Thursday, August 20, 2009

Liskula Cohen, Ex-Model, Wins Lawsuit; "Skanks In NYC" Blogger Can Be Revealed

Liskula Cohen, Ex-Model, Wins Lawsuit; "Skanks In NYC" Blogger Can Be Revealed

Read More: Blogger, Google, Ho, Liskula Cohen, Liskula Cohen Lawsuit, Skank, Skanks In Nyc, New York News

A judge ruled in Liskula Cohen's favor Monday, saying the ex-model is entitled to know the identity of the creator of "Skanks in NYC," a now-defunct blog. Cohen argued that the creator of the blog possibly defamed her by calling her "skank" and an "old hag."

In her decision, Judge Joan Madden wrote that, "the thrust of the blog is that [Cohen] is a sexually promiscuous woman," and Cohen is therefore entitled to file a defamation lawsuit. Google would be forced to provide the blogger's name in order for her to do so.

In a separate incident, Cohen received 46 stitches on her face and mouth in 2007 after being attacked by a bottle-wielding doorman at a nightclub.

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