Friday, July 24, 2009

Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures: Will the Search Ever End?

Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures: Will the Search Ever End?

    * Erin Andrews Video Peep Airs on Mainstream Media
    * Erin Andrews Video Peep: An ESPN Inside Job?
    * "Watch Erin Andrews Video Peep" Newest Search Frenzy

Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures: Will the Search Ever End?
Is the Erin Andrews Video Controversy Newsworthy?
Will voyeurs ever stop searching the Web for Erin Andrews video peep pictures? One who follows the news would have to be excused for believing that the desperate search for Erin Andrews video peep pictures will stretch out into eternity.

For almost a week now, Erin Andrews video peep pictures (and all the various iterations the search phrase has morphed into - including, but not limited to, "Erin Andrews peephole video," "Erin Andrews peephole pictures" and "Erin Andrews peephole megaupload") has been the hottest search topic on the web.

Unless you're an alien living on a planet far, far away from Earth, you would know that the story started when some miscreant (or miscreants) surreptitiously filmed Erin Andrews through a peephole in a hotel room while she was undressing.

Once the now-infamous Erin Andrews peephole video hit the Internet, Andrews' lawyers demanded that the videos be taken down and promised to vigorously prosecute those involved in perpetuating the crime.

But that did not stop people from searching for the video and their enablers from posting it.

And then hackers got into the act and started posting links containing malware; others have posted links that lead prospective voyeurs to nothing more than a sales pitch for some product (clever, uh?)

Some conspiracy-theory types believe that Erin Andrews staged the whole thing as a giant publicity stunt (come on, now - why would she take such a huge risk? Besides, her career is already going gangbusters).

The latest Erin Andrews peephole video news is that it may have been shot by an ESPN coworker (or coworkers) without her knowledge or consent.

Plenty of people are understandably outraged over the Erin Andrews peephole video controversy.

But others are equally angry at the media for covering the story so thoroughly.

But, you see, the Erin Andrews peephole video controversy is a huge, huge, story. It speaks to many issues, including the role the Internet plays in perpetuating prurient new stories, the emergence of female sports reporters, sexism in pro sports, voyeurism, betrayal, publicity, the public's fascination with celebrities, etc.

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