Monday, June 22, 2009

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Neda: YouTube Video Too Distressing to Ignore

Yesterday we published 10 Powerful YouTube Videos from Iran, including a particularly graphic video of an Iranian girl dying on the street – we now know her name, Neda. The deeply distressing video is becoming a defining moment in Iran's disputed elections, in both social media and mainstream publications.

The video has now been picked up by TIME , USAToday's On Deadline blog and Sky News. An LATimes blog, meanwhile, claims it is "becoming a rallying symbol for opponents of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad." In all, Google News counts 26 news articles mentioning Neda at the time of writing. Thousands of blogs have commented on the clip.

Among the myriad Tweets and Facebook messages, could it be that a YouTube video becomes the galvanizing moment in Iran's troubled election? And as some outlets declare this the "Twitter revolution", did they overlook the power of online video to shape world events?

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