intoxicated threesome of Grey's Anatomy star Eric Dane, wife Rebecca Gayheart, and fomer beauty queen (and rumored Hollywood madam) Kari Ann Peniche has hit the Internet. The video, which was leaked by Gawker, shows the three giggling about porn star names, as well as Gayheart and Peniche bathing together.
Drugs are apparently being used during the video, with Gayheart at one point saying she needs to lay down because she's too high. Peniche is also shown reading credit card numbers into a phone, leading some to speculate she's being paid for her time with the couple. An edited version of the tape is up over at Gawker's Defamer site (link so very, very NSFW, and also semi-depressing).
The tape has apparently come to light as authorities investigate Peniche for allegedly working as a madam for high-priced escorts. According to Defamer, Peniche would redirect men who hit on her at clubs to call her escort service. Peniche was also recently seen on Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab, being treated for sex addiction. She was eventually kicked off the show for entertaining some seriously shady friends at the treatment center, and for stealing from her roommates, Mindy McCready.
See more Rebecca Gayheart and Eric Dane pictures (click any photo):
Kari Ann Peniche, 'Playboy' Playmate, Signs on for 'Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew'
Former beauty queen Kari Ann Peniche will be one recognizable name appearing on the new show Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew, a spin-off of the reality series Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew. The show will, obviously, focus on sex addicts instead of those suffering from substance abuse, and the famed Dr. Drew will help them sort out their compulsive behavior.
Kari Ann Peniche (Mylivepage )
Peniche is a former beauty queen turned Playboy Playmate who was stripped of her Miss United States Teen title after appearing in the men's magazine. But more recently, she's been in the news for that pesky tape that surfaced of herself, Eric Dane and Rebecca Gayheart all nude in a hot tub.
Other fun facts about Peniche: She was once engaged to singer Aaron Carter, and she already appeared on Season 3 of Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew, where she had a legendary fight with country star Mindy McCready.
Other stars who'll be part of Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew are (according to RightCelebrity ) Phil Varone, Duncan Roy, Amber Smith, Kendra Jade Rossi, James Lovett, Penny Flame and Nicole Narian.
Chelsea Handler debuts bikini-clad body on Playboy magazine cover during 'The Jay Leno Show'
Chelsea Handler jokes that she 'trained' for the photo shoot by giving up alcohol 'for like a day and a half'.'
Handler graces the December cover of Playboy magazine.
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Chelsea Handler is Playboy's newest bunny.
On Jay Leno's show Wednesday night, Handler showed off her cover on the magazine's holiday issue where she appears in a tiny gold bikini.
"We need the guy that airbrushed me to come back," joked Handler, who hosts the late night talk show, "Chelsea Lately."
The razor-tongued star admitted to Leno that she "trained" hard for the Playboy shoot and quit drinking "for like a day and a half."
Despite her over-the-top personality, Handler played coy with Leno when he asked the leggy blonde to strike a similar pose for the audience.
However male Handler fans may be disappointed.
The inside photo features the star covered up by an apron and mini dress while preparing a vodka-soaked Christmas meal with her sidekick Chuy.
PHOTO: Dancing's Joanna Krupa Covers Playboy
We've seen some skimpy outfits in the ballroom but this takes it to a whole new level!
Dancing with the Stars contestant Joanna Krupa will be on the cover of the December issue of Playboy, which hits stands Nov. 13.
She's splitting the honor with talk show host Chelsea Handler, who is doing a holiday guide for the magazine. While Handler keeps her clothes on, Krupa will appear in an 8-page nude pictorial shot by celebrity photographer Rankin.
Krupa's cover will go out to subscribers as well as appear on newsstands while Handler's cover will only be available on stands.
What would Bruno Tonioli say?
Tell us: What do you think of Joanna's cover?
Joanna Krupa Went 'Wild' with Snoop Dog
Joanna Krupa from "Dancing with the Stars" has accomplished a feat not many women have been able to do: She was featured on a "Girls Gone Wild" video with Snoop Doggy Dog and managed to keep her clothes on the whole time.
TMZ has obtained some footage of Krupa on a "GGW" video she did with Snoop Dogg back in the day called "Doggystyle." On the tape, she's just one of the hot chicks Joe Francis uses to introduce the video.
Unfortunately -- just like that tickle torture vid -- Krupa is covered in more clothes than she is when doin' the jive.
Ex-Miss California in middle of sex tape scandal
Dethroned former Miss California Carrie Prejean is at the center of a new scandal following reports she's the star of a new sex tape.
The blonde beauty was stripped of her crown earlier this year after candid shots of her posing on a beach hit the Internet - a strict breach of the pageant's rules. Officials also took offense to her decisions to miss official engagements - an allegation she denied.
And now it appears Prejean, who hit the headlines when she questioned gay marriage at the Miss USA pageant, is caught up in another controversy.
A source who has seen the alleged sex tape tells TMZ Prejean appears to be "doing very graphic things to her body," adding no one else features on the tape.
The insider says Prejean claims she was 17 when the video was shot.
The beauty queen is currently suing pageant bosses for her dismissal.
Stephanie Seymour Poses Nude For Vanity Fair After Her Marriage Goes Bad!
Super model Stephanie Seymour, now 41 had a pretty smooth run when it came to living a perfectly happy family life. She was happily married with business tycoon Peter Brant. They tied took the vows way back in 1995 when she was 26 and Peter was 48. "He's strong, intelligent, sensitive, and very masculine," was what she said on being asked about her then fiancé by People magazine in 1994. The couple has three children, aged 15, 13, and 5 and they were a very happy family until recently when news came out about their court filing.
The one close couple still shares their Greenwich estate while their cold war continues as well. There also have been ancillary court cases: a Brant security guard charged with disorderly conduct for allegedly shoving Seymour after she allegedly grabbed some papers from him and tucked them down her shirtfront; a civil suit filed, in turn, by the same guard against Seymour, claiming that he was injured after she allegedly proceeded to slam a door on his arm following the previously alleged shove; a public-disturbance charge issued against Seymour after she allegedly blocked the family driveway with her S.U.V., then yanked the keys out of another security guard's car and threw them in some nearby bushes.
It's just not about the money and the property, there are lots of other things in dispute as well; such as commissioned portraits of Seymour by artists such as Julian Schnabel, Jeff Koons, Richard Prince, and Maurizio Cattelan (a bust of the supermodel). That's no it! The couples are fighting over child custody as well. There have been countless allegations set on the couple by each other. One of Brant's attorney said "Suffice to say that there are a lot of allegations and cross-allegations going back and forth. I don't think either [Seymour's Counsel Thomas Colin] or myself would tell you that we know who is right and who is wrong. We have been doing this much too long to simply take our clients' word for it."
Stephanie was all over the headlines recently, and this was nothing related to the divorce case. This time it was about Mario Testino photographing a naked Stephanie Seymour for the December issue of Vanity Fair. She sure did prove that beauty and looking this good at 41 is the best revenge.
Gretchen Rossi Vibrator Pictures: Gretchen Rossi's Vibrator Pictures Arouse Questions
Gretchen Rossi vibrator pictures are hot. Gretchen Rossi and her vibrator pictures are arousing questions. Gretchen Rossi's vibrator pictures have stormed the web, and leave many people scratching their head.
Gretchen Rossi is an Orange County housewife featured on Bravo's "Real Housewives of Orange County." Not too long ago, nude pictures of Gretchen Rossi with her vibrator stormed the web. Everyone – including fellow castmembers – are scratching their heads.
Why do the vibrator pictures drum up so many questions for Gretchen Rossi? Her vibrator has a cord. According to Popeater, "fellow housewife Tamra Barney says of one pic, "There's a picture of her with a vibrator laying on a bed with a cord… Holy mother of gynecology! Who has a vibrator with a cord?" A woman who is "in a dark place," says Rossi. She was mourning the death of her husband at the time of the photo opps."
So what is more disturbing? That Gretchen Rossi's vibrator pictures feature a cord, or that she was using such a contraption while she was in mourning. Of course, I am sure that Gretchen is mortified that the pictures even made it to the web.
You can find the Gretchen Rossi vibrator pictures at a variety of sites online. I haven't included a picture with the post, as I wish to respect the privacy of Gretchen Rossi.
Gretchen on 'Real Houswives of OC': Salacious photos of Rossi heat up season 5 premiere
Gretchen Rossi of 'The Real Housewives of OC.' She got the season off to a racy start after revealing nude photos that she says were made public without her knowlegde.
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Gretchen Rossi knows how to boost ratings.
The season five premiere of the "Real Housewives of Orange County" prominently features salacious photos of star Rossi.
One of the photos shows Rossi lying naked on a bed, vibrator in hand. Another, catches the 32-year-old former real estate agent topless in a car. And yet a third set of pictures shows Rossi on the toilet with her pants around her ankles.
The pictures of Rossi had been previously released on the site Dirty, but have found new popularity after the show's premiere on Thursday night.
In the episode, Tamra Barney and Vicki Gunvalson meet for lunch and discuss their disdain for Rossi, complaining about her inappropriate internet photos.
At one point, Barney asks Gunvalson, "There's a picture of her with a vibrator laying on a bed with a cord, I'm like, 'Holy Mother of Gynecology! Who has a vibrator with a cord?'"
Later, Rossi addresses the photo scandal, saying that the photos were made public without her knowledge and that she is embarrassed by them.
She says the pictures were taken when she was mourning the death of her husband and was "in a dark place."
Natalie Portman Talks About Sex Scene with Mila Kunis
So the rumor has been that Mila Kunis and Natalie Portman engage in a steamy sex scene in Darren Aronofsky's upcoming film, "Black Swan." Speaking with V Magazine recently about the film, Portman pretty much confirmed the rumors, although she argued the semantics.
She said:
"It's not raunchy - it's extreme."
That doesn't really give us much to go on, but there's a good chance the scene involves nudity. Both Portman and Kunis have gone nude on camera before, so it wouldn't be anything new for either of them. The only difference is, Portman says she is more open to it now than she was earlier in her career.
Portman explained:
"Previously I was figuring out my own sexual identity, likes and dislikes and all that stuff, and it's weird to be doing stuff on film as you're figuring it out. Also, being a sexual object when you're a kid is really uncomfortable."
Whether this scene simply helps market the film or actually adds to it remains to be seen.
Gretchen Rossi of Real Housewives of Orange County Nude Photos Scandal Re-Heated!
Celebrity News, Entertainment, Gossip/Rumors, NSFW, Photos, Television, People - U.S., News.
Just one episode into the fifth season of the 'Real Housewives of Orange County' and already things are heating up thanks to nude photos of Gretchen Rossi. Seen in one of her naked pictures, Rossi supposedly shows off her self-explorational side as she is lying in bed fully nude with nothing at all except a vibrator in her hand, while dressed in another picture with some type of lotion or rubbing oil.
'Real Housewives of Orange County,' which premiered on Thursday night has a new-found popularity and is now raking in the ratings over the 32-year-old former real estate agent's racy photos which the 'dirt' was slung on the episode by hot housewife Tamra Barney, who has a little bit of bad blood flowing already with Rossi.
In a lunch meeting with Vicki Gunvalson, Tamra Barney discuss Rossi's racy internet photos and pokes a little fun at the vibrator in the photo stating 'Who has a vibrator with a cord?.'
Rossi defends herself, claims she was 'embarrassed' and that the naked photos were released without her knowledge.
The photos which also include a photo of Rossi topless in a car, and on the toilet with her pants down to her ankles, were allegedly taken while Rossi was in a "dark place" mourning the death of her husband.
Gretchen Rossi's nude photos leaked out
The current season of Real Housewives of Orange County, is getting a great viewer ship, all because of the nude photographs of one of its stars, Gretchen Rossi, which are available of the internet. Rossi would be adddressing the issue herself.
THE CURRENT season of Real Housewives of Orange County, is getting a great viewer ship, all because of the nude photographs of one of its stars, Gretchen Rossi, which are available of the internet. In the premiere episode of the 5th season of the show, the whole cast discuss about Gretchen Rossi vibrator pictures which have been put up on sites like photobucket, flickr and picassa.
The issue was brought out in the open by fellow housewife Tamra Barney, when she was discussing about the photos of Gretchen Rossi lying on bed with a vibrator, driving a car topless and also sitting on a toilet without her pants on. Barney supposedly said that there was a picture of Rossi with a vibrator lying on a bed with a cord. She said, "Holy Mother of Gynaecology! Who has a vibrator with a cord?"
The blonde lady defended herself and said that her scandalous nude pictures were leaked out without her knowledge and she was actually mourning the death of her hubby Jeff who died of cancer.
It is believed that she would be addressing the issue herself in one of the coming episodes of the show. With the inclusion of this topic about Gretchen Rossi's nude pictures with vibrators, the show has got what it wanted – lots of viewer ship. It was also because of the reference made by Tamra that the topic which had died down some time ago, is in the news again.
"Shauna Sand Exposed" Video: Vivid Has "No Right" to Release Sex Tape, Says Playmate (Pictures)
Playboy playmate Shauna Sand has made it very clear that she doesn't want you to watch her illicit sex tape, "Shauna Sand Exposed," which features bedroom footage distributed without her permission.
PICTURES: Shauna Sand Sex Tape Scandal
She, of course, doesn't mind you seeing her naked images in Playboy, the thousands of pictures of her galavanting in three-dimensionally stretched spandex outfits at celebrity parties or micro-bikini shots in the pages of gossip magazines.
(MySpace Photo)
But please don't watch her sex tape.
PICTURES: Shauna Sand Sex Tape Scandal
"Yes, I did make a sex tape with my boyfriend earlier this year," Sand said to celebrity site TMZ. "In fact, I've made several sex tapes, but I certainly didn't sign off on this and Vivid has no right to put it out."
She is considering legal action against Vivid Entertainment, the adult movie company which intends to release "Shauna Sand Exposed," Oct. 19, 2009.
But Vivid boss Steven Hirsch believes his company has legal cover to produce it..
PICTURES: Shauna Sand Sex Tape Scandal
"We were approached by a third party, who brought us footage of Shauna having sex with her current boyfriend and we were immediately interested in acquiring it," Hirsch said according to CBS Affiliate WIAT. "We're comfortable without legal position in releasing this footage."
For her part, Sand has said she always wanted to be a Playboy model.
"I always wanted to be a Playmate, though I had never seen the actual magazine," Sand told Playboy. Ever though "my mother said she would disown me if I posed nude."
Hopefully, her mother will still take her calls.
PICTURES: Shauna Sand Sex Tape Scandal
October 13, 2009 - Playboy Model Shauna Sand Made Sex Tapes for Herself, Not for You!
Tags: shauna sand , photos , sextape , boyfriend , video , playboy , vivid , steve hirsch , crimesider
Topics: Photos
Shauna Sand fighting Vivid Entertainment on release of her sex tape, 'Shauna Sand Exposed'
Shauna Sand admits the sex tape does exist, but Vivid Entertainment has no right to distribute it.
Shauna Sand is trying to block the release of a hardcore sex tape she made but says wasn't supposed to be released.
The former Playboy model admitted to TMZ that the video does exist and that Vivid Entertainment, which acquired the video via a third party, has no right to distribute it. She said she would fight the Oct. 19 release of the DVD.
Vivid, however, has already launched a page with clips of Sand and an unidentified man in action.
The 38-year-old mother of three also said she has "in fact" made "several sex tapes" over the years.
And what about those kids?
Worried that her ex-husband and father of her girls, Lorenzo Lamas, would be furious over her raunchy video romp, Sand had to do some damage control.
According to TMZ, she calmed Lamas down and made him sign a piece of paper that read: "I, Lorenzo Lamas, will not seek custody of my minor children with Shauna Sand. Even in the event of a release of a sex tape with her and her boyfriend.".
And now Shayne Lamas, Sand's former step-daughter, is slamming the blond for what she claims is a calculated move.
"Isn't that convenient that her tape just happened to be leaked the day after my show premiered," she said, referring to her family's new E! reality show, "Leave it to Lamas." "I just feel bad for my little sisters."
Carrie Prejean's mother saw infamous sex tape
Carrie Prejean had an unexpected witness.
Former Miss California Carrie Prejean was hoping to get a substantial amount of money in a lawsuit against pageant company umbrella company K2 after claiming she was stripped of her title due to "religious discrimination." however, she instead received nothing but a few legal fees after pageant officials realized that she had participated in a sex tape (not the sort of thing a Miss California wants floating around in the world).
Unfortunately for Prejean, it only got worse from there. According to TMZ, Prejan's mother was in the room when pageant officials made the world aware that they were in possession of the sex tape. The poor woman was apparently "horrified" to say the least.
Prejean originally rose to fame earlier this year when on the telecast for the Miss USA pageant she took a stance against gay marriage; it was due to some of her campaigning for religious and anti-gay marriage groups after the pageant that caused her to be stripped of her title of Miss California.
Do you have any sympathy for Prejean at all during all of this? Let me know your thoughts with a comment below and as always stay tuned for more news.
WTF? Carrie Prejean Sex Tape! Miss England Brawls, Cowboys Cheerleader Pics
Three scandal stories for a Sunday: Miss England gives up crown after brawl, Carrie Prejean settles lawsuit after sex tape emerges and a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader is in hot water over a photo in black-face.
First: The pictures allegedly show Whitney Isleib, who has been a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader since 2008, wearing black-face, braids and fake tattoos, posing in one snapshot with two black women and in another with two men dressed as mariachi singers. Read more about it and see the photos here.
Second: Miss England has given up her crown following an alleged brawl with a beauty queen in a fight over a Gladiator star. Police arrested Rachel Christie on suspicion of assaulting Miss Manchester, Sara Beverley Jones, in the wee hours of Monday morning. Read more about it and see the photos here.
Third: Carrie Prejean, the former Miss California USA, and her legal war with pageant organizers is over. Prejean and the organizers of the pageant reached a confidential settlement, thanks to the emergence of a sex tape starring Prejean. Read more about it and see the photos, video here.
Jennifer Lopez's sex tape is real
There were rumors swirling about that Jennifer Lopez was caught with her pants down on tape, but now it's been confirmed.
Ex-husband, Ojani Noa, has threatened to release the tape, which is eleven hours long and shows the singer in various states of undress.
The confirmation came when TMZ broke the news that J-Lo and her naked booty are suing Noa. She is suing him for breach of contract and invasion of privacy and is seeking $10,000,000 in damages.
Confirmed, Shauna Sand's Sex Tape to Be Released
The Playboy model has withdrawn a threat of a lawsuit to block the distribution of her sex tape, and so Vivid Entertainment moves forward with its plan to make the tape public.
A new up-date has been brought forth by Vivid Entertainment regarding the leaked sex tape of Shauna Sand. The adult film studio confirmed Monday, October 26 that it will move forward with the plans to distribute the raunchy footage and has set it to be released this Wednesday, October 28. The decision is made shortly after Shauna decided to withdraw threat of a lawsuit to block its distribution.
Steven Hirsch, co-chairman of Vivid, said he met with Shauna in his office last Thursday, October 15. "We showed her the documents we had received from a third party that were authenticated by a handwriting expert and explained that we remained comfortable that we had the right to distribute the video," he explained. "Shauna said she wanted to consult with her attorney and would get back to us the following day." Steven added that Shauna called him the following day and agreed not to pursue a lawsuit upon fear that it would be long and expensive.
Shauna herself has released a statement, confirming "I made this video with my ex-boyfriend for our own enjoyment. But since Vivid obtained a copy and is moving ahead with distribution, I now feel it will be in my best interest to work with Vivid to make sure it is handled properly. I'm taking full control of this situation and that means there won't be any involvement by a third party. I'm proud of the way I look in the video. My ex-boyfriend was the cameraman, I edited it and added the music and so I have an interest in the final product."
Earlier last week, TMZ reported Vivid Entertainment obtained Shauna Sand's sex tape. The actress and Playboy model was quick to acknowledge the existence of the video, stating "Yes I did make a sex tape with my boyfriend earlier this year. In fact I've made several sex tapes, but I certainly didn't sign off on this and Vivid has no right to put it out. I am trying to get a hold of my attorney now."
Now that the dispute over the distribution of the sex tape has been resolved, Vivid Entertainment will make the footage available in stores across the country and online
Double trouble for Carrie Prejean as reports of a new sex tape surface!
Dethroned former Miss USA contestant, and Miss California Carrie Prejean reportedly is in hot water again. She was scheduled to appear at an event called "Defenders of the Family" today, but since it was revealed she has a "solo sex tape" her name was removed from the schedule.
The event was to be held at a Marriott Hotel in Whippany New Jersey and was to appear along with professional Political tribute artists/ doubles of former Presidents Bill Clinton, and George Bush. After seeing the flyer for the event on TMZ, I realized they were look alike friends of mine . The flyer features Dale Leigh as Clinton and John Morgan as Bush. I haven't smiled this much since TMZ used my photo as Anna Nicole Smith on a story for their site.
Like A Bad Boob Job Leaking Silicon, Carrie Prejean's Sex Tape Will Leak Online
Carrie Prejean has accomplished the seemingly impossible: Male homosexuals who`ve never seen a straight p*rn movie, are dying to see the video of the born again hypocrite pleasuring herself.
TMZ which doesn`t exactly have a reputation for journalistic excellence refuses to provide a link to the erotic video, it`s just too explicit.
But fans of p*rn shouldn`t despair, like a bad boob job leaking silicon, the p*rn flick will surface somewhere on the Web. We will get our chance to see Prejean as only her gynecologist and her lovers have seen her.
Even atheists and followers of faiths other than Christianity will exclaim "Jesus" when witnessing Prejean in all her glory. Maybe Prejean really is an effective evangelist for her faith.
It`s appropriate that Prejean`s sex tape is a solo effort, the beauty queen only cares about herself. Prejean refused to fulfill her obligations to the Miss California Pageant, because they interfered with her own dreams and ambtions.
Dear Carrie: This godless liberal is dying to see your sex tape, we hope there will be more to come.
Jennifer Lopez sues to stop release of sex tape and movie
Jennifer Lopez filed a lawsuit on Friday, November 6, seeking to stop her former husband, Ojani Noa, from releasing a film on their short marriage.
Jennifer Lopez filed a lawsuit on Friday, November 6, seeking to stop her former husband, Ojani Noa, from releasing a film on their short marriage. Photo Credit: HFPA
November 06, 2009, (Sawf News) - Jennifer Lopez filed a lawsuit on Friday, November 6, seeking to stop her former husband, Ojani Noa, from releasing a film on their short marriage.
In the lawsuit filed in L.A. County Superior Court, Lopez claims the film - expressively titled: "How I Married Jennifer Lopez: The JLo and Ojani Noa Story" – violates an existing confidentiality agreement between the two.
According to TMZ, the lawsuit also alleges that Noa plans to release "11+ hours of previously unseen home video footage of Jennifer Lopez and Ojani Noa."
The footage depicts Lopez "in a revealing lack of clothing, and in sexual situations, especially in the hotel room from honeymoon."
The filed legal documents also include a claim by Lopez's attorney that he received a letter from a producer working with Noa stating that he had "entered into a contractual agreement" with TMZ for the "exclusive rights to the ... home movies."
According to TMZ, there was "never any such agreement."
The lawsuit also seeks $10 million for breach of contract and invasion of privacy.
Lopez met Cuban-born Ojani Noa while he worked as a waiter at a Miami restaurant. Their marriage in February 1997 lasted just 11 months.
Noa later worked as the manager of Lopez's Pasadena restaurant Madre's, from April 2002 to October 2002 when she fired him. Noa sued Lopez over the termination following which the two entered into a confidentiality agreement.
In 2006, Lopez sued Noa to stop him from publishing a tell-all tome on the grounds that it violated their confidentiality agreement.
Carrie Prejean sex tape forced ex-Miss California's lawsuit settlement: report
Carrie Prejean reportedly walked away from lawsuit settlement negotions with almost nothing after a sex tape featuring her in the starring role surfaced.
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Carrie Prejean says she's not a 'hater' at Values Summit
Ex-Miss California sues pageant officials for religious discrimination
A legal standoff between Carrie Prejean and Miss California USA officials reportedly ended when a Pageant lawyer played his trump card: a sex tape far more hard-core than the nude pictures which had previously scandalized her – and in which she had the starring role.
After being shown the hardcore home video - in which she apparently engages in a solo sex act - Prejean dropped her million-dollar-plus demands, TMZ reports, and bolted from the negotiating table.
The tape has never been released publically.
The negotiations war ends with Prejean getting zilch, TMZ reports. Pageant officials will reportedly pay her lawyers and a publicist $100K, with nothing going directly to her.
The settlement also relieved Prejean of any financial obligations to pageant organizer K2Productions - including repaying her breast augmentation surgery.
Prejean, who was stripped of her Miss California crown in June, had filed suit against pageant officials claiming religious discrimination.
She found herself an unlikely political lightening rod and cause celebre for the Right for voicing faith-based opposition to gay marriage during the Q&A portion of the Miss USA pageant.
Prejean subsequently found herself squarely in the sites of Perez Hilton, the judge who'd asked the question.
The openly gay celebrity blogger excoriated Prejean on his Web site, and suggested her answer might have cost her the Miss USA title.
Officials say they relieved her of the title for failure to attend contractually-obligated appearances.
In addition to accusing her of failing to repay $5200 for the breast augmentation, their counter-suit alleged Prejean broke her contract and lied about sem-nude photos.
"We're so glad to be back in the business of beauty and out of the litigious system that is Carrie Prejean," Keith Lewis, of K2 Productions, told the Daily News. "It's wonderful to put this behind us."
Two Days After Sex Tape, Carrie Prejean's Name Removed from Conservative Event
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Like Dethroned Prejean, New Miss California Tami Farrell Doesn't Believe in Gay Marriage
Carrie Prejean's name has been removed as a key speaker at a conservative conference on family values in New Jersey, two days after news surfaced that the former Miss California -- controversial for her comments on gay mariage -- was the star of a sex tape, according to TMZ.
TMZ, which on Wednesday broke the news about the sex tape, today said it isn't clear whether the removal was prompted by Prejean or the New Jersey Family Policy Council, but added that, as of yesterday, Prejean's appearance was still on. Called Defenders of the Family, the conference occurs tonight.
The video in question -- reportedly a solo act, shot by an ex-boyfriend -- is said to have thwarted a lawsuit Prejean had filed against Miss California USA organizers.
Her beef with the pageant stems back to April, when she sparked a media firestorm with her comments about gay marriage.
In June, the pageant took away her Miss California crown, saying she had failed to appear at more than 30 events she was supposed to attend.
Prejean responded with a lawsuit against Miss California USA organizers, claiming religious discrimination on the part of the pageant.
Not long after, the Miss California producers fired back with a suit of their own, claiming she failed to repay them for a loan covering her breast-implant surgery.
Jennifer Lopez Sexy Tape Not So Sexy
* Jennifer Lopez
* News
* sex tapes
While the world ignores Shauna Sand's sex tape (On sale now!) the National Enquirer claims that Jennifer Lopez is fighting to keep her own "sexy tape" out of the public's hands... But unfortunately it doesn't sound that sexy or scandalous at all (e.g. No hardcore penetration). The Enquirer watched the "11-hour tape that J.Lo doesn't want anyone to see" and this is what they found.
"The tape includes footage of the beauty playing sexy bedroom games with first husband Ojani Noa, 35, a Cuban-born waiter she married 12 years ago. In one sizzling scene, J.Lo is looking at herself in a bathroom mirror, wearing only a bra and panties - and showing off her famous butt. In another eye-popping shot, a clearly immodest J.Lo laughs as the camera catches her climbing onto a motorcycle wearing a short dress and no panties."
J. Lo Sex Tape on the Way? Jennifer Lopez reportedly has a sex tape!
Jennifer Lopez reportedly has a sex tape! But then again, who doesn't have one these days…
According to The National Enquirer, J. Lo's first husband Ojani Noa has an 11-hour tape that features her playing sex games and engaged in a nasty fight with her mother.
The Enquirer claims the tape includes footage of the beauty playing sexy bedroom games with Noa, and in one scene J.Lo is looking at herself in a bathroom mirror, wearing only a bra and panties - and showing off her famous booty.
In another scene she allegedly laughs as the camera catches her climbing onto a motorcycle wearing a short dress and no underwear, and in skimpy underwear being chased around the bedroom by Noa, who spanks her.
Sources say J. Lo is embarrassed by the planned release of the tape, and can't believe her ex would do this to her. This is the same ex that tried to release a tell all book about her back in 2006.
A few months ago he claimed he was working on a movie about his marriage to J.Lo entitled, "How I Married Jennifer Lopez: The J.Lo and Ojani Noa Story" but Lopez's lawyers sent Noa a cease-and-desist letter ordering the film, which is still in its pre-production phase, to be shut down.
We never thought J.Lo would be kinky enough to allow a sex tape be filmed, but you just never know with celebrities.
Sheree From Real Housewives Of Atlanta Has A Sex Tape?
Sheree Whitfield from Real Housewives Of Atlanta might be made a celebrity all over again. Her ex-husband, Bob Whitfield, vexed by her airing him out on television and calling him a deadbeat dad decided that the best revenge would be to release a sex tape they made years ago (assuming it was made during their marriage). Bob Whitfield was on the radio recently threatening to release Sheree's sex tape from his stash:
"Quit trying to trash me and then use my damn last name. I'm feeling like I'm the mad scientist and I created Frankenstein. She didn't have that nose; I put that nose on her! She didn't have them breasts, I put them breasts on her. I put some electricity on that ass and now she's sparked up and tearing up the got damn laboratory. What the f*ck. Sit down somewhere and calm it down. You forget who made you girl!"
"He went on to make jokes about releasing tapes and photos of Sheree, saying "You see what it did for Kim Kardashian."
WHOA! We didn't know that Sheree was getting down like that!
Shauna Sand Sex Tape Images Hit The Web
Shauna Sand sex tape of escapades with her boyfriend is set for release by Vivid Entertainment. In the meantime, a few tamed images are available online.
Shauna Sand Lamas-CSH-022836Shauna Sand – formerly known as Shauna Sand-Lamas, ex-wife of Lorenzo Lamas and starlet of the reality show Leave It to Lamas – is now starring in a sex tape. It's called Shauna Sand Exposed, and though those inclined to see it will have to pay, some images are available online .
The tape is now a Vivid Entertainment release. Sand had previously tried to stop this – issuing a cease-and-desist against the company when they obtained it and tried putting it out.
"Yes I did make a sex tape with my boyfriend earlier this year," Sand told TMZ in October 2009. "In fact I've made several sex tapes, but I certainly didn't sign off on this and Vivid has no right to put it out. I am trying to get a hold of my attorney now."
However, she recently withdrew her lawsuit and has apparently agreed to let the studio release it. Vivid site members can watch it now. But, some digitally semi-sanitized images are available on sites such as poponthepop , and what's visible suggests a fair amount of plastic surgery.
Lip injections, breast augmentation and rhinoplasty – at the minimum – are heavy-hitting culprits. She hasn't talked about getting plastic surgery, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.
In her case, and going by what she lets hang free in the new video, it's a virtual guarantee.
Carrie Prejean Born Again Hypocrite: What's Up With Your X-Rated Sex Tape?
"The legal standoff between Carrie Prejean and Miss California USA officials reportedly ended when a Pageant lawyer played his trump card: a sex tape far more hard-core than the nude pictures which had previously scandalized her - and in which she had the starring role.
After being shown the hardcore home video - in which she apparently engages in a solo sex act - Prejean dropped her million-dollar-plus demands, TMZ reports, and bolted from the negotiating table." Read more
Many born again Christians have such a deep hatred and fear of homosexuals that they embraced a less than virginal Miss California Prejean, because she is against same-sex marriage. In the evangelical world a hatred of gays and lesbians covers a multitude of sins. Even though Prejean had a penchant for taking of her clothes for photographers, evangelicals stood by her because they were enthralled by her anti-gay stance.
But now that is has come to light that Prejean freely allowed one of her lovers to film her as she masturbated, will the Jesus crowd still stand by the disgraced beauty queen.
The hard-core sex tape convinced Prejean to drop her frivolous lawsuit against the Miss California Pageant. Pageant officials will pay Prejean's thousands of dollars, but the born again hypocrite won't get a dime.
Evangelicals find it impossible to live up to the strict moral teaching of the Bible. The more they fail in their attempts to live by the Ten Commandments, the more they scapegoats gays and lesbians.
It's not gays and lesbians who are a threat to "family values." Prejean is the biggest threat to family values, her nude photographs, and her sex tape (which will eventually be released online), will lead many fine young Christian men (and women) to perdition.
Maybe now the disgraced and humiliated beauty queen will stop her vendetta against gays and lesbians.
Carrie Prejean Sex Tape: Literally No Takers Whatsoever
Carrie Prejean, Carrie Prejean sex tape, Carrie Prejean naked, Miss CaliforniaThe world can be odd sometimes. For instance, what's hotter than watching a blonde bigot diddle herself on camera?
Nothing, that's what. Why, even just thinking about it – there she is, all blonde and orange and stupid and silicony, whacking away at her genitals while she angrily mutters things like "It's Adam and Eve, not Adam and STEVE!" and "Sink the pink, don't down the brown!" to herself – doesn't half give us the ruddy horn.
But we might be the only ones. Because, you see, it turns out that nobody wants to buy the newly unearthed Carrie Prejean sex tape. Nobody at all.
The world of sex tapes is a funny one, isn't it? Over the last few years, people have virtually broken their necks to see Gene Simmons stick it in a disinterested model and that twit from Creed lark about in the nude with Kid Rock and Screech from Saved By The Bell smearing poo across a woman's face – three things guaranteed to leave you shivering, nauseous and feeling more alone than you have ever felt in your entire life.
And then there's the now infamous Carrie Prejean sex tape. You'll remember yesterday that Carrie Prejean – she of loudly outspoken anti-gay activism fame – was forced to drop her lawsuit against the organisers of the Miss California pageant when it emerged that she'd allegedly made a naughty video of her playing with herself. Now, let's take the various components of the Carrie Prejean sex tape separately. We have:
1 - A girl…
2 - …Who is partly famous for her physical attractiveness…
3 - …That many people would love to see star in a humiliating video that compromises her Christian values and exposes her as a hypocrite…
4 - …With her hand rammed so far up her clodge that you can almost see her fingers poking out the top of her throat when she opens her mouth.
Who wouldn't want to see that? That's right – nobody. It sounds perfect. The whole world should be lining up to watch the Carrie Prejean sex tape, either because it wants to mock the flimsiness of her moral foundations or because it wants to masturbate quite a lot. But no. According to reports, nobody even wants to go near the Carrie Prejean sex tape. Celebuzz reports:
It appears that the tape has been circling around for several months, and was being offered as an exclusive to various websites for the relatively low price of $10,000. However, sites like TMZ and TheDirty didn't even want anything to do with it! Dirty founder Nik Richie told E! News, "It was very graphic and our lawyers wouldn't let us put it on the site."
Too racy? Wow, the Carrie Prejean sex tape must be incredibly racy, given that other sex tapes featuring full penetration have surfaced without a hitch in the past. Maybe that's not the only reason, though. Maybe the sites are scared of the legal consequences of posting it. Or maybe they don't want to give Carrie Prejean any more attention than she's currently got. Or maybe Carrie Prejean develops an off-puttingly male voice when she becomes aroused. Yes, that's probably it.
So the chances of you getting to see the Carrie Prejean sex tape are fading by the day. But if you enjoy watching irritating bigots sexually demean themselves, help is at hand – we heard that Jim Davidson will show you his penis if you offer to buy him a nice bowl of soup.
We made that last bit up. Nobody would pay good soup to see that.
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