Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Nude Lindsay Lohan NY Mag Pics Revisited, Causes Scene At Airport After No First Class Seats Available

Nude Lindsay Lohan NY Mag Pics Revisited, Causes Scene At Airport After No First Class Seats Available

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Lindsay Lohan caused a scene when she unable to travel first class on a recent flight. Nude photos of Lindsay Lohan are in New York Magazine and the star has never gotten so much attention...or positive feedback! Read about her tantrum here.

It was nearly a year ago that the Lindsay Lohan nude photo shoot in New York Magazine came out. Those photos can be found here (first link safe)

Dina Lohan, the mother of Lindsay Lohan, approved of her daughter's  photo shoot in that issue of New York magazine, insisting the revealing spread was "tastefully done".

The Mean Girls actress bares all behind strips of sheer fabric in the raunchy photos, which are copies of images photographer Bert Stern shot of Marilyn Monroe. Here's the rub, Marilyn's shoot was just six weeks before she died in 1962.

Lohan had never stripped off in print or on screen before, but didn't hesitate to emulate her hero Monroe. And mom Dina was proud of her then 21-year-old daughter saying, "It was very tastefully done. I respect the photographer as an artist, so I look at them artistically. For him to call Lindsay 46 years later and to say can you recreate these photos is an honor."

"I don't look at them like it's Playboy; she was being a character. If you look at it that way, you can look at it as a mother."

It's nearly a year later and me thinks she should just do Playboy already as her star is fading fast and she's not making any friends.

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