Friday, July 24, 2009

Erin Andrews Peephole Video; Are Pictures Legitimate News? Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures: Will the Search Ever End?

Erin Andrews Peephole Video; Are Pictures Legitimate News?

    * Erin Andrews Peephole Video on CBS and Fox News
    * Erin Andrews Video Peep Pictures: Will the Search Ever End?
    * Erin Andrews Peephole Video: Did an ESPN Co-Worker Make the Video?

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Erin Andrews Peephole Video; Are Pictures Legitimate News?
Date: July 24, 2009
Are CBS, Fox News, the New York Post Actually Perpetuating Erin Andrews' Invasion of Privacy?
The Erin Andrews peephole video invasion of privacy controversy has done one thing: nearly taken over the internet, giving the Michael Jackson story a little rest before its sure return on top of the final autopsy report. The Erin Andrews peephole video has not only dominated the internet, it has also went mainstream, garnering time on all the major networks, even seeing parts of the illegally obtained video shown on CBS and Fox News in the guise of "news." Fox's Bill O'Reilly went a step further in legitimizing the Erin Andrews peephole video by showing approximately 10 seconds of the actual video (properly blurred where necessary to ensure that Erin Andrews' privacy was not again violated [sarcasm implied]). Then ESPN banned New York Post reporters from their airwaves over their publication of Erin Andrews peephole video pictures on the front page of their newspaper.

And all the while, as one revelation is followed by another controversy that is inspired by something associated with the publication of the Erin Andrews peephole video, the media outlets are doing exactly the same thing as the "creepy cameraman" (New York Post appellation) -- taking an illegally obtained video of the naked sportscaster and publishing/posting it for others to view it, albeit blurred, pixilated, or black-barred out (or red-barred, as was the case with Fox News).

Still, blurred out for ten seconds (Bill O'Reilly), pixilated for several seconds (CBS "Early Show"), black-barred over (the New York Post), red-barred over ("Fox & Friends"), or shown in blurry fashion (the quality of the peephole video is reportedly not of the highest quality) without interruption on some website somewhere on the internet, Erin Andrews is being exploited for increased viewership. And every second of it is an invasion of her privacy, including the occluded pictures and video segments.

Erin Andrews and ESPN: Peephole Video, Still Photos Cost N.Y. Post

The N.Y. Post and ESPN have had a falling out over the peephole video shot of Erin Andrews, a sideline reporter for the network. The still photos that were pulled from the perverted grainy video tape were published by the Post and that led ESPN to decide that, will no longer have their writer's appear on any of their programs on the cable channel.
Erin Andrews and ESPN: Peephole Video, Still Photos Cost N.Y. Post
Erin Andrews and ESPN: Peephole Video, Still Photos Cost N.Y. Post

According to the lawyer for Andrews, the paper published three of the pictures.  The Post blames ABC, saying they drew attention to the tape when they demanded that the original website take the peephole video down.  The tape was sent to Hollywood's Thirty Mile Zone monitors at TMZ and they refused to air it, but once they ran the story the search was on to find the tape.  The story exploded once the popular website reported on it.


Some websites had the video while others published still images and even linked to websites that were busy loading malicious code onto computers and laptops worldwide of those that wanted their own copy.  A report from the Chicago Tribune cites and earlier Associated Press report that says the tape was filmed illegally and without the knowledge of Erin Andrews. 

Her attorney says "Andrews plans to seek criminal charges and file civil lawsuits against the person who shot the video and anyone who publishes the material."  Should ESPN have dumped the Post writers?  I think it is good that they have Erin's back.

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