Friday, June 26, 2009

Celebs Tweet about Michael Jackson Tragedy

Celebs Tweet about Michael Jackson Tragedy

Celebs from Ryan Seacrest to Ashton Kutcher and Lindsay Lohan are taking to Twitter to express their shock about Michael Jackson's death.

Ryan Seacrest: Very sad news. multiple sources reporting michael jackson has died

Ashton Kutcher: I plea to the public to refuse to consume media that does not respect the anonymity of Michaels children.

Demi Moore: I am greatly saddened for the loss of both Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson. Especially for their children

Lindsay Lohan: NO OMG ... sending my love and prayers out to Michael and his family ... i feel sick..

Marlon Wayans: My prayers, my love, my heart goes out to michael jackson and the entire jackson family. I pray so hard for them. I'm crushed! Please pray.

Pete Wentz: Prayers and thoughts with michael jackson ... I haven't hope in so long that news isn't true.

Kim Kardashian: Wow I am truly in shock that Michael Jackson has passed away! I love u Jackson family, my prayers are with the whole family!

Ashton Kutcher: Rip Sending love and light to family and friend but especially his kids.

Perez Hilton: It's like Anna Nicole. We all sorta saw it coming. But that doesn't mean it's still not incredibly sad and tragic. Those kids of his. :-(

Sarah Silverman: Did you hear Michael Jackson's kids are free? That's not nice. I'm sorry. Ugh, I feel bad for saying that. LOOK A BLUE CAR!

Eliza Dushku: Listening to MJ at photoshoot when we all heard~ surreal.

Pete Wentz: I have never felt this before in my life. I could measure my childhood 2 now on an mj growth chart. if this is true. Rip. The last legend.

Josh Groban: Definitely a "Where were you when..." day. Lost a great artist who had great demons.

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