Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Erin Andrews Naked Peephole Video while strolling around her hotel room naked

Erin Andrews Naked Peephole Video

Having watched the illegally shot video of Erin Andrews fiddling with her hair and other such mundane tasks while strolling around her hotel room naked, I found myself immediately regretting that I did so. Now bear in mind seeing Erin Andrews naked is the supreme fantasy of most every man in America who follows sports, and in that respect I'm no exception — the woman is beautiful, funny and smart. But clearly, the way this video was obtained — by a Peeping Tom recording her on a camera through a hotel room peephole — has to be the slimiest, dirtiest act ever pulled on a sports reporter male or female.

Like many, I saw the video by first noticing a crowd around a colleague's computer and wandering over to see what was up — at first, I didn't know what or who I was looking at. When I realized who it was, your first thought, after "Holy Sh#t!," is "Wait a minute, how was this shot?"

And that's when you realize the true depths of human perversion that drives Peeping Toms to spy on women, a realization that's all the scarier because those of us who have seen the video have, to a small but not insignificant degree, shared in that perversion of human dignity, that criminal act, allowing our own desires to give tacit approval to the criminal's behavior without regard for the consequences for Andrews herself.

And that's the larger issue here — a professional, respected woman who already puts up with fans groping her and catcalls at every venue she works has had her privacy invaded and life turned upside-down in the speed it takes one email link to be sent.

Imagine you're Andrews — when you go outside today, or go to work, or to the store, you're going to be acutely aware of how people are looking at you, wondering if everyone you see has seen you compromised. It has to be brutal, and what's worse is that the video is going to dog her shadow for the foreseeable future, as I have no doubt, knowing men, that people will yell things and pose from the stands everywhere she goes.

Hopefully, Andrews will prosecute the criminal — and it had to be somebody who knew where she was staying, either a guest on the same floor or perhaps a hotel employee — and be able to, in time, take it in stride since there's nothing else that can be done now but to live with it. Still, if I could speak to Andrews I'd say I'm sorry for watching it, I'm sorry that it happened, and I hope the bastard is brought to justice swiftly and faces the stiffest sentence possible. Andrews has fans because of her personality and intelligence — there a million bimbos out there with great looks; they have no trouble populating NFL sidelines and NBA dance teams. But Andrews is so beloved because of her accessibility and friendliness, and I'm hoping those two traits don't also become casualties in the same way her privacy and dignity so cruelly was.

Erin Andrews Peephole Video Link Rapidshare

UPDATE: The Erin Andrews Peephole Video continues to be searched by many online. Someone filmed the ESPN reporter nude in her hotel room and placed the short video  on the internet. The video can now be watched online or downloaded via the link at rapidshare.

Watch Erin Andrews Peephole Video:


The video was first placed online buy a popular celeb site but later taken down. However it is still available to watch online because there is still a cache/database of the video and thousands have already downloaded the video as well and are placing it on rapidshare to download: Erin Andrews Peephole Video Link Rapidshare.
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    * Erin Andrews Peephole Video
    * Erin Andrews Peephole Video Rapidshare
    * Erin Andrews Peephole Video Link

Tags: erin andrews, erin andrews deadspin, erin andrews hotel video, erin andrews peephole pictures, erin andrews peephole video link, erin andrews peephole video link rapidshare, erin andrews peephole video megaupload, erin andrews video

Erin Andrews Peephole
Photos Not First
Other celebs have dealt with
invasions of privacy

ESPN reporter Erin Andrews is dealing with the fallout involving a video that was secretly filmed and posted online showing her walking around her hotel room nude. But she isn't the only celebrity who's had to deal with invasions of privacy.

Andrews is now working with attorneys to track down the person who "surreptitiously videotaped" her while "in the privacy of her hotel room."

"Although the perpetrators of this criminal act have not yet been identified, when they are identified, she intends to bring both civil and criminal charges against them and against anyone who has published the material," attorney Marshall B. Grossman said .

Celebrities over the years have had to deal with the prying lenses of photographers who want to capture them in their most intimate moments. In 1997 photos surfaced in Playgirl magazine that showed Brad Pitt nude on a Caribbean beach . Pitt sued the magazine for invasion of privacy and a judge ordered that the magazines be removed from shelves.

In 2000 Jennifer Aniston sued Man's World Publications and Crescent Publishing Group for releasing photos of her sunbathing topless in her backyard. Hollywood.com reports that the photo was allegedly taken by a paparazzo who climbed a neighbor's walls to snap the shots of her. Aniston settled the suit for an undisclosed amount of money.

Last year actress Sienna Miller won a privacy case against a photographer who shot unauthorized photos of her on the set of the movie "Hippie Hippie Shake" in which she removed her clothes and entered a lake. Miller was paid about $60,000 in damages.

Sexy Pictures of Erin Andrews Found Here

Forget Looking for the Erin Andrews Peephole Video and Get Her Pictures to Be Safer
The Erin Andrews peephole drama is still going hot, but is chancing a virus really worth trying to see the Erin Andrews peephole video that everyone is claiming to have? People all over the internet are searching for the Erin Andrews peephole video links from Rapidshare, Torrents, and
 Megaupload, but what are your chances of getting a nasty virus? Your chances are very high, because many of these websites will attack and may freeze your computer if you click on some of those links for the peephole video. I suggest your best bet is to find pictures of Erin Andrews instead. This way your computer will be safe and you can still fantasize or check out how hot Erin Andrews really is if that's your cup of tea. Where can you find sexy pictures of Erin Andrews online? There are many websites online that will offer you sexy pictures of Erin Andrews, but how safe are those websites? By now I am sure some of the picture websites will also be infected with a few computer viruses so I suggest these following websites.

Google- If you put Sexy pictures of Erin Andrews into the Google box it will give you hundreds of picture results. Click on picture image results at the very top after placing sexy pictures of Erin Andrews. Then you will have over 47 pages of Erin Andrews pictures to drool over or whatever you might want to do. You will see Erin Andrews in a sexy hot bikini, tight skimpy top with black dress pants, cute white summer dress, tank top with sexy jeans, midriff top with skirt, lots of butt pictures of Erin Andrews, Tight sweater, and sexy lingerie outfits of Erin.

Youtube- The video is actually called new Erin Andrews sexy pictures. This video will show you over 25 sexy pictures of Erin Andrews showing off her stuff in hot tight sweaters, tight tank tops, fitted jeans, and skirts.

Btjunkie- On this website you will get access of 29 sexy pictures of Erin Andrews in all different poses. You must first register to the website then login. Once you are a member you can click on the desired picture of Erin and print it out if you want.

Erin Andrews Peephole Video Becomes "Peephole Pictures" and "Hotel Video"

The Slight Shifting of the Term Away from the Uncomfortable is Telling
The Erin Andrews peephole video story has morphed into the "Erin Andrew peephole pictures" and the "Erin Andrews hotel video." Somewhere in the last few days, the salaciously suggestive term "peephole" has been and is being gradually replaced by other terms. One of the more amazing things
Erin Andrews Peephole Video Becomes "Peephole Pictures" and "Hotel Video"
Date: July 20, 2009
 about the longevity of the Erin Andrews peephole video topic is that it has manifested itself in at least a dozen forms, and those are not counting the legitimate Erin Andrew search terms like "Erin Andrews ESPN reporter." Regardless of whatever term form it takes, people looking for Erin Andrews are looking for that extremely elusive peephole video... uh, those peephole pictures. Hotel video?

TMZ ran a story on Monday where they revealed that the "pervert on the loose" (their words) who took the peephole video of the very naked Erin Andrews alone in her hotel room is trying to sell the video. The called it the "Erin Andrews nude video." Nothing false or misleading about it; it just seems sanitized compared to the original "peephole video."

And what it looks and sounds like is a legitimization of the peephole video by taking away the connotation that it was taken by a voyeur, and, according to TMZ, a voyeur with a spy camera at that. The article by TMZ made it pretty clear that the voyeur set up shop in an adjacent hotel room and drilled a hole in the wall in which to procure his naked footage of the unknowing sportscaster. As she went about her hotel routine, apparently preparing herself for the day, someone in the next room followed her movements with a camera.

Preparation equals stalking. Viewing (and capturing video evidence) without consent equals voyeurism. There is nothing remotely benign in these activities, and both are criminal offenses.

The slight alteration of the wording shows a shift toward a more acceptable form. A "peephole video" becomes a "nude video" or "Erin Andrews peephole video cache" becomes "Erin Andrews peephole pictures" (or even "Erin Andrews pictures"). When search engines begin trending away from the salacious, there is a suggestion that there exists discomfort with the terminology.

Erin Andrews Peephole Video Link May Infect Computer
The Erin Andrews peephole video link has been sought after for days now. Finding the Erin Andrews peephole video link was even more difficult after Erin Andrews herself took the original peephole video offline. However, other sites have gotten a new Erin Andrews peephole video link, and
Erin Andrews Peephole Video Link May Infect Computer
 tried to direct people to the peephole video of Erin Andrews changing in a hotel. However, those people who click onto the Erin Andrews peephole video link could find themselves vulnerable to a computer virus.

Sophos first reported yesterday that clicking on Erin Andrews peephole video links could spread malware. Hackers have already fooled many people into clicking on a false link to the Erin Andrews video, causing computers viruses to infect their system.

Yesterday, reports had the Erin Andrews peephole video link being discovered on Rapidshare, a legitimate file-hosting website. But it now appears that clicking on any links promising to show a naked Erin Andrews are not safe.

The hackers may have accidentally made things a little easier for Erin Andrews herself with these scams. When the original peephole video link came up, showing Erin Andrews getting undressed in a hotel, the ESPN sideline reporter had the ESPN legal team take the illegal video down.

Legal action will be taken against those who originally put the peephole video up, as soon as they find out who filmed it. But while they look, people around the Internet are still looking to see Erin Andrews naked, as it continues to be a hot search on Google.

Since Andrews took the original video down, it only made it more in demand. But this has backfired on those who want to see it, since hackers now have a golden opportunity to tempt them onto their sites, and give them computer viruses. It appears that more than a few have fallen for it already.

Erin Andrews Peephole Pictures a Celebrity Invasion of Privacy

Who Searches for Erin Andrews Sexy Pics? Why?
Erin Andrews' peephole pictures and video are making the rounds on the 'Net. Sites advertise that they have Erin Andrews' sexy pics, and if you just click through, you can see them in living color. Would you?

Erin Andrews Peephole Pictures and the Erin Andrews Video Virus Files
Erin Andrews Peephole Pictures a Celebrity Invasion of Privacy
New Times discusses Erin Andrews' peephole pictures and the fact that they were obtained - without authorization - through a little hole in the wall or door. Adding a twisted sense of injustice to the proliferation of the Web with Erin Andrews' sexy pics is the fact that some clickable links actually contain a virus.

Searching for Erin Andrews' sexy pics is an activity you must do at your own risk, but if you click on a link that supposedly offers streaming video or hot stills, you might also fry your home or company computer. Apparently this is not sufficient to deter plenty of would-be voyeurs from searching for the hot item, and since not even the likelihood of contracting a computer virus keeps eager mouse clicks at bay, the fact that the Erin Andrews peephole pictures are actually a celebrity invasion of privacy most certainly has no bearing on their 'Net surfing, either.

Celebrity Invasion of Privacy and the First Amendment
TMZ, celebrity hounds par excellence, have earned a lot of truth capital when they were the first to report on the death of Michael Jackson. While it is uncanny under how many rocks the agency has first hand sources - aiming a peephole camera at the TMZ payroll list might be a feat for any paparazzo who dares - their stock in trade is to usually have cameras at the ready and then catch celebs in embarrassing situations or asking such inane questions that even Dennis Miller might be hard pressed to find something witty to retort.

Erin Andrews Peephole Pictures

in Entertainment

It seems that people are getting tired of the endless search for Erin Andrews Peephole video links (megaupload, rapidshare, torrents, mediafire, etc).
This maybe because of reports that Erin Andrews Peephole video available to the web all links to malware and trojans.

This is the reason why people are now resulting to safer means, they are looking for Erin Andrews Peephole Pictures, photo or pics in the Web.
If you could remember, just days ago, ESPN Reporter Erin Andrews is a victim of a hidden camera which caught private videos of her inside the hotel she's staying in.
This is now the popular Erin Andrews Peephole video which was first uploaded by NFSWpoa which is downed already.
This maybe the reason why video sites are very vigilant about the Erin Andrews Peephole Videos, because they might suffer the fate that NFSWPOA suffered.

Now, back to the topic about Erin Andrews Peephole Pictures. I tried searching for the keyword 'Erin Andrews Peephole' in Google (GOOG) Images. Many images entitled as such are available but none of them are the real deal.

They just use the 'erin andrews peephole' as the title for the picture for it to be easily searched and indexed. I guess online photo sites are also removing erin andrews peephole pictures immediately.

Thousands trying to access naked footage of ESPN reporter Erin Andrews duped into downloading virus

Hackers converted interest in a naked video of ESPN beauty Erin Andrews into the perfect trap.

Thousands of voyeurs got a lesson in karma over the weekend when they tried to download naked footage of ESPN reporter Erin Andrews - but got a computer virus instead.

Video of the pretty and popular sports reporter undressing in a hotel room hit the web last week. It was taken through the door's peephole and shows the 31-year-old stark naked.

Now hackers are taking advantage of the much-Googled download. Many links that claim to have the tape actually have a virus.

"Hackers are no slacks when it comes to taking advantage of a hot Internet search trend. And they have been quick to set up bogus webpages claiming to contain the video footage of Ms. Andrews in her hotel room," Graham Cluley of the anti-virus software company Sophos told USA Today.

Many of the real video links were broken after Andrews' lawyer and the ESPN legal team stepped in - pointing out that she is actually the victim of a crime.

"While alone in the privacy of her hotel room, Erin Andrews was surreptitiously videotaped without her knowledge or consent," her lawyer said in a statement.

"Although the perpetrator or perpetrators of this criminal act have not yet been identified, when they are identified she intends to bring both civil and criminal charges against them and against anyone who has published the material," the lawyer wrote.

Erin Andrews Peephole Video Link See Her Naked, Catch a Virus

Hackers Using Erin Andrews Peephole Video Link to Spread Computer Viruses
The Erin Andrews peephole video internet sensation not only continues to grow, but it has been linked to various viruses as well. Sophos reported Monday that hackers have taken advantage of the wild popularity of ESPN sportscaster Erin Andrews and her
Erin Andrews Peephole Video Link: See Her Naked, Catch a Virus
Date: July 20, 2009
 peephole video links, hooking the users up to viruses once the webpages are accessed by the curious.

No doubt they will dub it the "Erin Andrews peephole video virus," or some such. And who knew that just looking could cause such harm...

Graham Cluley, a representative of Sophos, was quoted in USA Today: "Hackers are no slacks when it comes to taking advantage of a hot internet search trend, and they have been quick to set up bogus webpages claiming to contain the video footage of Ms. Andrews in her hotel room."

Some might think this a bit of justice, considering that Erin Andrews was filmed naked in her hotel room through a peephole without her knowledge or her consent. Adding insult to injury, the peephole video was uploaded to the internet, sparking a lively debate as to the true identity of the attractive blonde. Those who were certain it was Erin Andrews won the day when the sidelines sportscaster released a statement through her lawyers that the subject of the peephole video was indeed her, was taken without her knowledge or consent, and would be investigated -- with the further promise of prosecution for the perpetrators. Erin Andrews finished her statement with an appeal for people to respect her privacy, which, if taken to its logical conclusion, meant that she would appreciate people not viewing her without her consent.

Erin Andrews Peephole Video: The Allure of a Female Sportscaster

Understanding the Appeal of a Fully Clothed Female
The current Erin Andrews peephole video internet craze is an amazing thing to watch. As of this writing, there are three google terms directly related to the Erin Andrews peephole video in their Top 20 list. At least one of the many different terms
Erin Andrews Peephole Video: The Allure of a Female Sportscaster
Date: July 19, 2009
 that have risen and fallen in the past few days has perched at No. 1 and sometimes for more than a couple hours. But Erin Andrews is no stranger to google searches and blogosphere popularity (USA Today called her "Erin Pageviews"), peephole video notwithstanding. She is constantly represented in the google search engine's highest trending terms and topics. And why not? She's a beautiful, talented woman who stands in front of a camera and reports events that are primarily watched by men. For many men, it's the combining of their two greatest passions -- women and sports.

And Erin Andrews represents the idyllic. She has carefully kept her body covered through the years, only allowing herself to be seen in a couple of swimwear photos. She dresses professionally, has a pretty good sense of what looks good on her, and delivers her sports reports without bend-overs, lean-ins, hair flips, or other feminine come-on mannerisms. And that is why she has been voted Playboy's Sexiest Sportcaster two years in a row. Professional and beautiful.

Because men, to be blunt, have an atavistic desire to hunt. And although the provocatively dressed (or scantily dressed -- or even the naked) will get a man's attention, it is the allure of the woman who shows confidence and let's you know she's a woman simply by her obvious feminine attributes that keeps the typical male redirecting his attention. Erin Andrews has lent herself an air of mystery as well by not going the easy route of celebrity and posing naked or semi-nude in swimsuits to promote herself. Erin Andrews exudes confidence, experience, and knowledge of her subject. She is also all woman in a crowd of men on the sidelines at the sporting events she covers, a distinction that highlights her femininity.

Erin Andrews Peephole Video Crosses Line of Decency

The Erin Andrews Peephole Video is Still Burning Up the Internet a Day Later
Erin Andrews peephole video is still causing quite a stir around the internet. The Erin Andrews peephole video, as many internet bloggers are calling it, was an invasion of privacy against Erin Andrews that has turned into one of the biggest things on the internet right now. The Erin
Erin Andrews Peephole Video Crosses Line of Decency
 Andrews peephole video is going to join the ranks of Kim Kardashian and Paris Hilton in regards to how many people want to find it, but the difference is that the Erin Andrews peephole video is a grievous invasion of privacy. Statements from the Erin Andrews camp show that she isn't going to take it lightly though, and the Erin Andrews peephole video could lead to some potential arrests.

The infamous Erin Andrews peephole video is apparently a depiction of Erin Andrews getting ready for the day while fixing her hair in a compromising position. The Erin Andrews peephole video gets its name, because apparently it was video-taped through the peephole of her hotel room door. Obviously this video is a huge invasion of Erin Andrews and her privacy, and something that no person would take lightly. Because Erin Andrews is in the spotlight so much recently, people have become aware of whom she is, and as a result millions of people have been searching for this video to see what it's all about.

Erin Andrews is a sports reporter that works for ESPN, having taken on the role after modeling earlier in her career. Erin Andrews is often seen as a sidelines reporter at various sporting events, and has recently become quite famous for doing just that. In a story recently, it was reported that she was injured by a foul ball while reporting at a Major League Baseball game, and that alone got her an article on sites like TMZ as well as on CNN. It also brought her into the consciousness of fans that had not heard of Erin Andrews prior to that point.

Erin Andrews Peephole Video: What You're Not Seeing

The Erin Andrews Peephole Video is Just a Professional Distraction
Erin Andrews may now be the most sought after woman in sports -- and all because of an elusive peephole video that has been uploaded to the internet. The Erin Andrews peephole video has gone viral -- or at least articles and ads purporting to have the Erin Andrews peephole video have
Erin Andrews Peephole Video: What You're Not Seeing
 gone viral -- and the internet has been ablaze for the past couple days with traffic either accessing or attempting to access the comely sports announcer's naked form via a video filmed without her knowledge. For her part, she has issued a legal statement through her lawyers that once the perpetrator or perpetrators are found, they will be prosecuted.

And rightly so...

Erin Andrews, for those who still have no idea who she is, works for ESPN as a sports reporter. Apart from being extremely attractive and popular, she is very good at her job. And although the more cynical will say that Erin Andrews has made it as far as she has primarily because of her looks, it must be noted that, if true, it isn't because she has calculatingly used her beauty to become a popular ESPN sports reporter. You won't find half a dozen swimsuit calendars with Erin Andrews posed provocatively atop the months of the year. And you won't find any nude photos or Playboy spreads (although she has been voted Playboy's Sexiest Sports Announcer).

And no sex tape. There is no Erin Andrews sex tape.

But you can find her in hundreds of photos on the web. For some, she wears far too many clothes, but clothed she is. And her photos (and videos) rarely show her in anything overly provocative, although she doesn't steer away from the forming fitting pair of slacks or an accentuating sweater. (There is nothing wrong with dressing for success or simply looking presentable. Male sports announcers are not seen running the sidelines in sweats or a ragged t-shirt and jeans.)

Still, Erin Andrews seems to have taken great pains over the years to be taken as a serious sports reporter, announcer, and journalist.

Erin Andrews peephole: Our obsession with thin and beautiful

Erin Andrews ESPY awards, peephole, thin

In the world of love, dating, and marriage – a few men have weighed in on stories regarding women and weight.

It seems that our obsession with thin women has taken such a hold these days, that the beautiful Erin Andrews, sports reporter for ESPN was the victim of a peeping Tom incident in the privacy of her hotel room.

The video went viral and fortunately not just her attorneys but sportscasters are denouncing her invasion of privacy.

This is just an example of what happens in a society in which we place so much value on external beauty.

In a piece called Weight-yIssues called Kristen Houghton gave terrific advice to a woman who wrote and said, "Two weeks ago, while we were at the lake he [boyfriend] told me I  shouldn't wear a bathing suit because I looked jiggly and heavy."

And my story on the Evian Skating Babies inspired a debate between a few readers in that I focused on Queen Latifah.  In response to a comment from a man, Mrs. Dru says:  "Where would Renoir be, without the voluptuous woman?"

J answered:  "I admire and respect Queen Latifah- but notice, too, she always stands alone in her confident body image. No man on her arm...She may want it that way, which is fine, but it could also be that her dating prospects are slim, no matter her beauty and class."  [Note: Queen Latifah appears to have a steady female companion.]

And we wonder why someone out there thinks it is it is all right for the viral world to see more of a beautiful woman even if it must be through a peephole -- and without her knowledge?

Watch Erin Andrews Peephole Video

Tags : Erin Andrews, Erin Andrews Boyfriend, erin andrews peephole video cache, erin andrews peephole video download torrent, erin andrews peephole video google cache, erin andrews peephole video watch, Erin Andrews PHOTOS, Erin Andrews Pictures, Erin Andrews Wiki
Watch Erin Andrews Peephole Video

Erin Andrews is getting the Paris Hilton effect. Paris Hilton had her tape leak out and thats the best thing that could have happened to an unknown celebrity who was famous for being famous.

The leaking of the tape was a first time for Paris and it led to instant stardom which hasn't abated yet.

Interestingly the idea caught on and few other stars tried the same strategy of having their home made tape leak into public but by then the public had caught on and the idea had fizzled out.

This whole thing meant that even though people were interested in watching the stars but they were smart not to get caught up into the hype of a deliberate "leaked tape".

But this Erin Andrews Peephole Video has shown that people still want to see the stars, just that the mechanism of how the tape gets leaked is different. Instead of having the whole tape being leaked, if somebody video tapes in the process and then releases it, its even better.

Check out my other articles on Erin Andrews from below:




My recommendation to you all would be, desist from watching this tape. The resolution, I have been told, is extremely poor, so it could be any girl out there. (Erin Andrews lawyer giving public statements has at least confirmed the tape is legit). Its of a very short duration and not really worth it.

But the factor that plays the strongest part in all this is, all these malicious worm writers are having a field day getting people to click on a link saying it leads to the tape, but is actually a trojan etc.

So at the risk of getting your computers infected, I would say, this whole Watch Erin Andrews Peephole Video is just not worth it.

Erin Andrews Peep-Hole Video Google Cache kept a copy of it and it is now making the rounds

There is a big story making the rounds that ESPN star(let) Erin Andrews had an unauthorized video reportedly taken through a peep-hole in her hotel room.
Erin Andrews

Erin Andrews

The original video was placed on a mature celeb peep-style sleeze web page, but was soon taken down after ESPN's lawyers sent this threatening letter to the site:

    I am the General Counsel of ESPN, Inc. It has come to my attention that you have posted on your site pictures of a young, blonde woman . . . These pictures were obviously taken through a peephole or otherwise in a fashion constituting a trespass/assault on the rights of the woman involved. Your continued posting of these pictures are highly likely to render you an accessory after the fact to a criminal act. We hereby demand that you (i) immediately remove these pictures from your site and (ii) disclose to us the source of the pictures. We intend to hold you fully responsible for further display of material that so obviously violates the law.

    Please confirm by return e-mail that you intend to comply with these demands. In the absence of such confirmation we will assume you are an active and willing participant in these acts.

    David Pahl

As a warning, the link is very NSFW and please use proper discretion. It now appears that this Erin Andrews Peep Hole video may be authentic as her lawyer has released the following statement:

    "While alone in the privacy of her hotel room, Erin Andrews was surreptitiously videotaped without her knowledge or consent. She was the victim of a crime and is taking action to protect herself and help ensure that others are not similarly violated in the future. Although the perpetrator or perpetrators of this criminal act have not yet been identified, when they are identified she intends to bring both civil and criminal charges against them and against anyone who has published the material. We request respect of Erin's privacy at this time, while she and her representatives are working with the authorities."

The only problem is that, while the Erin Andrews Peep Hole video was indeed taken down, Google Cache kept a copy of it and it is now making the rounds. I will not link directly to the video, however, if you are interested, this web page (which is safe for work) does have a link, should your prurient minds get the best of you.

Erin Andrews Peephole Video should lead to jail for cameraman

Here is Deadspin's take (complete with an apology) on the Erin Andrews video scandal, prominently featuring a link to my earlier post on this subject.

Hmm. Thanks for the link, but now I feel I should clarify my position:

I certainly wasn't calling out Deadspin in particular. I meant to implicate the entire sports blogosphere (this one included).

Even though the vast majority of us obviously do not endorse what happened, our playful obsession with Ms. Andrews - about which she consistently has been a good sport - surely helped set the stage for this.

What I do endorse is this: That the guy (or gal) who pulled this hidden camera trick spend some quality time in prison.

ESPN's statement: "Erin has been grievously wronged here. Our people and resources are in full support of her as she deals with this abhorrent act."

Erin Andrews Peephole Video Prompts Stern Warning from ESPN Lawyer

News that an Erin Andrews peephole video has hit the web is infinitely more provocative than the story that last surfaced about the attractive ESPN reporter (where she was hit in the chin by foul ball at a Dodgers-Mets game). But one can safely assume that
Erin Andrews Peephole Video Prompts Stern Warning from ESPN Lawyer
 Erin Andrews would much prefer to get hit by a baseball than to have the Erin Andrews peephole video go viral. In fact, one can safely assume that Erin Andrews would prefer to do just about anything than have an Erin Andrews peephole video plastered all over the Web.

According to the Daily Contributor, the Erin Andrews peephole video was shot surreptitiously through a peephole in a hotel room (where she allegedly appears nude) and uploaded onto the Internet by NFSW.poa; as a result, ESPN's attorney is insisting that the Erin Andrews peephole video be taken down posthaste.

Erin Andrews' attorney points out that the Erin Andrews peephole video constitutes a trespass and an assault on Erin Andrews' rights and that if the video remains posted, those responsible are likely to be considered an "accessory after the fact to a criminal act."

It seems rather obvious why people (particularly men) would be interested in seeing an Erin Andrews peephole video (after all, she is easy on the eyes).

On the other hand, there is something a little sleazy (okay, a lot sleazy) about looking at nude pictures of someone when said pictures were acquired without the person's knowledge or consent.

This is what is commonly referred to as voyeurism. According to Wikipedia, in "clinical psychology voyeurism is the sexual interest in or practice of spying on people engaged in intimate behaviors, such as undressing, sexual activity, or other activity considered to be of a private nature."

The bottom line is that voyeurism is widely considered to be deviant behavior and, according to Wikipedia, video voyeurism is an offense in nine U.S. states (hence the above-noted warning of the illegality of the Erin Andrews peephole video by ESPN's lawyer).

Simply put, it's uncool to surreptitiously take pictures of or film someone when they are nude or otherwise engaged in "intimate behaviors."

Blogosphere's Erin Andrews obsession crosses line

To this point, the blogosphere's endless fascination with Erin Andrews mostly has been harmless, semi-wholesome fun.

But that changed this week with the surfacing of video somehow taken of Ms. Andrews through a hotel peephole, when she was in a state of extreme undress.

Not cool. The video has been deleted from most sites by now, but not all.

Via PRNewsire:

With respect to recent Internet postings of Erin Andrews, she has authorized her attorney, Marshall B. Grossman of Bingham McCutchen LLP, to issue the following statement:

"While alone in the privacy of her hotel room, Erin Andrews was surreptitiously videotaped without her knowledge or consent. She was the victim of a crime and is taking action to protect herself and help ensure that others are not similarly violated in the future. Although the perpetrator or perpetrators of this criminal act have not yet been identified, when they are identified she intends to bring both civil and criminal charges against them and against anyone who has published the material. We request respect of Erin's privacy at this time, while she and her representatives are working with the authorities."

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Erin Andrews Peephole Video: Naked Truth About Her Invaded Privacy

Public Figure or Not, Erin Andrews Deserves a Reasonable Amount of Personal Privacy
Erin Andrews, the ESPN sports blogger and reporter, is a beautiful woman and the object of attention for many, including one opportunist who decided to take a video of her in a hotel room through a peephole. To be sure, Erin Andrews' every move is scrutinized
Erin Andrews Peephole Video: Naked Truth About Her Invaded Privacy

 by both sports fans and admirers of feminine pulchritude on a daily basis. Of course, as soon as the news hit the internet that there was a "peephole" video of a naked Erin Andrews to be seen, search engines became strained with movement to find said peephole video. Apparently, just the idea of seeing Erin Andrews naked or in some form of undress, even through the confined parameters of a peephole, was enough for many. And the race was on for Erin Andrews and her lawyers to attempt to block the video wherever possible before it went viral. But viral it went...

Still, when Erin Andrews is not working for ESPN or is not out in the public (the paparazzi are everywhere), the 31-year-old, just like any other individual, has a reasonable expectation to personal privacy. A hotel room, a sort of home-away-from-home, is an area where the reporter could and should expect a fairly high degree of privacy, barring not pulling the shades or leaving the door to her hotel room open. Having oneself shot on video through the peephole of a door or wall goes beyond the pale of the normal parameters of observation. It would be something most would not consider or guard against, leaving one vulnerable to the determined voyeur.

Such was the case with Erin Andrews.

The Erin Andrews peephole video appeared on YouTube for awhile but was quickly blocked. Then it was available in the Google search engine cache (and most likely will have been blocked by the time this article sees print). But it was not at first known for certain that the naked blonde in the peephole video was actually Erin Andrews, igniting an internet debate over the identity of the video's naked target. Erin Andrews legal team moved swiftly, however, admitting that the images in the peephole video were Erin Andrews and promised legal action against anyone and everyone responsible for the making of the video and its dissemination online.

ESPN Snuffs Out NSFW POA Erin Andrews Peephole Video

Erin Andrews at the 2009 MLB Home Run Derby

ESPN has sent a video to the blog NSFW POA after the site posted a peephole video of a nude woman in her hotel that was suspected to be sideline reporter Erin Andrews.

The video was posted yesterday without mention to ESPN or Andrews. Blogger Doug Sheckler posted the video with the title: "Hot naked blonde who looks a lot like a sports blogger favorite in her hotel room."

ESPN wasted no time in firing a missile at Sheckler from their legal team:

    I am the General Counsel of ESPN, Inc. It has come to my attention that you have posted on your site pictures of a young, blonde woman at [redacted]. These pictures were obviously taken through a peephole or otherwise in a fashion constituting a trespass/assault on the rights of the woman involved. Your continued posting of these pictures are highly likely to render you an accessory after the fact to a criminal act. We hereby demand that you (i) immediately remove these pictures from your site and (ii) disclose to us the source of the pictures. We intend to hold you fully responsible for further display of material that so obviously violates the law.

    Please confirm by return e-mail that you intend to comply with these demands. In the absence of such confirmation we will assume you are an active and willing participant in these acts.

    David Pahl

It seems that ESPN was convienced enough that it was the popular Erin Andrews.  The video has seen been removed from the site, but thousands of men online are still trying to find the video or a cache of the site from yesterday where they can access it.

If the video was not staged and was in fact of Andrews or another unsuspecting female then it is wrong and should have never been posted.  ESPN, by their actions, seems to think that it was of Andrews and did the write thing, with the letter, protecting their asset.

UPDATE: It turns out that the woman in the peephole video was in fact Erin Andrews, and her attorney has issued a statement that she will file criminal and civil charges against whoever made the video along with those who published the material as well.

    "While alone in the privacy of her hotel room, Erin Andrews was surreptitiously videotaped without her knowledge or consent. She was the victim of a crime and is taking action to protect herself and help ensure that others are not similary violated in the future. Although the perpetrator or perpetrators of this criminal act have not yet been identified, when they are identified she intends to bring both civil and criminal charges against them and against anyone who has published the material. We request respect of Erin's privacy at this time, while she and her representatives are working with the authorities."

This case will for sure be very interesting to see how it will unfold

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